Important Note: If you have third-party software installed to clean up apps that have been deleted, you should disable the software during any app update as it can irrevocably delete that app's data.
- Fixed the appearance of the Sidebar icon in the Preferences window.
- Attempted to fix a threading crash updating the External Editors menu.
- Removed the "Report a Crash" menu item.
- Fixed slow scrolling when text zoom is above 100%.
- Changed the installed Terminal tool to a symbolic link instead of a copy.
- Changed the behavior of the "center" button in the calendar to make sure the selected date is visible only (no matter where it is).
- Improved support for importing from DayOne to accept the actual JSON file, not just the zip file with the JSON file in it.
- Added an AppleScript command to import a file as an entry.
- Improved the AppleScript support for taking in rich text into an entry to accept more types of rich text.
- Added a way to create an entry from a link in an entry via the contextual menu.
- The minimum required macOS version is now 10.15.
- Added "Save" and "Cancel" buttons to the search options area when the Entries List is on the left or right of the window.
- Added an calendar overlay when editing dates in the Inspector.
- Fixed a crash importing JSON exports from Day One.
- Added buttons to the Timeline view to increase and decrease the zoom level past what the slider will allow.
- Changed the look of the buttons in the journal selection view and the empty selection view.
- Fixed an issue posting to hosted WordPress blogs.
- Rewrote several major UI components in Swift for future stability and fixed several small bugs along the way.
- Improved selection behavior in the sidebar and Entries List to change less unexpectedly when both are open.
- Improved reliability of saved web archives by not allowing them to perform some network requests from the saved JavaScript.
- Fixed scrolling issues with "Keep Selection Centered" in Focused Editing.
- Improved behavior with automatic lists in plain text entries.
- Fixed a crash recovering missing entry text if the document is located in the Backups folder.
- Redesigned the font picker in the Fonts preference pane to be modal and work with VoiceOver better.
- Disabled the the 25% and 50% text zoom levels.