MacJournal 6
Version History
- Added hidden pref to control attachment file naming for HTML export.
- When a search is performed via the toolbar search field, that text will be added as the shared Find string across apps.
- Fixed issue exporting an RTFD file when trying to overwrite an existing file.
- Fixed an issue preventing entries from sometimes scrolling to the first match when searching text.
- Fixed an issue discovering entries in a text file without any date labels.
- Fixed an issue causing full rebuild of the Spotlight search index on each launch.
- Fixed a crash when syncing data with an iOS device.
- Fixed unsaved tags not getting saved if you quit before doing something else.
- Fixed an issue specifying an editor with extra arguments for the MacJournal tool.
- The individual files backup should now take place even if the only thing you've done is delete or move an entry.
- The individual files backup will be more accurate in the face of journals with the same name and entries that differ only by case.
- The individual files backup will remove any folders for deleted or renamed journals.
- Fixed issue changing journal sorting in the Inspector popup or window.
- Fixed issue preventing Spotlight index from updating.
- Fixed an issue using "Next" or "Previous Entry" with the Entries list open in some cases where there are smart journal references and the original entry in the same list.
- Fixed downloading links as web archives for complex web pages with lots of images.
- Fixed a case where the original URL was not saved as the entry link when dragging a link into the Entries list or sidebar.
- Text saved from AppleScript will be scanned for links if that preference is enabled.
- Improved conflict resolution with Dropbox.
- Added a hidden pref to filter exported text by a certain highlight color.
- Fixed an issue downloading all Blogger posts not getting any more than 10.
- Added a "Rename" button to the Colors pref pane for the highlights, labels, and text colors.
- Entries downloaded from Blogger will save location info, if the post had it.
- Added a way to import HTML text to an entry via Apple Script.
- Fixed issue where the Markdown Preview window would not update until the first time you edited some text.
- Files imported into MacJournal will now have correct word counts before editing them for the first time.
- Sharing an entry via email will use the entry's topic as the email subject.
- Added support for importing attachments from Evernote XML.
- Added hidden pref to create a new tab for entries created in Quick Note.
- Added hidden pref to limit tags shown in the Change Tags sheet to the current journal.
- Added hidden pref to control exactly what hour document backups happen.
- Fixed Control-Option-F moving window focus to the search field.
- Improved handling of servers when the new API is enabled.
- Added hidden preference to enable the system built-in editing inspector bar for text.
- Added a hidden toolbar item to show the favorite styles (also visible in the Ruler).
- Added a menu item when running on Yosemite to show the Style bar as a replacement for lost ruler functionality.
- Use the Apple built-in media browsers on Yosemite instead of iMedia to read the new photo library.
- Added hidden prefs for controlling formatting for Copy as HTML.
- Fixed an issue preventing encrypted journals from unlocking in the command line tool.
- Added a hidden pref to control double-clicking on non-textual entries in a list.
- Fixed an issue where the Change Password sheet would not reject mismatched new passwords when changing the hint.
- Fixed an issue where exporting multiple entries to certain formats would not include related files, if that was desired.
- Fixed an issue adding related files to an entry in an encrypted journal.
- Added ability to specify a target journal when using a MacJournal "add" URL.
- Added a hidden pref to control a text zoom setting for the Markdown Preview window.
- Made the removal of old backups visible as something in the Activity window so you can cancel if you want.
- Fixed handling of dragged links as web archives.
- Fixed a situation where the displayed character count is incorrect with multiple text selection ranges.
- Fixed entered text in Quick Note going away when switching journals.
- Fixed the sidebar not updating when a journal locks or unlocks while not in hierarchical document navigation mode.
- Added ability to specify a path for a file to use when creating an entry via the command line tool. Also accepts input from standard input if that is a pipe. Can also add a tag directly from the command line.
- Added a hidden pref to merge imported MacJournal documents instead of adding all journals.
- Fixed a crash when starting up in certain document navigation modes with some forms of data.
- Improved blogging compatibility with some HTTPS servers.
- Fixed the selection not restoring with a non-hierarchical navigation mode at launch if there are a lot of entries.
- Fixed a situation where duplicate entries could be created when using Dropbox.
- Fixed editing using the MacJournal Terminal tool on Mavericks.
- Fixed a rare issue exporting entries to PDF.
- Fixed a crash when editing an entry in a journal sorted by modification date while a search is ongoing.
- Improved performance during search indexing.
- Added a hidden pref to show custom fields for editing when sending to WordPress.
- Fixed a crash when adding a new entry to a month with no other entries in it when in Date navigation mode.
- Fixed a rare crash loading certain empty entries.
- Fixed issue where Quick Note was not using the default font of the destination journal or entry.
- Fixed layout issues in books when the text zoom is set to higher than 100%.
- Improved auto-configuration for certain kinds of Tumblr URLs.
- Fixed an issue where new entries made in Focused Editing mode but not saved before exiting that mode are not saved.
- Improved resizing images in entries when there are other images as well.
- Fixed a rare crash while syncing with an iOS device.
- Fixed posting to Blogger via hidden legacy protocol.
- Fixed posting to multiple Blogger blogs without having to log out.
- Improved recognition of inserted text separators to avoid false positives from manually typed series of hyphens.
- Fixed a case where newly entered tags would not be saved in created entries from Quick Note without moving to a different field in the window.
- Fixed an issue closing the Registration info sheet.
- Fixed a crash during some blogging operations on Snow Leopard.
- When printing a single entry, the printing job title will be set to the entry's topic.
- Improved appearance of lists and tables when sending to a blog.
- Added a hidden preference to have a separate text inset for Quick Note.
- Added a hidden preference to bypass the search index when searching and load everything.
- Fixed an issue removing the password from an encrypted journal that is also inside of an encrypted journal.
- Fixed a rare crash when bringing the application back to the foreground.
- Fixed an issue where canceling an export would leave the progress spinner running.
- Fixed an issue where the "Journal" column would be incorrect when smart journals were selected.
- Draft posts will also be downloaded from Blogger.
- Improved layout of the Info bar in certain cases.
- Fixed error message when attempting to download "all" from Blogger.
- Fixed issue syncing entries with images to an iOS device.
- Added hidden pref to use Apple Maps instead of Google Maps when mapping entries.
- Improved performance of the Find and Replace window when searching text in large documents.
- Sorting changes made in a non-hierarchical navigation mode will be remembered between modes and launches.
- Fixed applying a tag to an entry that already has a tag that is the same except for case differences.
- Fixed issues duplicating an encrypted journal and then modifying it.
- Fixed a rare issue syncing data with aliases to an iOS device.
- Added a hidden pref to control what is displayed in the Entries list (left or ride side).
- Double-clicking an entry with content that can't be edited in MacJournal will directly open that in an external editor.
- Added some rudimentary importing of Apple Notes data.
- If the last selected item was in journal that locked on quit, the top-level journal the item was in will be selected.
- Turned off image dimensions in HTML sent to blogs by default since it can cause trouble with some blog templates.
- Modified some of the text cleanup menu items to work in the Topic field and other text fields as well.
- Improved merging of data on Dropbox.
- Decreased the default time for auto-save to one minute.
- Added a hidden pref to omit the image dimensions from HTML tags.
- Added a message when syncing with an iOS device for the first time.
- Added a hidden pref to control tag sorting in some areas of the UI.
- Added a hidden pref to add a menu item that does very basic entry duplication detection.
- Added a hidden pref to restrict tag auto-completion to the current journal.
- Refreshed categories when posting an entry to a blog will now be saved for next time.
- Added a hidden pref to remember the last used external editor for a given entry type and move it to the top of the list.
- Added a hidden pref to listen for iOS devices for syncing on a predetermined port number.
- Improved handling of invalid XML data from bad blog servers.
- Improved handling of changes from other devices using the same data over Dropbox.
- Added ability to change the currently selected text via AppleScript.
- Added support for Page Up/Down keys in the timeline.
- Added a indication for changing years, months, or days in the timeline, depending on the zoom level.
- Added a way to limit the entries in the timeline to just the selected entries or journals.
- Added a way to cancel a document backup from the sheet.
- Added a "Journal" column in the Entries list to see where entries are from.
- Added a count of results in the Find and Replace window.
- Adopted multi-item dragging support in the OS.
- The Tags field in the Inspector will resize if it needs more room.
- Added export to Markdown to convert the native styles to the Markdown markup.
- Added a live preview window for interpreting the currently edited entry as Markdown.
- Added character count next to word count in the bottom bar.
- Changed the word/character count to limit to the selected text when there is a selection.
- Removed the "Encrypt journals by default in new document" pref since it was very narrowly focused and confusing.
- The line for an entry in the Calendar view mode will display in that entry's label color.
- Double-clicking a smart journal or book in the sidebar will always expand or collapse it to be more consistent with regular journals. Use the gear or book badge to edit its settings.
- Added an item to the Format menu to re-apply the default style to a block of text. Either by removing all styling or by re-applying the template styles.
- Performance enhancements for loading very large entries.
- Added a checkbox to the Print sheet to start each entry on its own page.
- Added hidden pref
to hide even the important badges when badges are turned off.
- Like most other settings near it, changes to the print margins will be saved even if you cancel the print job.
- Added hidden pref to include more characters in the search index, which normally strips out non-alphanumeric characters.
- Added QuickLook preview support for the Spotlight metadata files.
- Syncing with an iOS device will now keep the three past backups of that device, up from one.
- Documents stored in the iOS device backups must also be copied to a new location to be opened, like regular backups.
- Added hidden pref
to avoid treating file types like OpenDocument as editable text.
- Added hidden pref
to create all entries in the Unfiled Items journal when disabled.
- Multiple selection is now correctly saved in a tab after you quit.
- Added menu items for navigating the selection history to the menu bar as hidden alternates.
- Added a hidden pref to add a menu item to jump to an entry with a specified date.
- Improved experience with sending images to FTP servers with URLs that don't have a trailing slash.
- Added hidden pref
to center page numbers.
- Added hidden pref
to match the font used for metadata like Topic to that of the body.
- Improved display of find results for topics in the Find and Replace window.
- Added support for importing Evernote XML files.
- Fixed a potential crash selecting multiple entries.
- Fixed issues showing the recording bar when an entry with a recording is selected at launch.
- Added the ability to change the visible columns in the Entries list by right-clicking any header.
- Fixed the filename not use as the topic of an imported file on Mavericks.
- Fixed the calendar not displaying after changing the month view mode in the lower right corner.
- Added German localization.
- Added a hidden preference to show entry dates instead of topics in the Entries list on the left or right side of the window.
- Added support for renaming preexisting tags in the Change Tags sheet.
- Fixed an issue where switching document navigation modes right after making a change might produce a warning.
- Enabled spell-check on the Annotation field in the Info bar.
- Added importing of the Journler Due Date field.
- Fixed a crash importing certain Journler entries.
- Added support for importing Mac Entourage exports.
- Fixed exporting a smart journal not exporting anything.
- Enabled the "Sort" menu in the Journal menu when nothing is selected to control the top-level journal sorting.
- Fixed search results not updating when the trash is emptied.
- Fixed some cases where undoing after emptying the trash could produce unexpected results.
- Added hidden pref to disable reordering via drag and drop in sorted journals to keep them from switching to manual sorting inadvertently.
- Switched the search scope and type to save per-document and not app-wide.
- Fixed a crash importing Apple Mail files into the search index.
- Added hidden preference to turn off filenames under PDF attachments.
- Added the Writing Direction menu to the Format-Text menu.
- Improved support for blog servers with htaccess passwords.
- Greatly improved the "show dates in the entry time zone" hidden preference.
- Fixed issue making an journal's entry template plain text.
- Fixed issue syncing data with an iOS device that includes aliases where metadata might be lost.
- Disallowed editing of the entry template for a journal that is locked.
- Fixed posting resized images that have orientation metadata, such as iPhone photos.
- Added a hidden preference to enable a special communication method for blogs for better interaction and security, including 2-factor authentication.
- Fixed issues with smart journals searching for modification dates.
- Fixed issue with imported files not being added to the search index right away.
- Improved MacJournal's compensation for Dropbox conflicts.
- Added hidden pref to control the font size used in the Info bar.
- Improved vertical positioning of items in the Info bar.
- Fixed an issue where Find and Replace would find entries in locked journals.
- Fixed a crash changing the background color.
- Improved experience when doing a single "Replace" in the Find and Replace window.
- Fixed an issue where "Topic" wouldn't show up in the list of available metadata for the Info bar.
- Fixed an issue using exported EPUB files with images in iBooks.
- Fixed a crash changing selection in the Entries list when a search is active but the scope is limited to a single journal.
- Fixed a crash while dragging certain journals.
- Fixed a hang when printing in certain circumstances.
- Fixed a crash when editing books in certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where printing a book would include unwanted metadata.
- Fixed a rare crash when populating the search index.
- Fixed a intermittant problem where exporting to a MacJournal data file would yield an empty file.
- Fixed a rare error when backing up the document.
- Fixed a crash when resetting the "Use label color as background color" hidden pref.
- Fixed custom page margins not saving.
- Fixed rare crash encrypting journals.
- Fixed Option-Command-F not bringing window focus to toolbar search field.
- Assorted fixes for rare crashes.
- Fixed issue where HTML files would display as partial HTML.
- Added hidden pref to disable textual separators.
- Fixed issue exporting entries to PDF.
- Fixed incompatibility with Snow Leopard with the Mac App Store download.
- Fixed a crash in the command line tool when typing Return without picking anything.
- Fixed a crash syncing RTFD files to an iOS device from a Snow Leopard Mac.
- When formatting text as HTML, hard line breaks inserted into lists will be respected.
- Added hidden preference
to enable full styling for blogging.
- Added some better support for handling the conflicts that Dropbox can create so the content doesn't come up missing.
- Added options to the command line tool to start in a specific journal or entry, or create a new one.
- Fixed some confusion with toggling sort direction from the column header in the entries list when a journal that has journals inside of it is displayed.
- Added some support for tagging files in OS X Mavericks.
- Fixed an issue where inserting a separator right after an image would just insert a copy of that image.
- Fixed an issue talking to Blogger on Snow Leopard.
- Improved the behavior of the Browse toolbar item when the Entries list is visible and showing the contents of more than one journal.
- Fixed an issue deleting entries posted to Blogger prior to 6.0.6.
- Improved behavior of editing an entry externally when that entry has never been saved before.
- When sending an entry to a blog, if that entry doesn't have a link set, it will use the new blog post's URL.
- Adding the recording time to new lines of text now plays nicely with lists.
- Fixed an issue where the name of the file wasn't used as the link title when adding the link via the Edit Link sheet sometimes.
- Fixed an issue dragging a journal from the sidebar to the Finder.
- Fixed an issue calculating statistics for entries with long text.
- Fixed potential error when performing the individual files backup.
- "Save As" should move the document to the new location, not make a copy.
- Improved toolbar behavior when things overflow into the chevron menu.
- Improved behavior of downloaded posts with audio or video tags.
- Fixed a problem where replacing an entire journal from the backup browser wouldn't bring the right content over.
- Fixed a problem saving column widths in the entries list when in full screen mode.
- Added Norwegian localization.
- Text attachments that are aliases to a file outside of the data file will be shown with the alias icon.
- Added hidden pref to enable old API when posting to Google Blogger in order to workaround shortcomings in the current version of their API.
- Items in the trash no longer show up in the calendar or timeline view mode unless the Trash item is specifically selected.
- Added hidden pref to put the window focus in the text area for new entry edit windows.
- Disabled the "Open in Low Resolution" checkbox in the Finder.
- Moved the Trash toolbar item away from the "New Entry" button in the default toolbar.
- Fixed an error when sending an entry with no text to Blogger.
- Fixed Label toolbar item to show the existing label color in the menu.
- Updated Imgur support to use their API version 3, which includes OAuth authentication.
- Added better support for hidden prefs that are file paths.
- Added hidden pref to control the width of flags in the timeline.
- More iOS syncing improvements, especially for avoiding a long wait while trying to backup the local data on the Mac.
- Fixed the menu item title for "Hide Status Bar" when the status bar is already hidden.
- Added hidden pref to move more of the work to save documents to the background in 10.7 and later.
- When open certain kinds of corrupted documents, MacJournal will try to recover the data available from individual entry content files.
- Added a hidden setting to convert downloaded entries to Markdown if that blog is specified to format in Markdown.
- Improved performance when loading and saving content in large encrypted journals.
- Fixed regression in dragging entries to a place looking for a URL.
- Fixed a problem where the print preview updated incorrectly after changing margins.
- Added ability to drag in mail messages into the icon in the Dock to import them.
- Removed Posterous support.
- Worked around a system issue where deleting the last character of a list line could delete the list item marker instead.
- Fixed the issue preventing text from the iOS device from showing up in the conflict resolution window while syncing.
- Added key combinations for inserting just date or time.
- Increased reliability of the search index.
- Fixed a case where entries were not marked as sent to a Blogger blog if they had been upgraded from an earlier version.
- Fixed a problem viewing multiple entries on OS X 10.6.
- Fixed an issue syncing unlocked encrypted journals to iOS devices.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong entry would be used when clicking on a badge in a non-selected row in the sidebar.
- Fixed a regression saving the editing time.
- Fixed a regression where the modification date of an entry would be reset just by viewing an entry.
- Fixed a problem where the tab bar would be confused about its visibility at launch.
- Fixed a regression remembering when tabs were closed between launches.
- Fixed dragging a file into the Edit Link sheet to insert its location.
- Added support for importing from an XML export from "The Journal".
- Improved memory usage when syncing with an iOS device.
- Improved keyboard accessibility in Tags sheet even if Full Keyboard Access is not enabled.
- Fixed regression with using the calendar in the main window.
- Added a "Rebuild Search Index" menu item in the Help menu.
- Fixed a bug where quitting with an entry edit window open and no document window will cause you to not be able to open the document window at all upon relaunch.
- Fixed a case where the list of entries' content size would not update correctly in the Entries List after the first time viewing it.
- Fixed an issue where opting not to upgrade a document from version 5 would still upgrade it by accident.
- Fixed a crash changing selection.
- Changed AppleScript "selected journal" to apply to the journal of the selected entry as well as a directly selected journal.
- Fixed issues downloading posts from WordPress that have lists in them.
- Fixed issue where printed entries would be out of order.
- When building up the months and years for date navigation mode, trashed entries are no longer considered.
- Text synced from an iOS device in a journal with a default font set will now be transformed into that default font again.
- Fixed issues with and enabled "creating" entries in a smart journal from the Quick Note window.
- Added access to the containing journal of entries and journals via AppleScript.
- Fixed issues with using the AppleScript
- Added access to current text selection via AppleScript.
- Added hidden pref
- Fixed issue on Mountain Lion where untitled documents would ask to save when quitting.
- Double-clicking a non-textual entry will now show a separate edit window, just like with text entries.
- Expanded the number of applications shown in the "Open in Other Application" menu.
- Fixed the date used when importing from certain exotic file systems that have bad dates.
- Added a warning message during syncing with an iOS device when that device disconnects unexpectedly.
- Added hidden pref
to add a manual date format to the date formats used by the "Discover Entries" logic when importing.
- Command-clicking a selected date in the calendar will deselect that date (and stop searches), similar to files in Finder.
- An entry's background color will be respected in the multiple selection view.
- Now allowing download of any amount of Posterous entries.
- Added basic access to blog settings for journals via AppleScript.
- When sending Markdown to Tumblr, MacJournal will send the raw Markdown instead of formatting to HTML. That means it can download the raw Markdown again later.
- Added hidden pref
to flip horizontally images taken directly from an iSight so you can read text on them.
- Added hidden pref
to disable Spotlight indexing entirely.
- Sorting changes made to the Entries list while multiple journals are selected will now be remembered.
- Fixed date and time insertion from entry templates to use the correct preferences when only inserting just the date or the time.
- Fixed issue that could prevent saving the iOS device sync code in the Keychain.
- After deleting the last item in a journal, the selection will stay with that journal so you can easily add more things to it.
- Added a message directing you what to do when customizing a font in the Fonts preferences.
- Fixed a issue when deleting all of the text in the Word Count Goal sheet.
- Multiple lines of empty lines will turn into lines with non-breaking spaces in them when converting to HTML so browsers don't ignore them.
- Fixed an issue trying to edit a smart journal when there are no label colors defined in the preferences.
- When discovering blogs, if no hints are found on the blog page, MacJournal will try some well-known API calls to see if the blog can be identified that way.
- Improved automatic configuration for PivotX blogs.
- Added hidden pref to turn off the "start each entry on new page" behavior when printing.
- When downloading from Tumblr, if a post does not have a title but does have a caption, the caption will be used.
- Fixed an issue where multi-page PDFs would not show their scrollbar.
- Fixed dragging of file attachments from the Inspector.
- Added a message explaining what to do instead of putting the blog service URL into the blog auto-config sheet (instead of the actual blog URL).
- The blog auto-config sheet no longer requires the username and password, but will ask for it if needed.
- Added a warning when setting very common Quick Note key combinations that are likely to be hit while normal typing, which is usually unintentional.
- Fixed a bug preventing export of generated journals while in a non-hierarchical navigation mode.
- Improved performance with large documents.
- When importing text entries with "Discover entries in file" enabled, if there's only one entry discovered, a whole container journal won't be created just for the one entry.
- After dropping something on a row in the sidebar or Entries List, that row will blink for a brief time to confirm the drop.
- Fixed an issue with automatically configuring some Blogger blogs.
- When typing in an entry, Command-Delete will not move that entry to the trash since it can be used for text deletion.
- When sending an entry with a link to another entry to a blog, if that linked entry has been sent to a blog previously, the link for that post will be substituted.
- Added a hidden pref to display location coordinates in Degrees, Minutes, Seconds.
- When creating a journal in a different navigation mode, it will switch back to hierarchical to see the created journal.
- Fixed dragging images from the Media browser to an entry's text.
- Added a hidden pref to remove the date from the timeline flags.
- Fixed an issue preventing entry text from showing up in tooltips.
- Fixed an issue downloading posts from Tumblr with certain formatting.
- Added support for downloading video and photo posts from Tumblr (to varying definitions of download).
- Fixed a rare crash reading HTML files on Snow Leopard.
- Fixed an issue downloading from WordPress where line breaks are lost.
- Fixed an issue with window layout when relaunching after the Entries list was the entire height of the window.
- Fixed an issue where images that are reformatted into a format that is safer for the web would still have the original file extension.
- Fixed a potential crash after sending an entry to a blog with multiple text colors.
- Improved layout of rows in the Info Bar for certain configurations.
- Fixed overlapping flags in the timeline.
- Fixed issues uploading attachments to Dropbox for blog posts due to Dropbox service changes.
- When selecting a different journal during a search that is limited to that journal, the search will update to reflect the new journal.
- Searching with the timeline or the calendar view up will automatically limit the display to just the search results.
- Fixed an issue where using the Find and Replace window to replace something in an entry's text would lose the styling for that entry.
- During a search, the Sort By menu will apply to the search results in the same way that the Entries list table columns do.
- Fixed an issue with recording audio.
- Updated the "Correct Spelling" setting in the Editing preferences to control the system text correction and not the old in-app one.
- Fixed an issue preventing the "Hide Extension" checkbox in the Export save panel from working.
- Selecting an image (as if to resize it) and hitting the Delete key will now delete the image.
- Fixed a hang when looking at the settings of a LiveJournal blog with many user pictures.
- Fixed an issue that could cause syncing with an iOS device to never finish.
- Fixed an issue where the Recording bar could not be hidden on an entry with a recording.
- "http://" will be added to URLs in the automatic blog configuration sheet if another URL scheme isn't provided.
- Improved SFTP operation to respect custom port numbers embedded in the URL.
- Added hidden pref
to rebuild the text system each time you select an entry.
- Changed "Lock All Journals" to behave more like its name to examine the list of top-level journals only and not the selection.
- Fixed issue with printing when Text Zoom is greater than 100%.
- Disabled some menu items that don't make sense when in Calendar or Timeline view mode, like Show Recording Bar.
- Fixed an issue syncing a plain text entry with a non-ASCII character in the first few characters with an iOS device.
- Fixed issues detecting a blog on web pages without any <head> tag.
- Fixed an issue using the Find and Replace window to replace a string with a longer string.
- Improved general usability in the Find and Replace window, including undo support for text replacements.
- Fixed a rare crash in the Change Date sheet.
- Fixed smart journal settings for "less than or equal to" a certain date so it includes that day.
- Fixed a rare crash when importing a file.
- Added support to read in tags for OpenMeta on import.
- Fixed an issue where tool tips over entries in a list would flicker.
- Fixed an issue with HTML files in a non-UTF-8 character set, especially with iOS device syncing.
- Fixed an issue dragging an encrypted entry from one document into an encrypted journal in another document.
- Fixed an issue where installing an update with a backup pending would hang the application indefinitely.
- Fixed a rare crash after refreshing the blog categories when sending a post and then closing the sheet before the categories are downloaded.
- Fixed a problem removing the password from an unlocked encrypted journal where the journal was not decrypted.
- Restored the file names under text file attachments.
- Fixed an issue where entries imported from a calendar would report missing content.
- Added a hidden pref to show a menu item to remove content for any selected entries.
- Fixed an issue where multi-page PDFs were still shown inline even when the pref is disabled.
- Re-implemented Tumblr support to use their v2 API, which brings support for draft posts.
- Included the most recent crash log in the result from Gather Support Information.
- Improved the error message when a backup fails due to insufficient disk space.
- Re-implemented Google Blogger support to use their v3 API, which brings support for 2-factor authentication.
- Fixed a selection issue in the sidebar when creating an entry inside of a nested journal with the Entries List open.
- Improved performance for very large encrypted journals.
- Fixed resetting of cursor position in text after exiting Focused Editing.
- Improved performance of selecting multiple entries.
- Allowed entries to be created from Quick Note with just a topic or tags and without any text.
- Fixed an issue where downloaded blog entries were shown as raw HTML.
- Fixed a case where the sidebar wouldn't update if creating a new nested journal with the Entries List open.
- Fixed video recording.
- Using the Return key will no longer edit the name of a generated journal for navigation modes.
- Fixed issue preventing auto-completion of tags in Quick Note.
- Fixed handling of M4A entries since they should show the normal QuickTime controls.
- Fixed handling of audio or video entries that are encrypted.
- Improved "Recover Missing Entry Text" to detect custom icons and entry recordings and reattach them to the original entry.
- Changes made during "Recover Missing Entry Text" are no longer undoable, since undoing it would also delete the recovered files.
- Fixed "Recover Missing Entry Text" behavior.
- Fixed behavior of the Inspector window in Focused Editing mode.
- Fixed an issue when opening MacJournal via a link to an entry with a document that takes some time to open.
- Fixed a rare crash when indexing entry content when certain other software is present.
- Fixed an issue scrolling months when editing the month name.
- Added in Retina-savvy icons for everything that was lacking it.
- Removed all MobileMe functionality after the sunset of the service.
- Removed the "Show Version History" menu item from help because it made the app size much larger.
- Fixed the "New Entry from Web Page" sheet for non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed locking journals after an idle time.
- Fixed an issue printing certain large entries where the bottom line would be clipped.
- Fixed web archive display for entries in encrypted journals.
- Fixed a crash with validating the "Lock/Unlock" toolbar item.
- Newly-created entries from "New Entry from Web Page" will have the original URL in the Link field.
- Fixed a crash on Snow Leopard opening the Network Activity window.
- Added Developer ID for the non-MAS version of MacJournal for Gatekeeper support.
- Updated the label for the "Move to Trash" toolbar item to reflect when things will be deleted right away because they are encrypted.
- Fixed a rare crash when importing a file with included metadata.
- Fix the display of entry content file size in the Inspector for encrypted journals.
- Fixed a problem decrypting journals from 6.0.4 with entries of a very specific size.
- Links to other entries exported to HTML in a single file will now work to scroll the web page to that entry.
- Increased the time before backups are removed to three weeks by default.
- Fixed a bug that caused backups to be removed even when automatic removal was disabled.
- Fixed an issue preventing sending multiple entries to a blog at once.
- Added the ability to edit and create entries via the command-line tool.
- Improved the error message for entries with missing content that are encrypted.
- Improved the accuracy of location updates after large location changes.
- Added better display of what document you're overwriting when doing a Replace All iOS device sync in either direction.
- Fixed an issue launching MacJournal via a Service from another app when the MacJournal data takes a little while to load.
- Added "Go to Today" toolbar item as a hidden item for now.
- Fixed an issue that could fail to show entry text when switching entries very fast.
- Improved performance for importing files into an encrypted journal.
- Fixed text display when editing the month title in the calendar.
- Fixed the behavior of the "target HTML links to blank" hidden pref.
- Fixed a crash unlocking encrypted journals.
- Fixed an issue preventing moving entries out of a journal in the Trash.
- Fixed a regression where files would import with blank titles.
- Fixed a problem showing a custom label color in the color well in the Inspector.
- Fixed iPod Notes export.
- Added an in-app way to reveal the hidden preferences.
- Fixed an issue where content-searching smart journals wouldn't update.
- More support for Mountain Lion Share Sheets from MacJournal's Share menu.
- Improved Hidden Preferences appearance for prefs with long names.
- Fixed an issue with long filenames in encrypted journals.
- Allowed download of non-text entries for Tumblr and it tries to make the best of them. Since MacJournal can't upload changes to non-text posts, they won't remember which blog they came from.
- Added a hidden pref to convert internal links to other entries into file links to the exported file if the linked entry is also exported at the same time.
- Added the ability to select multiple journals and download entries from their respective blogs.
- Fixed an issue where the entry's date would not properly be set as the file date for the Individual Files backup.
- When MacJournal is sandboxed, all HTML exports will require creating a folder to store the resulting export.
- Updated to version 1.3.1 of the Growl SDK to support the via the App Store and sandboxing.
- Fixed issue preventing files from being imported when dragging them to MacJournal in the Dock, and added hidden pref
to insert images into text optionally.
- Improved smart journal performance with lots of entries.
- Fixed a rare crash exporting to PDF.
- Fixed a problem where it wouldn't offer to remove the bad password from the Keychain if sending to a blog failed to log in correctly.
- Fixed an issue where long topics were cut off when printing.
- Fixed an edge case with encrypted journals.
- Fixed bad appearance of the insertion cursor in Focused Editing.
- Fixed a regression in toolbar item disabling.
- Made hidden prefs that require text entry easier to edit.
- Entries recovered from unknown content found in encrypted data will have a tag applied for easy identification.
- Changed "Lock All Journals" to behave more like its name to examine the list of top-level journals only and not the selection.
- Fixed an issue where a previous entry’s text might be shown before the current entry loads if the load is slow.
- Double-clicking in the calendar will only create one entry now, not two.
- Fixed a case where moving to trash wouldn’t seem to do anything at all.
- Added hidden pref
to show a warning when moving items to the Trash.
- Fixed an issue where moving an entry with an attachment to an encrypted journal from a non encrypted one might lose the text.
- When holding the Shift key at launch, the previous selection in each document is not honored (a lighter version of what you get with Shift+Control+Option+Command).
- Trashing an entry that is part of some search results will pick a better entry to display after that.
- Improved performance for Statistics window with a lot of entries.
- Added hidden pref
to show the word count of selected text when something is selected.
- Changed “Remove Styles” in the Cleanup menu to ignore text attachments.
- Fixed a rare crash with tags token fields.
- When switching a rich text entry to plain text, a copy of the rich text will end up in the system trash as a backup.
- Fixed a crash by repeatedly pressing the Links or Attachments button at the bottom of the window.
- Fixed an issue preventing timed backups after an idle period in some cases.
- Added support for Mountain Lion’s Share Sheets.
- Fixed badge display in the vertical Entries List.
- Fixed an issue where the application would deadlock on launch with an HTML entry selected.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a deadlock on quit if you’ve copied an HTML entry.
- Fixed a crash when switching entries with the Info popover from the Info bar visible.
- Added hidden pref
to disable the backup of device data before a sync with a touch device.
- Improved accessibility labels.
- Fixed export of entries to a multi-page PDF.
- Fixed dragging into the Recording bar.
- Fixed an issue where dragging a file into the Entries List when it is showing more than one journal’s contents would cause an error.
- Fixed an issue upgrading data from version 4 or before with certain blog configurations.
- Fixed some various issues relating to updated content not showing up when syncing with an iOS device.
- Added hidden pref
to tweak how “Discover Entries” works.
- Added hidden pref
to expect input into Discover Entries to be formatted like a CP Notebook export.
- Added hidden pref
to disable use of text metadata to set the topic of an imported entry.
- In the Hidden pref pane, prefs that have been altered show up in bold. If you select the row and press the Delete key, it will reset that one pref.
- Added import support for DayOne Journal backup files.
- Fixed an issue where entries deleted from an encrypted journal would see their content reappear later.
- Improved behavior when clicking a entry in a nested journal in the Entries List when the parent journal is selected.
- Using the Return key in the Info bar will cycle to the next text field and finally to the entry text.
- Clicking to the left of a line of text will select that entire line.
- Reduced memory usage at launch by up to 25%.
- Improved performance of pasting large amounts of text.
- Fixed an issue where exporting a very long entry to PDF would never finish.
- Fixed an issue where syncing a blog with categories over MobileMe wouldn’t work.
- Changed the “New Entry” toolbar item to match the iOS icon.
- Added a hidden pref
to close a tab when opening its entry in a separate window.
- Improved the Individual Files backup to export a separate file for entries with the same name in the same journal.
- Added support for moving through the timeline with the ‘j’ and ‘k’ keys.
- Fixed the Image Properties window to save the changes properly in all cases.
- Fixed an issue at quit if there is an ongoing blog attachment upload.
- Fixed a problem syncing through MobileMe with the Mac App Store version.
- Added a semi-hidden way to upload a file to use for blog automatic configuration instead of downloading it in order to help for pages not easily accessible. Option-click the Continue button in the New Blog Server sheet.
- Changed the advanced pref about multi-page PDFs to apply to single-pages as well.
- Encrypted items will not be backed up to the Individual Files backup, even if the journal is unlocked.
- Added bookmarklet functionality to create an entry using a JavaScript bookmark.
- Fixed appearance of "in the next n days" smart journal predicates after opening the settings again.
- Re-uploading the same photo to a blog but at a different size will notice and re-upload the resized version (except for Picasa).
- Fixed an issue using Quick Note to create a new entry in a journal with a template replacing the text of the template.
- When a blog returns invalid XML due to bad characters when downloading entries, MacJournal will try to strip them out and re-interpret the data.
- Added a way to view what hidden prefs have been customized in the list.
- For Create Support Package, added a way to include metadata from all open documents, not just the main document.
- Fixed issues where syncing password info to a locked journal on a touch device wouldn't work.
- Fixed an issue where the "sent to blog" badge wouldn't appear in the sidebar until the sidebar updated through some other means.
- Bumped up the amount of time before the "you haven't edited this entry in a while" warning shows up to 90 days.
- Fixed an issue where entries posted by AppleScript to a blog would be posted as a draft.
- Switching journals in the sidebar when a search is active will clear the search and show that journal's contents.
- Fixed an issue where switching entries while recording audio or video would lose the in-progress recording.
- Added a hidden pref
to wrap any image tags in a link to the image file itself.
- Fix missing nib leading to blog settings not being openable.
- Fixed several export issues, including file naming for multiple text exports and PDF exports.
- Fixed an issue accepting text from Safari with images via Services in some cases.
- Prepared for future App Sandbox adoption for MacJournal in the Mac App Store.
- Fixed (hopefully) a crash that would occur with multiple journal selection sometimes.
- Fixed a problem preventing the upload and access URLs from saving for FTP and SFTP attachment servers.
- Added hidden pref
to control export from the Statistics sheet.
- Added 400% and 800% to the text zoom pop-up menu.
- Fix display of journals and entries in the sidebar against a dark label color.
- Fixed an issue with certain entries with unknown types in encrypted journals.
- Entries in encrypted journals will now offer to delete themselves immediately so as to never become unencrypted in the trash.
- Separate editing windows should restore on each launch and remember their size when you open a new one.
- Fixed a crash syncing with an iOS device while an entry is edited in an external application.
- Improved performance of selecting multiple journals or entries.
- Fixed a very rare situation where "New Journal" and "New Smart Journal" were disabled in the File menu.
- Fixed exporting multiple entries to individual PDFs.
- Fixed encrypting entries with a folder embedded inside of them.
- Fixed a potential crash with Quick Note.
- Fixed a potential crash in the entry/journal lists while they are offscreen.
- Fixed an issue where using the System Prefs to reassign the keyboard equivalent for Next/Previous Entry to something with the Option key wouldn't work.
- Fixed an issue where exporting a single entry to Word format (or some other formats) gives the file the wrong extension.
- Improved performance for situations where the app has to load a lot of entry content at once, like search indexing, on Lion.
- Made the filename in files attached as text attachments respect the hidden
- Improved selection behavior when changing an entry such that it no longer belongs in the smart journal in which you have it selected.
- Fixed appearance of text selection in Focused Editing when "Custom Appearance" is disabled.
- Moved some of the items like List and Table to the top level of the Format menu to match TextEdit.
- Trying to customize the Info bar when the Info bar is not onscreen somehow will not do anything instead of doing something wrong.
- Fixed a problem trying to create a new row with the only item in an existing row selected when customizing the Info bar.
- Fixed a possible crash when switching between view modes.
- Fixed an issue indexing entries in a locked unencrypted journal.
- Change key equivalent for "Move to Trash" to Command-Delete in all contexts.
- The contents of the Entries List now respect the sorting settings of the selected journal when it is dipslaying that journal and its nested journals amalgamated together.
- Fixed music posting and comments for LiveJournal.
- Fixed selection of Markdown formatting in the blog settings.
- Added hidden pref
to control whether it always defaults back to Synchronize each sync.
- Added a way to reveal the preferences file in the Finder.
- Selecting a new custom location for backups will create a MacJournal Backups folder inside that folder for safety reasons. If you had selected your home folder, older folders might be pruned along with older backups.
- Fixed an issue encrypting a journal with an entry duplicated from another entry in that journal but neither entry has changed after that.
- Fixed a crash when syncing with an iOS device.
- Improved memory usage after selecting multiple entries.
- Enabled the cancel button in the Activity window for backups.
- Improved entry detection when importing several entries in a single file if the dates separating them do not have times.
- Fixed improper jumps in scrolling when scrolling through a book between entries.
- Improved compatibility of popovers on 10.6 to work more like the real ones on 10.7.
- Fixed "Send to MobileMe" behavior.
- Added "None" as a formatting option for text sent to blogs. No conversion to HTML will be performed.
- Restored some compatibility information for AppleScripts written looking for the "journals" property on the application.
- Added the ability to unlock journals in the Backup Browser.
- Restoring a journal in the Backup Browser will restore all of its entries as well.
- Fixed the month display in the calendar view mode when switching from single month to multi-month and back again.
- When in the multi-month mode in the calendar view mode, clicking on a shaded date will select an entry in that date.
- Improved locale-specific behaviors for lowercase/uppercase/capitalize Text Clean Up actions.
- Added an indication of where a particular blog originates in the "Send to Other Blog" menu.
- Fixed a problem using auto-start on the Timer window when exiting Full Screen mode.
- Duplicating an entry will append "(Copy)" to the name and select the copy at the end, similar to Finder.
- Added a "Request a Feature" item to the Help menu.
- Added a warning when entering the code for syncing with a touch device if MacJournal cannot save that code for the future.
- Fixed an issue decrypting journals from version 5 where some entries have attachments with specific kinds of filenames.
- When no find result is selected in the Find and Replace, "Replace" will do nothing instead of behaving like "Replace All".
- Improved performance of smart journals by moving some of the metadata searching into the background.
- Fixed an issue where exported CSV files couldn't be re-imported without shifting the date over a few hours and messing up Unicode characters.
- Added the ability to specify the metadata included in Automatic format exports. This is only used for textual entries.
- Improved handling of entries without any content for Automatic export format to output an empty file with the requested metadata.
- Fixed some problems with trying to export an entry to a location that already has a file by that name.
- Added hidden pref
to disable indexing of content in encrypted journals after unlocking it.
- Fixed the "No Color" action in the Text Color toolbar item when some text already has a color.
- Fixed entry content searching after doing a sync with an iOS device.
- Fixed the crash checking functionality.
- Fixed "Allow Comments" for Movable Type and WordPress blogs if the button had never been pressed before.
- Fixed an issue where the Quick Note window required a click before you could type in it if it was shown while in another application.
- Added hidden pref
to restore display of the text character count.
- Fixed hit testing in certain months when the system's "first day of week" is not Monday.
- Added an automatic recovery step when decrypting a journal where extra content is found that is not connected to any entry.
- Added hidden pref
- Fixed a case where metadata changes in the Entry Template editor would be saved if the window focus is still in that field.
- Fixed a potential crash when exporting a large amount of entries to HTML files, especially with a deep hierarchy.
- Added hidden pref
, which makes printing act more like version 5. Not all features will be available there.
- Control-clicking on any journal and selecting "New Journal" will place the newly created journal in that journal.
- Creating an entry and then undoing that will no longer select the journal; it will select another entry instead.
- The timeline and calendar view modes now support moving selected items to trash with the delete key.
- Creating an entry for a certain day in the calendar and then undoing that and then redoing it will replace the entry with the correct date.
- Fixed an issue when dragging an item in the Info bar to the end of its row.
- Fixed an issue when control-clicking on an image and setting its size in certain cases.
- Fixed an issue syncing with an iOS device where something was added to the trash on the device.
- Fixed sizing and layout of the Inspector on smaller screens.
- Made the About Panel easier to close.
- Fixed a rare crash when "Index decrypted journals for Spotlight" is enabled but the Spotlight metadata store can't be located.
- Fixed an issue upgrading old data with certain kinds of LiveJournal post data.
- Fixed large custom fonts in the Entries list.
- Emailing a PDF entry will produce an email with the PDF attached in Apple Mail as expected again.
- Improved auto-detection of Tumblr blogs.
- Changed the date formatting for individual days in the calendar to match iCal better for non-US locales.
- When setting up a new blog, canceling out of the automatic setup sheet will leave the manual settings dialog still up for manual configuration.
- Fixed a problem refreshing blog IDs for a WordPress blog.
- Added a warning when updating data from version 5.
- Fixed Tumblr posting to secondary blogs on the same Tumblr account.
- Restored the ability to drag text into the topic field.
- The "check for crashes" background operation will no longer block quit.
- Fixed auto-detection of wiki-style links in Quick Note.
- Fixed a crash exporting a journal to ePub.
- Added ability to use "one entry per file" for the "Automatic" export.
- Fix for the app refusing to quit in some cases.
- Fixed a crash in the Find and Replace window when using Replace All in some circumstances.
- Content in encrypted journals will be kept in a separate search index that is never written to disk.
- Fixed an issue selecting an alias without an original entry in the calendar.
- Trying to remove a tag from the Change Tags sheet will also remove it from any entry templates.
- Edited changes will be correctly saved when moving between entries in Focused Editing mode.
- Fixed an issue when clearing the word count goal field in the Inspector.
- Added hidden pref
- It is now possible to drag entry file attachments out of the Inspector to copy them somewhere.
- Fix behavior of "select new tabs as they are created" pref.
- When creating an entry in Quick Note in a journal with a template, the template text will be shown.
- Fixed a problem where making a new line in a checkboxes list on an empty line wouldn't end the list like it does with numbers or bullets.
- Fixed some window layout issues when opening the sidebar or vertical entries list with a small window.
- Fixed layout of the vertical entries list with a large custom font and one or more summary lines visible.
- Fixed the Label/Highlight/Color menus in the toolbar after editing the values in the preferences.
- Improved the behavior of the Focused Editing vertical margin when viewing an entry that is longer than the screen can fit.
- Fixed behavior of the pref to index decrypted journals in Spotlight.
- Changed "Select Line" to "Go to Line".
- Fixed an issue where disabling encryption for a journal would not decrypt the contents immediately and cause trouble when saving.
- Fixed a problem where externally-edited entries would not show their updated text until relaunching.
- Fixed a problem configuring a blog from the warning you get when you try to send an entry without any blog configured.
- Fixed a problem seeing updated text after recovering the selected entry in the backup browser.
- Improved performance of moving around large journals in situations where a smart journal is also searching that journal.
- Improved performance of smart journals in encrypted journals.
- Fixed an issue preventing new recordings in encrypted journals.
- Fixed a crash importing a text file and trying to discover entries within that file.
- Improved searching from the toolbar so the search is added to the recent searches list more often.
- Searching from the toolbar will be case insensitive for tags.
- Fixed behavior of hidden pref
for existing entries.
- Fixed print layout of non-first pages when page numbers are enabled.
- Fixed crash with printing on 10.6.
- Improved the quit experience a bit when there is a pending backup. You'll see the progress sheet and then the app will quit automatically.
- Option-clicking the Back Up toolbar item will schedule a backup for when the application is idle, just like the normal daily backup.
- Fixed an issue where adding a new entry in the entry selection window for making a link and hitting Return after naming it would move the selection to the top.
- Fixed a crash using Quick Note and then switching applications.
- Fixed an exception while selecting multiple entries.
- Fixed the page counts in the print preview panel for prints with entries with multiple pages.
- Added a way to create a Lulu account when logging in from MacJournal.
- Attempted to fix a crash that can happen seemingly at random.
- Removed the "Ruler Units" preference as this is better handled at the system level.
- Fixed error reporting in the book order process.
- Fixed a selection issue creating a new entry in a non-hierarchical navigation mode.
- Added two new book templates, Casewrap and Digest.
- New about panel design.
- Added support for sorting by word count and displaying it in the Entries list.
- Added logging to a special file for book orders.
- Added the ability to create a journal with a new custom icon.
- Fixed a crash ordering very large books.
- Improved performance of large books.
- Fixed a crash auto-configuring WordPress blogs.
- Changed the writing timer window so that it jumps to the current space when opening it.
- Fixed journal printing.
- When there's enough room for it, the box containing the journal info is expanded when clicking a journal.
- Fixed a problem preventing saving changes to tags in the Info bar when switching entries with focus in that field.
- Fixed the inverted vertical scroll direction in the timeline on Snow Leopard.
- Fixed a problem not seeing anything on first launch.
- Fixed a possible crash when quitting.
- Changed the hidden pref for changing the Insert Date & Time format to use the new formatting syntax from OS X 10.4 and later. It's a new key, so old setting will still work.
- Fixed behavior of the Entry and File buttons in the Link sheet, including when editing a book.
- Changed the I-beam in Focused Editing Mode to be proportional to the text instead of always 200%.
- Exposed the Info Bar toolbar item.
- Fixed a crash trying to delay future-dated entries posting to a blog.
- Fixed a problem using nested smart journals that search entry content so that it correctly combines the searches.
- Added the ability to "create" an entry in a smart journal. The effect is the same as dragging the entry onto the smart journal to apply the search for it to that entry.
- Added hidden pref
to use <br> instead of paragraph tags for sending to blogs.
- Fixed an issue with automatic list detection and decimal tab stops.
- When the calendar view mode is showing a specific journal and the selection changes to another journal, the calendar will update its displayed events better.
- Improved the Highlight/Text Color/Background Color buttons in the toolbar to show the menu after a single click on the drop down indicator.
- Made a real icon for "Attach File" toolbar item and made it available for general use.
- All months in the little calendar view will have the left/center/right arrows.
- Fixed a problem were wiki links to non-existent entries would actually create a new journal instead of placing it in the same journal.
- Fixed a crash when attaching a file from the popover inspector when originated from the sidebar.
- Switching journals will no longer clear changes in Quick Note.
- Added book ordering via
- Fixed a problem imported files that are locked in the Finder and then not being able to edit them afterwards.
- Fixed more problems exporting trees of entries to individual HTML files.
- Fixed a problem tabbing around fields in the Quick Note window after the first time it is brought up.
- Added real custom icons, removing the temporary ones.
- Fixed a regression in printing text entries.
- Fixed an issue exporting a single plain text entry with the "Automatic" export type.
- Refactored entry text searching to block the UI even less and hopefully avoid a rare crash.
- Trashing an entry while searching will no longer end the search.
- When there are too many flags stacked up in the timeline view, you can scroll upwards using a scroll wheel or trackpad to see them.
- Fixed an issue displaying apostrophes as the name of a Blogger blog after auto-configuration.
- Changing the selection in the main window should no longer affect what is shown in the path field at the bottom of separate editing windows.
- Double-clicking on an empty day in the big month calendar view mode will create an entry for that date.
- Added a special selection to the timeline and calendar view modes to view just the current search results while a search is occuring.
- Fixed an issue auto-detecting new "Dynamic" Blogger blogs.
- Added an author field to the book settings.
- Fixed a problem switching to a book while another book is selected.
- Fixed some issues with the new book templates.
- Fixed an issue showing the correct font and color in the Entry Template editor in certain situations.
- New source list icons.
- Improved the accuracy of the label color navigation mode.
- Fixed a crash when deleting the entire contents of the lattitude or longitude fields in the Inspector.
- Fixed a crash in some situations when trashing a smart journal when there are other smart journals in the document.
- Fixed a crash using word count goals.
- Increased the maximum scale for the timeline to see less time at the highest zoom.
- Added double-click to zoom and re-center in the timeline.
- Improved timeline performance when unlocking a journal.
- When selecting an entry that's not shown in the timeline or calendar views, the viewed journal will change to a journal that includes that entry.
- Changed the look of the writing timer.
- Fixed an issue pressing Return on a line with just "1." (with no space) which would delete the "1.".
- Improved the error reporting for the blog configuration when the blog address is not correct.
- Tried to work around an OS crash related to syncing that's been around for a while.
- Fixed a problem where the events on the big calendar wouldn't clear if a journal upstream from the source journal is locked.
- Some book section types such as Dedication and Acknowledgment will only allow one page now.
- Split the book vs. journal creation into two individual commands, with the book options only showing for "New Book".
- Added the "include related files" checkbox for Automatic exports.
- Added label fields to each non-chapter page in a book.
- Pressing the Escape key should no longer close the backup or sync status sheets, leaving the application in an unusable state.
- Added the book section selection to the "New Book" sheet and changed it to reflect the actual sections available in the selected template.
- Fixed a problem where the find panel would not work correctly in separate entry editing windows.
- When an entry is selected and the Entries List is selected but the window focus is in the sidebar, use the journal that is selected there instead of the entry that is "really" selected.
- Improved Move to Trash to be more like the outright deletion of old and select the previous item in the list.
- Improved the Individual Files backup to back up all entries modified since the last successful backup, not just since app launch.
- Added an option to print the entry background color or picture.
- Fixed a problem where dragging an entry onto some smart journals searching for a tag wouldn't apply that tag to the entry.
- When sending to blogs, TIFFs will become PNGs, since the latter has broader browser support.
- Fixed issue bringing up Quick Note with no entry selected.
- When "display multi-page PDFs" is turned off, the PDF will show its filename.
- Added an outline around the editable text portion of a book page. The outline does not show up on prints.
- Changed the key combinations for Zoom in/out to get out of the way of accessibility zooming but also made it work for web views.
- Blogger blogs no longer say that you need to configure an attachment server since it uses Picasa by default.
- Fixed a bug with relative dates in smart journals causing it to pick up more entries than desired. Unfortunately, this will require reconfiguring any existing smart journals using this.
- Revamped books entirely to make it a distinct journal type (like smart journals) and allow the non-chapter sections to be anywhere in the journal. Books and non-chapter sections have their own badge to differentiate them.
- Books are now presented according to the page size in the book template. When printed locally, it will stretch the page to fit the selected paper size.
- Added hidden pref
to control the size of the controls in the Info Bar.
- Fixed an issue opening and closing the sidebar or entries list while text zooming.
- Add some new book templates.
- Fix incompatibility with Snow Leopard.
- Like the earlier change for time or date only, if both Date and Time Styles are set to None and you insert Date and Time, it will insert something instead of nothing.
- Fixed issues exporting a list of items including nested journals to HTML files.
- For either the small calendar or the big calendar view mode, an entry will only show up once, no matter how many aliases or smart journal references there are to it.
- Added "Edit Smart Journal" to the journal contextual menu.
- When importing a single file, the resulting entry will be automatically selected.
- Changed the various Inspector views to be a scrollable area that can be resized smaller to fit on smaller screens.
- Fixed the large calendar view not updating when a journal is locked or unlocked.
- When moving the display to find a selected date, the calendar, which displaying more than one month, will try to center the selected month instead of putting that month first.
- Added support for Posterous blog service.
- Improved the Entries List to ignore multiple references to the same entry via nested smart journals.
- Fixed a problem where removing an item from a journal and then selecting that journal in some cases with the Entries List open would cause the removed item to be selected again.
- Fixed undo support for typing in books.
- Improved timeline view performance for large data sets by switching to a fixed flag width.
- Downloaded posts will try to retain more tags that it can't convert to RTF, naming
, lj-cut
, and lj-user
- Fixed an issue where syncing with a touch device with an entry that never had any content before but now does on one machine wouldn't sync the content.
- Fixed an issue downloading Tumblr posts and misinterpreting the server data.
- Fixed adding or removing common words from the configuration window in the Statistics sheet.
- Fixed issue removing tag from Change Tags sheet.
- New application icon.
- Added an icon selector in the New Journal sheet.
- Moved the "None" item below "5" in the Priority lists.
- Added support for uploading images to Imgur and Dropbox.
- Extended annotations to journals.
- Added a bunch of easy links to sign up for free blogs when setting up a blog.
- Fixed a bug changing from Picture background to None.
- Fixed a hang printing an entry with an image.
- Fixed a problem syncing large libraries with non-textual entries syncing with an iOS device.
- Started converting the new text separators to <hr> in HTML formatting.
- Fixed a problem where pasting styled text from Chrome would lose the styling.
- Fixed display of shaded dates in calendar view year mode.
- Added persistance to view states for timeline and calendar view modes (time scale and month/year modes, respectively).
- Fixed a regression where text editing wasn't shared between two windows editing the same entry.
- Fixed a regression setting a password while locking a journal.
- Added support for <entries> tag in an entry template to add a list of other entries in that journal, good for use on a sidebar.
- Added a menu action to insert a blog-specific page splitting string, such as <!--more-->.
- Fixed a crash when using Random Entry without any entries.
- Added a manual way to install the MacJournal PDF Service for when that is not installed by default.
- Improved error reporting for Tumblr.
- Fixed category assignment for WordPress/Movable Type blogs.
- Fixed some various issues decrypting journals.
- Added a "Clear Rating" button in the Entry Inspector.
- Added a prompt to delete the entry from a blog when it is moved to the Trash (similar to the old prompt when deleting the entry).
- Fixed a visual issue dragging images from the text area.
- Fixed calendar display not updating when switching between entries in non-hierarchical navigation modes.
- The selection path at the bottom of the window will update with journal name and entry topic changes.
- If the "Insert Date" or "Time" actions are chosen and the date formatting preferences say to omit those items when formatting dates, they are added back in on the assumption that you really wanted a date or time.
- Fixed the Text Zoom item in the menu bar.
- Fixed an issue where inserting a checkbox right after an image would just duplicate the image.
- Removed the Entry Statuses window.
- Added moods to entries.
- Added hidden prefs to control whether JavaScript, Java, and plug-ins are enabled when viewing web content.
- Fixed printing.
- Allowed the "Change Date" toolbar item to work on selected journals as well.
- Holding the Option key when clicking a date in the calendar will temporarily reverse the "Can create entries in calendar" preference.
- Days with more than one entry in them will show a pull down indicator in the calendar.
- Added support for tags and annotation in HTML exporting.
- The attachments popover will now allow you to see the original file if the attachment is an alias, or reconnect it if it can't be found.
- Fixed the entry template window so it saves correctly again.
- Added a "Table" item to the Edit→Insert menu.
- Added a "Links" popover next to the Attachments popover in the bottom bar for text entries.
- Fixed the titlebar on the separate calendar window.
- Added an option to add the current recording time to new lines in a textual entry as you type them.
- Posting to Blogger will be more persistant about sending images to a Picasa album if you didn't set one up.
- Changed Focused Editing (nee Full Screen) to use standard overlay scrollers on Lion.
- Added a close box to Focused Editing, visible whenever the auto-scroll button is also visible.
- Removed all Tiger- and Leopard-specific code.
- Added support for sorting journals by modification date, content type, content size, item type, label color, and tags. Each of these is also viewable in the Entries List.
- Changed the calendar to respect the system "first day of week" preference and removed the app-specific preference.
- Changed Hidden Preferences from checkbox soup to a structured list that is searchable.
- Added a Trash where deleted entries go instead of being deleted right away.
- When the Entries list is open, selecting a journal in the sidebar will return to the last selected entry in that journal.
- Added support for copy and paste of whole entries or journals between documents.
- Added command to swap the selected alias with its original entry.
- Changed all content loading to be asynchronous to cut out spinning wait cursors.
- Re-implemented encryption support to keep everything in memory and avoid any decrypted content hitting the hard disk.
- Added the standard Info Bar to separate entry editing windows.
- Changed the text searching to be more "fuzzy", even with multiple terms.
- When the display of date and/or time is disabled in the Advanced preferences, it will no longer be shown above the entry in the main window.
- Made Journler import a little friendlier by asking you if you want to import from the default location.
- Added a "Move Focus To" menu in the View menu to expose previously-hidden actions for the F-keys.
- The Entries List now only shows entries, including those in nested journals in the selected journal.
- Redesigned the Inspector to show only one section at a time, allowing more information to be in each section, such as the various dates for journals.
- Added "New entry from Web Page".
- Added support for importing the file dumps of WordPress and Blogger blogs.
- Added a way to toggle the editability of entries from the Entry menu.
- Added custom icons for entries and journals. Choose from a built-in list or use your own file.
- Added a "link" field for each entry. Any URL will do.
- Added GPS location fields for entries, as well as an automatic way to get the current location automatically for new entries.
- Added a "Select" menu in the view menu to change select in the frontmost document without the mouse.
- Moved the "Move To" and "Copy To" menu items to the Edit menu since they work on whatever is selected, not just entries.
- Redesigned the Blog Settings window.
- Auto-configured Blogger blogs will get a default Picasa album for MacJournal to enable image uploads by default.
- Added support for Tumblr blogs.
- Added a checkbox to the "This journal is locked" message to encrypt the data automatically in the future.
- Added a way to track how long an entry has been edited.
- Added support for reading older data straight from an iOS device (pre-2.0).
- Improved "Recover Entries" to try and put the misplaced content back with the actual original entry if it can.
- Changed the hidden pref that targeted links in exported HTML to "_blank" to rel="external".
- Added "Go to Today" to the View menu, which acts like clicking on the current date in the calendar.
- Added "Use as Template" to the Entry menu to set the currently selected entry as the template for its journal.
- Added "Back Up" menu item to the File menu.
- Added an Image Properties window in the Format->Text menu for controlling image sizes.
- Added support for pausing recording.
- Added browser window for backups with the ability to restore selected entries or all data.
- Allowed the separate entry edit window to open any kind of entry, not just textual ones.
- Changed the view for selected journals to avoid usability duplication.
- Fixed an issue undoing a drag to an entry with that entry selected.
- Made backups work in the background better as well, but you will still have to wait to load additional entries during a backup.
- Added the Entry Statuses window for visualizing all entry statuses at once and allowing for bulk movement.
- The Inspector window will now track what is selected in separate entry editing windows as well (also the Entry Statuses window).
- Added simple mbox exporting.
- Added EPub exporting.
- Added entry summary to the vertical Entries List. Select 0–3 lines of entry text to show.
- Demoted the "Show Entries List after Sidebar selection" pref to a hidden pref.
- Added a "Reset All" button to the Hidden pref pane to reset the hidden prefs.
- Added a way to show a contextual inspector next to any item in the sidebar.
- Slimmed the character and word count in the main window to just words.
- Added individual "Insert Date" and "Insert Time" menu actions.
- When editing a previously uploaded post, MacJournal will attempt to re-use the attachments it already uploaded to a server.
- Added "Reset Modification Date" toolbar item, hidden for now.
- Added a way to export data in a format that version 5 can open.
- Added "label" as a supported search for smart journals.
- Added a "Journal" search to smart journals, thus allowing smart journals to search everything by default.
- Added Navigation Modes to display entries in the Sidebar organized according to their metadata such as date, tags, priority, status, rating, or label color.
- Added an Info button to the Entry Template window to control any entry metadata.
- Added a "Time Zone" property to entries and an option to display dates for that entry using the original time zone.
- Added "book" templates to journals to have a special display when editing entries in that journal. That also applies to prints for that journal.
- When printing more than one entry, each entry will start on its own page.
- Added relative date capability ("in the last n days") for smart journals.
- Added per-blog options for formatting line breaks, character encoding, and using Markdown styling.
- Added the standard bottom bar to the regular entry edit window.
- Added zooming support for images and PDFs.
- Added a pref to lock journals when switching to another application.
- Added Find and Replace window to find and replace sections of text over multiple entries and documents.
- Added Flag toolbar item (that was previously hidden).
- Added a way to insert a picture taken directly from an iSight.
- Added a pref to control the vertical margin in Full Screen (similar to the horizontal margin pref that was there before).
- Added pref (previously hidden) to create a new entry for newly created tabs.
- Added a separator/horizontal rule you can insert into entry text.
- Added a transport slider when playing a recording from the recording bar.
- Creating an entry from Apple Mail via the "New Entry" service will use the date from the email.
- Added Due Date property to entries.
- Background pictures for entries and journals are now stored inside the data file.
- Added a list of "related files" for each entry that are stored inside the data file and can be opened separately.
- Added an option to export related files (including recordings) for entries when exporting entries individually.
- Improved emailing entries with styling and/or attachments when the default email client is Apple's Mail app.
- Changed the "Add Selection as Tag" to use the entire selection as the tag, not just the first word.
- Added a pref to display multi-page PDFs as a file icon instead of the full display in the text.
- Added a preference to change the playback rate of recordings.
- Added a somewhat experimental feature to inspect entry text and add a tag to the entry for each range of bold text.
- Added a way to set a goal for the word count of an entry or a journal collectively. Progress toward the goal is shown in the status bar at the bottom.
- Added the ability to delete multiple tags at once from the Change Tags sheet.
- Re-did the Info Bar to allow for customizing what is in each row (not just showing entire rows).
- Adding importing of Web Archives by dragging a URL into the sidebar.
- Added a timer window that can count up or down while you edit text.
- Added a warning when editing an entry that hasn't be changed in more than two weeks.
- Added an Attachments inspector in the bottom bar to view the attachments in an entry and view or export them individually.
- Fixed some cases where right-clicking an image in a text entry and picking a new size would not work.
- Selecting multiple journals and creating a new entry will make a new entry in each journal and open all in tabs.
- PDFs attached in entry text will be embedded in exported HTML, not just linked.
- Added "Page Break" to the "Insert" menu. The page break will be respect in a paginated view, like a book or a print.
- Added an "Import" section to the Advanced preferences with prefs for importing tags and treatment of plain text files.
- Added an HTML5 template.
- "New Tab" will now create an empty tab by default, from which you can select something.
- Added a "Plain" toolbar item to reset the selected text back to the default style.
- Renamed the existing "full screen" feature to "Focused Editing" and added support for regular Lion full screen."
- Added a way to open the MacJournal shared logs folder from within MacJournal.
- Changed the auto-discovered smilies to be the same size as the typed text, no matter how small.
- Added configuration for the location of the automatic backup.
- Added support for import droplets for non-main documents.
- Improved what happens when you add a date row to the smart journal settings sheet (any date) and choose the "is" or "is not" operator.
- Made the previously hidden Clean Up toolbar item generally available (which has the items from the Clean Up menu in Format).
- Improved word count support for non-Roman scripts, such as Chinese.
- Added a button to refresh blog categories when posting an entry.
- If there is no text selected when entering the Edit Link sheet, the last text copied is used as a starter.
- Added "Export All" to the File menu, which shows when the Option key is down. It allows for easy exporting of all data.
- Added a way to edit the entry template for a journal from the Journal menu.
- If you only select one entry to send to a blog, it will always send it to the blog, even if the entry hasn't changed since the last time MacJournal thought it sent it.
- Added a new Clean Up action to remove checked or unchecked lines.
- Added the Back Up toolbar icon to the non-hidden list.
- Added support to turn web archives into editable rich text files using the "Make Rich Text" menu item.
- Added a way to edit textual entries in another application from the Entry menu.
- Added "Automatic" as an export option which exports the entry in its native format.
- Added hidden pref
to show a date field in the Quick Note window.
- Added a way to post an entry as a draft to servers that support it.
- Before synchronizing a mobile device, a backup is also made of the remote device contents.
- Changing the selected entry's date with the calendar showing that date will make sure the new date is still visible.
- Added Blockquote toolbar item.
- Added hidden pref
, which will save out a resized image instead of the full-size image and custom size.
- Fixed an issue syncing with a touch device after moving an entry from a journal that is not synced to one that is.
- Fixed an issue where setting up smart journals to search for "greater than" a certain date would act like "greater than or equal".
- Fixed an incompatibility with OS X 10.4 and MobileMe syncing.
- Added MobileMe syncing support for entry flagging.
- Fixed saving and restoration of the width of the vertical Entries list.
- Fixed an issue syncing between multiple iOS devices when just the text of a pre-existing entry changed on one device.
- While discovering entries in an imported file, if the expected format is not found, a more lenient format without the Date label and more kinds of date formats are tried.
- Fixed an issue where tabbing from one cell to another in a table would break the table if the cell looks like it might be in a list.
- Added hidden pref
to disable backup before a touch sync.
- Fixed another case where horizontal scrolling with a Magic Mouse when text zoom is greater than 100% would scroll the text offscreen.
- When converting a link to HTML, if the target of the link is not a proper URL, it will still be used as the href field in case it was already expecting to be used in HTML.
- When only one entry is selected before going into the Send to MobileMe sheet, its topic will be used instead of the journal name as the default filename.
- Sleeping the machine will stop any in-progress recording.
- Sending an image to Picasa will use the full-size version in the blog post, no matter what site the blog is on.
- Fixed an issue where some blogs with a specific blog ID would revert to a different blog ID after relaunching.
- Added hidden pref
to change how txt files are imported.
- Fixed an issue sending images to a blog on Lion.
- Fixed an issue where the text of a journal's entry template would be lost after encrypting it.
- Fixed issue with configuring LiveJournal blogs caused by the server changing its protocol formatting.
- Fixed some issues with dragging journals between documents, especially documents that are copies of each other.
- Added hidden pref to control IPv6 touch syncing, which may be a problem if your router is buggy, but yet is important to others.
- Fixed an issue displaying the search option buttons when the window is not wide enough to display all buttons.
- Fixed display of word/character count when the entry is especially long.
- Content for entries that have been deleted because of a sync with an iOS device is placed in the system Trash instead of removing it immediately.
- Fixed an issue with choosing "Keep Both" during an iOS sync conflict.
- Added "mpeg", "mpg", "m4v", and "avi" to list of "web-safe" attachment types.
- Added "status" to AppleScript.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent syncing with a touch device in a rare situation.
- Changed tag auto-completion to be case sensitive to make it easier to use.
- Added hidden pref
to match the existing setting for horizontal margin.
Fixed some issues syncing locked journals.
Fixed horizontal scrolling weirdness with a Magic Mouse when text zoom is greater than 100%.
Fixed a crash undoing the deleting of an entry from within a smart journal.
Fixed a possible exception when syncing with a touch device.
Fixed a rare crash when deleting something involved in a smart journal.
Fixed a rare crash updating the Spotlight index.
Improved support for blogging over HTTPS with a self-signed certificate.
Fixed an issue where the Mac would not advertise itself for syncing with an iOS device.
Fixed an issue where permissions for the index.mjml.gz file would not be restored after saving.
Fixed a potential crash in recording video.
Tried more workarounds to fix an OS bug with certain text tables.
Modified the "clocks are too different" warning for touch devices to have a longer threshold and a "Sync Anyway" button.
Fixed behavior of the print margin fields when tabbing around.
Added hidden pref
to use the filename as the topic instead of the embedded title.
Fixed a possible exception during touch sync.
Fixed an issue posting an entry to a blog where the first attachment is a PDF.
Fixed an issue uploading file attachments with non-URL-safe characters in the filename.
Fixed a problem opening a document with an alias entry in a large journal.
Improved support for VoiceOver for the calendar view and tab bar.
Fixed issue using the "append selection to entry" service with an entry that is open only in a separate editing window.
Reverted the change to the shaded days in the calendar made in 5.2.4 to the previous behavior. The 5.2.4 behaviors is available as a new hidden pref,
Improved support for locales that do not use Hindu-Arabic numerals.
Removed the button to delete license information from the about box.
Fixed an issue with smart journals crashing while updating.
Added some options to the
AppleScript commands to delete unrelated files from individual files exports and to specify a modification date to export everything after.
Clicking on a tab will bring the window focus back to editing the text or topic, which is more in line with Safari or Terminal tabs.
Enabled "Synchronize" for first-time syncs (although Replace All is still the default the first time). If the data overlap in any way indicating that they were previously synchronized even though it looks like the first sync, a Replace sync will still be necessary.
Re-added support for upgrading data files from MacJournal 2.1.1 and before.
Fixed an issue appending subsequent recordings.
Automatically back up data before a sync with a touch device.
Fixed an issue preventing downloading of Russian tags from LiveJournal.
For subsequent syncs, a sync with a known touch device will begin automatically after connecting, giving only a short warning to the user on the Mac to cancel.
Switched links to other entries to use the ID of the entry instead of its topic, making it more stable in case of renaming (albeit less readable).
Added a hidden preference
to hide the time portion of the entry date picker in the Info Bar.
The sorting of search results is now kept separate from any journal and is remembered between searches. Use the top entries list for the best effect.
MacJournal will try to re-select the previous entry if you start a search and then end it without selecting anything.
Fixed a hang when typing something like "1." on a line and then hitting return right away.
Fixed an issue creating links to some entries (depending on how it was named or what journal it was in).
Fixed a regression where the backup status sheet would never go away if it showed up.
If you open a file that MacJournal can't view in its native application (like Pages) and change it there, MacJournal will notice the change and update the search index until you switch to another entry.
Improved Journler entry import to resolve links to resources (like audio files) and insert the linked file. Importing individual jobj files will also work.
Added a new AppleScript command
send text to blog
to send a blog post with the text and blog settings entirely specified in the command and send to blog
to send an entry to a named blog.
Fixed an issue formatting long entries with Markdown.
Disabled the magnify trackpad gesture by default.
Holding the Option key when clicking the Back or Forward buttons in the calendar will jump a year in that direction.
Fixed an issue Replacing All on a touch device when the Mac has an encrypted journal.
Changed the display of the calendar a bit to show entries from any journal in the same top-level journal (recursively) as the current selection.
Added "Import Entries from Journler" menu item that does a much better job of importing Journler data.
Fixed an issue searching for a single multi-word search term grouped by quotation marks.
Added hidden (for now) pref
to show a warning when locking a journal.
In the Advanced Preferences, changed "Open Other" to "Select Other" when choosing a new main document. The new menu item chooses whatever document you choose in the open panel in addition to opening the document.
Added hidden pref
, which will start a sync with a touch device automatically when it is connected.
Improved behavior in the calendar when changing the system calendar settings.
Fixed an issue when drag-importing mjdoc files that would fail to copy the content from the incoming document.
Improved support for MetaWeblog servers like Pebble.
Closing the entries list during a search will end the search, which prevents an awkward UI configuration.
Added hidden pref to hide nested journals in the entry list:
Added ability to specify how many Blogger entries to download. Due to the way Atom works, more entries may be downloaded, but only that many will be processed.
Fixed a rare crash when encrypting journals or deleting entries.
Fixed an issue preventing the last editing position to be restored in an entry when you relaunch.
When escaping < and > for HTML, <!--more--> tags will be automatically left alone.
Holding down the Option key while connecting a touch device will let you select which document to sync. Added a hidden option to do this all the time or disable syncing altogether.
Fixed a regression dragging items into journals, which would copy them unconditionally.
Fixed an issue blacking out other monitors during full screen.
Added Network Activity log window for debugging purposes.
Some improvements for touch device syncing.
Fixed an issue with text zoom and text margins at launch.
Fixed an issue adding a new Highlight color in the preferences of some non-English localizations.
Hitting the Return key in the "Choose an entry" window will once again close the window according to the default button.
Automatic wiki link detection will search all journals in the document now.
Improved wiki link detection to handle entry topics with "A" at the start.
Added ability to save the text from the Console Messages window straight to a file.
Added a Help menu item "Gather Support Information" to collect some files useful for support.
Enabled the Move To and Copy To menus when entries from different journals are selected.
Improved line break handling for Blogger.
Opening up the blog settings on a journal which is inheriting its settings will let you start from the start instead of showing the inherited settings.
Added a confirmation dialog before overwriting an entry on the Mac that has attachments with one from a touch device.
Improved localization support in the calendar title and journal sorting.
Fixed an issue where text brought in from Mail via Services would have a black background.
Fixed an issue with line breaks and Blogger.
Fixed a crash when reloading blog IDs on an existing blog.
Added hidden pref
to control that.
Fixed an issue saving the entry template for the top-level in some cases.
Fixed an issue posting images to some weblogs.
Changed the conflict resolver to be a sheet when shown as part of syncing a touch device.
Improved support for uploading animated GIFs to a blog.
The Forward Delete key on extended keyboards will work for deleting an entry when the focus is in an entry list.
Added hidden pref
to get the pre-5.2.1 tab behavior of auto-switching tabs.
Exporting an entry with a recording to MacJournal format will correctly include the recording now.
Changed FTP uploads to use passive mode.
Added hidden pref
to mimic iChat's mirroring of the video feed.
Added an option to replace just the matching journals from the phone on the Mac.
Added hidden pref
to mirror a similar security preference for decrypted content in the Spotlight index.
Improved uniqueness of attachments filenames when posted to a server.
Fixed an issue where the calendar window would not show the correct number of months when restored after launch.
Fixed restoration of non-main document positions after relaunch.
Improvements in syncing touch devices.
Added hidden preference
to use the entry topic for exported HTML filenames.
Added hidden preference
, which controls if backups that were pending are performed at quit.
YouTube embedding code found in blog posts that are downloaded will be preserved in the styled MacJournal text.
Fixed drag-exporting of Word documents to the Finder.
Copying the URL of an entry and then pasting it into another entry will paste the link with the entry's topic instead of just the plain link text.
When selecting some whitespace in the text and trying to make a link from that, it will not create a link with just that whitespace.
The "Make Rich/Plain Text" menu item is now available from the journal template window.
Fixed a case where the wrong font would be used if the "default all new entries to plain text" hidden preference is enabled.
When switching from plain to rich text (or back), the old content file will be deleted immediately.
Added a hidden pref
to disable listening for touch devices.
The Inspector will be hidden upon entering Full Screen unless it was open the last time in Full Screen.
Fixed handling of the user scale factors less than 1, which caused an issue for Tiger.
The Individual Files backup will occur during the normal scheduled backups in case the application is never quit.
Added hidden pref
to turn off the installation of the PDF service.
Fixed an issue syncing data with the iPhone application with specific journals selected to sync.
Added support for syncing entry reordering to mobile devices.
Fixed the sorting for topics in the list you get when selecting a journal to be case insensitive.
Fixed an issue switching entries in Full Screen when the custom appearance is disabled in the preferences.
Added a way to create a new entry from the chooser window when trying to link to an entry.
Added hidden pref
to control the default behavior of resizing a 300DPI image to match the expected appearance.
Added more items to the "Scale to" section of the contextual menu for images in an entry's text.
Added a "None" option to the settings for smart journals so you can set up a smart journal where none of the listed checks are true. For example, the entry does not contain a certain tag. English-only until localizations can be updated.
Selecting more than one journal in the sidebar will show the collected contents of those journals in the Entries list.
Control-dragging an item from a smart journal to someplace else to create an alias will work correctly across launches now.
Changed the default search operator to AND to match Google and Finder. You can manually include OR to do a wider search.
Fixed an issue with aliases in smart journals.
If you disconnect a mobile device while a sheet is up on the Mac, the sheet will close.
When changing the list of journals including in mobile device syncing, journals not found on the device will be synced over.
Added an additional warning when replacing all data on a device or the Mac.
When journals are locked because the machine is idle while in full screen, it will only exit full screen if the view entry is no longer available.
Improved support for importing a folder full of MacJournal documents with only a single entry in each (likely as a result of a previous export).
Fixed an incompatibility with Tiger uploading to Google.
When syncing text changes from a phone, added an extra check to see if the text actually changed before possibly losing formatting and images on the Mac.
Added hidden pref
to delete old backups vs. placing them in the Trash.
Improved behavior of "Move To" menu item such that it won't clear selection so much.
Fixed a regression where the current entry would be deselected when searching even if the search string was found in the entry text.
Other open documents will be shown in the Quick Note window.
Fixed issues with iPhone syncing and deleting items.
Quick Note will now remember the last choices you made for entry or journal between uses. Added a hidden pref
to turn it off.
"Save As" on a named document (not untitled) will now correctly copy the data instead of just moving it.
Fixed issues displaying certain entries containing tables (worked around an OS bug).
The crash log reporter will no longer find mobile device crash logs.
Improved syncing for mobile devices, particularly with respect to items that have been moved.
Fixed displayed font size in the Fonts & Colors pref pane for the Rich Text field.
The "Duplicate" menu item will now work for items in a smart journal. A duplicate will be added to the originating journal.
Fixed an issue that would prevent syncing with MacJournal for iPhone in certain network conditions.
Fixed an issue copying an encrypted journal from one document to another.
Fixed warning in Pages after editing a Pages document that was dragged into an entry that is still visible.
Fixed Keychain usage with Picasa servers.
Made the percentage-based fields in the Full Screen preferences less annoying to use.
Fixed re-encrypting journals in backup files after the backup is done.
Added AppleScript access to all of the selected entries.
Improved support for Boolean operators when searching metadata like topic.
Fixed appearance of aliases inside smart journals.
When selecting an item in a smart journal, the path control at the bottom of the window will reflect the path to the original item, as it does in Finder.
Enabled "Show Original Entry" for items in a smart journal.
Fixed an issue where editing the template text could affect a preexisting entry's text.
Improved link detection.
Copying the URL to an entry in a smart journal will point to the entry in its real spot.
Exporting a single non-textual entry will no longer offer to export in an incorrect format and produce a bad file.
Added AppleScript access to an entry's tags.
Selecting an entry that is open in a different tab will not switch to that tab; the tab selection is now a lot stickier.
The link at the end of entries created from text in a web browser will be the same size as the rest of the text.
Right-clicking on something that wasn't selected and using Move/Copy To will now correctly move that item instead of the selection.
Added a hidden preference for enabling logging for XML-RPC operations.
Added a way to get the Console messages from inside MacJournal to make it easier to collect that information.
Improved security for encrypted journals vs. the items in the search index.
Fixed an issue removing entries that were created from an entry template or duplication.
Fixed an issue with the insertion point not showing up in a separate editing window.
Improved tag auto-completion.
Added a preference to disable creation of entries by the calendar, instead starting a search.
Searching a smart journal and restricting the search to that journal will work better for content searches.
Tags in the entry template for the chosen journal will get applied to entries created via Services.
Uploading PNGs with transparency to a web server will no longer lose the transparency.
Fixed an issue converting a zero-length entry to plain text.
Added hidden pref to determine to where the files get uploaded from the MobileMe sheet.
Fixed duplication of output for places like the MobileMe uploading when you select an entry and its containing journal.
Fixed category display for certain types of MetaWeblog-based servers.
Avoided a rare crash when editing in Full Screen by no longer attempting to scroll the regular window to the same spot as in Full Screen for now.
The Quick Note window will no longer automatically dismiss when you click away. Use the Cancel button to dismiss it.
The "Insert in Entry" menu item for recordings will now work even if the entry is new and has never been saved.
Fixed a problem configuring Picasa servers.
Added a checkbox in the Advanced Preferences to disable trackpad gestures.
Fixed an issue preventing the spell check markings from showing up in Full Screen for newly-typed text.
When sending multiple entries at a time to a blog, only send them one at a time now (mostly for Blogger's sake).
Journals created from folders dragged into MacJournal will sport the same date as the folder (similar to what files do).
Fixed a crash when cancelling a blog post with several others queued up behind it.
Changed the temporary location for untitled documents until they are saved to something more persistent. The previous location will continue to be scanned at launch for this release.
When editing the entry template, the font panel will be moved to be more visible if it is hidden by the template window.
Fixed an issue getting the correct size of movies uploaded to a blog.
Fixed a rare crash in the calendar view when it was opened to a very short height.
Improved performance when editing the topic for entries with large content.
When "Lock journals on quit" is enabled, lockable unlocked journals will still be unlocked after a MobileMe sync has completed with the application open.
Fixed an issue configuring Picasa settings.
Fixed French metadata colon usage in exported RTF files.
Improved output for linking to other entries in exported HTML.
Worked around a crash in URL caching in 10.6.2.
Fixed main document auto-creation on brand new installations.
Using "Save As" on the main document will also update the main document setting so it will work as expected.
Added a "Reveal in Finder" button to the Advanced Preferences for the selected document.
The setting of "Add selection as rich text" in the chooser dialog for Services will be remembered across uses.
Fixed behavior of smart quotes for situations like inch measurements for Leopard and later.
Added support for getting the title and URL of the document in iCab when getting text from there.
Fixed an issue where a checkbox pasted into the same text from which it was copied would be "linked" to the original checkbox.
Changed the default for the Full Screen text padding back to 0 to fix a regression until that can be worked out.
Text with custom underline colors will correctly display in Full Screen mode.
Fixed a crash when sending multiple blog entries at once.
When downloading from a blog, matching entries will also try to update their text by doing a simple comparison with the text on the server.
When "Escape < and >" is disabled for blogs, rich text links that are inside of HTML tags will be stripped out before they get turned into anchor tags and invalidate the markup.
When locking journals after an idle timeout, Full Screen will exit first just to clear up any visual confusion.
Added hidden "Clean Up" toolbar item.
Fixed an issue where the Entries list would not re-hide after ending a search.
Fixed a crash when looking for crashes.
Improved HTML exporting when linking to another MacJournal entry when nested journals are involved.
Added a hidden pref for HTML export to export internal links to items that are not being exported at the same time as normal links.
Fixed an issue getting text from TextWrangler via Services.
Removed the "Text" pop-up in the "Send to MobileMe" sheet since the modern multiple selection model does the job much better.
Images uploaded to MetaWeblog/MovableType/WordPress blog servers will now be resized to the custom size, if specified.
Fixed a crash with MobileMe syncing and Quick Note.
Fixed playback of recorded video.
Added hidden pref
to change the character encoding used to send posts to blogs.
Improved reordering of items in a non-sorted journal over MobileMe syncing.
Removed Technorati pinging because they no longer accept such connections.
Fixed sending multiple entries to MobileMe and changing the source selection in the resulting sheet.
Improved accessibility.
When both the sidebar and vertical entries list are on the screen, only one set of Add and Action buttons will be visible.
Improved error reporting for sending attachments to WordPress.
Entries saved from now on will have enough information to place it back in its original location should you need to use "Recover Entries".
Added a menu item to the File menu to add a new journal at the top level. Press the Control key to see it.
Audio files exported to HTML will no longer encode useless dimensions in the tag.
Expand/Collapse All will only be enabled when that action will actually do something.
When deleting all of the selected items, a common journal will try to be selected after that to retain some context.
Fixed a regression whereby items dragged between the sidebar and the entries list would be copied instead of moved.
Added a menu item to the Help menu to invoke the crash reporter manually.
The back and forward history lists will pruned of duplicates.
Fixed focus ring appearance when editing a table cell in the sidebar or entries list.
Movies embedded in exported HTML will have the correct dimensions specified.
Fixed an issue changing settings in a previously-configured attachment server.
Emailing non-textual entries should now work if you have Apple's Mail set as your default email client.
Removed iWeb menu items and toolbar item because it seems like Apple removed the support in iWeb.
Added support for translucent or completely clear background colors for Full Screen. MacJournal windows will hide while Full Screen is active when such a color is used.
The journal name will be used as the title when selected the current journal in the MobileMe upload sheet.
Fixed an issue where RTFD files were not recognized as text files.
The calendar will automatically update in response to system clock changes, including time zone switches.
MobileMe and touch device syncs will use a temporary location on disk for changes until all have been received and merged correctly.
Touch device syncing gets the same document-modal status dialog other flavors of syncing have.
Individual entry edit windows will no longer close after a sync, nor will you be booted out of full screen.
Fixed an issue where tabs would be reset when clicking on a journal.
Fixed an issue where touch device name was not properly presented on the Mac.
Added progress reporting for LiveJournal downloads.
Turning off the "Display main document at launch" hidden preference will not even open the document at all anymore.
Removed the document lock file in place of a system where it watches files and updates automatically.
Fixed a regression in syncing that caused dates not to sync.
The list of available devices in the Recording pref pane should update correctly as devices come and go.
Added hidden preference for controlling the background color in the multiple selection view.
Entries dragging to the Finder will now have all the correct page size information encoded with them; the same as you'd get from a regular export.
Aliases to entries in locked journals should not display their text until the journal is unlocked.
Fixed display of MacJournal from the Spotlight search menu on non-English systems.
Fixed issue with typing styles carrying over between entries.
Fixed a rare issue where the tab bar might hide unexpectedly.
Changed the file naming for attachments to HTML to reduce the number of duplicate files with different names on the server.
Fixed an issue with smart journals that could the search index to be rebuilt and possibly smash content.
Improved performance of searching and smart journals.
Made the HTML4 template the default HTML template for export.
Fixed an issue where search index information was not correctly saved in all circumstances, leading to an unnecessary rebuild.
Added progress reporting for some background operations in the Activity window.
Lots of fixes for touch device syncing.
Clicking on a locked journal will change the window focus to the password text field. Keyboard navigation is unaffected.
New Journal should always be an option, even if the selected journal is locked. The new journal will just go to the top level.
Added logging to touch device syncing.
Add a default padding to the bottom of the screen in full screen mode.
Fixed an issue with saving checkboxes in the journal entry template.
Non-main documents in the trash will no longer be re-opened.
Fixed an issue where adding the first image into a previously flat entry would later cause a rebuild of the search index.
Fixed a rare crash while checking for previous crashes.
Fixed a crash customizing the toolbar on Leopard.
Non-main documents won't present save dialogs at quit/close because the data have already been saved to disk anyway. Untitled documents will just be restored when you next relaunch.
Reverted Growl to 1.1.6 to restore 10.4 compatibility.
Added hidden pref
to make newly created entries plain text.
Non-Blogger Atom servers like Vox should work a lot better now.
Fixed data loss when the user uses "Save a Copy As" to save a copy of the document over the document itself (which should be a no-op).
Fix a regression from 5.1.4 that could lose text when moving entries between journals.
Entering full screen for an entry that has not yet been saved ever should work now (editing in a separate window as well).
Added a new toolbar item: Remove Styles. It's hidden by default; use the "extra toolbar items" hidden pref to show it in the customization sheet.
Fixed a potential crash during searching.
Fixed an issue saving dates when upgrading from 5.1.4.
Adding annotation as a sortable key and a visible column for the entries list (English-only for now).
Changes to the display mode for PDF entries will now be remembered.
When encountering a date from an XML-RPC blog with no time zone information, UTC will be used instead of the current time zone.
Fixed a problem with the special cursor used in Full Screen after showing a contextual menu on Snow Leopard.
Fixed an issue with underlines and strikethroughs drawing in the correct color in Full Screen.
Fixed an issue that could cause some entries to show up blank in rare situations.
The Highlight menu bar items will now work on separate editing windows.
Exported RTF files will have the correct paper size saved in them as configured in MacJournal's Page Setup sheet.
Fixed bad behavior and console errors when saving expanded items in the sidebar in some situations.
Removed the Share→Send to Other Blog→Other menu item to prevent confusion. Get it back (for now) with hidden pref
Fixed an incompatibility unlocking journals on Tiger.
Made the Topic and Tags columns editable when the Entries list is on top.
Updated Growl to 1.2.
Fixed a problem downloading entries from some blogs on non-English localizations.
Fixed re-opening of non-main document at launch that were open at last quit.
Added hidden pref
to change the label color when setting the entry status to Completed.
Fixed a problem grouping search terms when searching entry text.
Viewing the Stats with one entry selected will use all of the journal's entries for the tallies.
MacJournal can now download more than 50 entries from LiveJournal at a time.
Added experimental support for syncing touch devices.
Added a warning when MacJournal unlocks a journal via a password from the Keychain. This can be disabled.
Non-main documents now participate in daily backups.
Added a warning when saving non-main document offering to make that document the new main document.
Fixed a bug where saving new documents would not respect the "Hide File Extension" checkbox in the save panel.
Added a way to set the default font for the frontmost document from the preferences window.
Added a new server type for WordPress, which has its own API extensions.
Added hidden pref
to disable the magnify gesture.
When automatic locking of journals on quit is enabled, journals on disk will still be locked no matter what the state of the application is.
Fixed a spurious error when undoing the creation of a journal or entry.
Appending text via Quick Note will now be smarter about the blank lines it adds.
When the contents of an entry fail to write to disk, they will be saved to the Desktop instead, just in case.
When selecting a journal with the entries list shown, the content area will be blank instead of showing a duplicate entry list.
Fixed a problem adding a new line in between two resized images.
Made Quick Note more Spaces-friendly by not switching application focus at all when using it.
Importing entries from iCal calendar's will work for more than four years at a time.
Fixed a rare crash when adding toolbar items.
Fixed a build issue leading to crashes on some machines when backing up encryptable journals.
Fixed a problem posting HTML content to Blogger.
Fixed a problem interpreting dates from WordPress in some occasions.
Fixed an ordering issue when reordering items in the same journal.
Fixed a problem inserting an image in an entry that is also in a smart journal and then locking that could lead to loss of the text.
Fixed an issue where entries dragged from one document to another would show up blank.
Fixed a crash editing links on Snow Leopard.
Fixed a problem where a content file might be placed in the trash after it is exchanged for one that can support images.
Fixed an issue where appending text from another app via the Service without styles to the displayed entry would still retain the original styling.
Fixed an issue importing large CSV files.
Fixed a rare crash opening the Inspector.
Updated Sparkle to 1.5b6.
Fixed display of icons in the sidebar when using a very small font.
Updated Growl to 1.1.6.
Fixed a bug that might cause prompts to send in a crash log to appear each time you launch.
Disabled highlighting of searched text in PDFs in Tiger to avoid a crash there.
Fixed a rare crash in the calendar.
Fixed an issue preventing dragging images into some entries.
Fixed a bug where some text would be truncated when importing CSV files of a sufficient length.
Fixed a bug where the separate editability preference for full screen was ignored.
Fixed an issue resizing the window right after opening a document.
Fixed a bug preventing dragging entries onto smart journals to attempt to conform them to the search criteria.
Fixed an issue posting entries with nested lists to Blogger.
OpenDocument and Office OpenXML files will now be editable on Leopard.
The window's minimum width will be adapted to match if the sidebar and/or vertical entries list is visible. Also fixed a bug with showing the sidebar in some circumstances.
Fixed an issue exporting from AppleScript.
Fixed an issue with "Keep Selection Centered" and the bottom of the text.
Fixed an issue selecting the MobileMe upload settings in the blog server options sheet.
Fixed an issue where the backup status sheet was not shown in some cases while the backup was taking place, potentially leading to errors.
Fixed an issue where some toolbar items would not display correctly on Snow Leopard.
Tags will be searched case-insensitively when searching from the toolbar.
Entries created with plain text content will now have the default font for a journal.
Added support for Exporting in WordML, OpenDocument, and OpenOffice XML. This will only show up in English for now.
Clicking links in Full Screen will now act like it does in regular mode.
Fixed saving of column widths in the journal entry summary list.
Added some additional checks to correct permissions in the Backups directory if necessary.
for embedded video and audio in exported HTML.
Fixed a case where the backup progress sheet could show up with no backup in progress, necessitating a force quit.
Fixed a problem that would cause individual files backups to take longer than expected.
Updated Google GData framework to 1.7.
Changed up the Sparkle adoption a bit to be more "standard".
Fixed a rare crash if there was a problem loading the user interface from disk.
Added some more error handling into the sync tool to avoid a crash.
After an app crash, the search index will be rebuilt in case it got corrupted by the crash.
Removed the automatic space that was added after links inserted at the end of the text; it is no longer necessary.
Fixed a bug where searching only by text might include other metadata.
Fixed a bug where deleting a character in the middle of a word would decrement the word count.
HTML export will now respect the hidden preference to prefer short dates.
All instances of a search term in a PDF will show up with a yellow background on Leopard (as they do in Preview).
Fixed a rare crash in the calendar.
Disabled the "Make Plain Text" menu item when multiple things are selected.
Search terms in entry text will now be highlighted by individual term and not the whole string itself.
Improved the selection color so it stays active during a search in more situations.
Creating an entry via AppleScript and specifying
plain text content
will still create a rich text entry with the given text since that is the more common desire.
Added to new AppleScript commands:
convert to plain text
and convert to richer text
Improved Journler import a bit.
Updated the Media Browser to 1.1.3.
Fixed a problem opening non-textual entries in separate windows.
Updated Norwegian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese localizations.
Fixes for iWeb '09.
Added support for getting the URL from entries created from web pages in Camino.
Disabled the group styling for top-level journals in the sidebar.
Updated Google GData framework to 1.6.
Fixed a problem changing the font color in an entry template after changing the background color in the Inspector.
Backups done at quit time will now show the correct progress.
Better handle the situation where the entire Application Support folder is moved elsewhere, causing backups to fail.
Added a "Save Attachments" menu item in the Entry menu, which is only visible via the hidden pref
until the next localization update.
Fixed a problem collapsing the current journal if it was nested in another journal with the "Collapse Other Journals" preference enabled.
Added hidden pref
Added hidden pref
to show the first page of a PDF by itself.
Added support for basic find panel actions in PDFs.
"New Entry" menu item is once again available from locked journals.
The entry text (or whatever is in the main content area) will be the focused item in the UI after launch.
When the Services dialog is disabled and a journal is a selected, creating a new entry from another application will create an entry in that journal correctly.
Fixed downloading entries from non-Google Atom servers.
Fixed a problem dragging image entries to another journal.
Fixed a problem viewing images other than 72 DPI as entries.
2-byte characters are now supported for the tags in import droplets on Leopard.
Aliased attachments in imported RTFD will be consolidated into the RTFD itself.
Fixed entry deletion from MetaWeblog/Movable Type servers.
Custom key equivalents for Full Screen mode that are in the F1-4 will work now (those are custom keys usually used for something else).
Better error reporting for problems during backup.
The automatic backup interval preference now accepts partial day values (e.g. 1.5 or 0.5).
Downloading from LiveJournal will now ask how many entries to download.
Added duplicate detection when downloading from LiveJournal.
Resolved the conflict between the key equivalents for Blockquote and Center Text.
Saving searches as smart journals will now include the text search string.
Fixed display of aliases in the sidebar or entries list when a custom font is used in the list.
Added hidden pref
, defaults to YES
Fixed the Status and Priority columns in the top entries list.
Fixed an issue where the topic field loses focus during typing.
Added support for three-fingered swipe gestures on trackpads to switch entries.
Now saving edits made in the Inspector that might still be ongoing before sending to a blog.
Fixed a problem remembering that the post came from a blog when downloading entries from LiveJournal.
Fixed a timeout issue with posting large pictures that need to be resized when posting to LiveJournal.
Entries with numbers in the topics will be sorted correctly when sorting by topic.
Added hidden pref
Now checking and resolving an alias in place of the normal Backups folder.
Fixed a bug that caused pictures with identical filenames to be referenced incorrectly in exported HTML.
Fixed a problem that used the wrong username when saving the Keychain item for an attachment server.
Fixed the Text Zoom on separate entry windows so it matches the main window.
Added Journler import. Drag the Journler Entries folder from the Journler folder to a journal to import it.
Improved the behavior of the Journal->Sort By menu when dealing with descending sort orders.
Fixed a crash when communicating with blogs under certain circumstances.
When no tab is selected, selecting another entry will replace the first tab and not the last.
Fixed a problem preventing checkboxes showing up in the text search index.
If the journal containing the current entry locks while in Full Screen, MacJournal will exit Full Screen.
Fixed an issue pasting black text into text with color.
Fixed a bug that reset the editing position when entering and exiting full screen.
Added some additional checks so that the syncing log should not grow unchecked in the case of some syncing errors.
Fixed behavior of "Append Selection to Entry" when "Show Dialog for Services" is disabled.
Added an example field to the Advanced Preferences for date formatting.
Added tooltips displaying the full path to each document in the pop-up in the Advanced Preferences.
Tags from WordPress will be downloaded along with the entry.
Removed any last vestiges of rules from the Edit Link sheet: you can now put whatever kind of text in there and it will be made into a link.
Added hidden pref
to format the line endings for blog posts with <p> tags instead of letting the blog server handle it. This will probably be the default behavior in the future.
Fixed "Move Down".
Fixed potential data loss when a document is renamed in the Finder while MacJournal has it open.
Moved "Random Entry" to the hidden list of toolbar items.
Fixed a bug with pasting text that is longer than the text of the entry.
Added some optional logging for file operations that documents perform:
Made "Send to iWeb" more fireproof if iWeb happens to crash while talking with it.
The labels for rows in the info bar will dynamically resize to maximize the useful space.
Added a "Save a Copy As" menu item to the File menu.
Dragging entries to the tab bar will no longer create duplicate tabs.
Fixed a bug created new documents with spell-checking turned off.
Turned off new behavior for searching for spelling errors when switching to an entry by default. Use
to re-enable.
Added hidden pref
Fixed a crash on quit if you had dragged some items around and then closed a document before quitting.
Passwords will no longer be echoed as they are typed into the command line tool.
Making a calendar event from an entry will prompt you to choose the destination calendar.
If you change <$DateAndTime$> to <$Date$> in the entry template, it will only insert the date. <$Time$> also works.
Custom image sizes will be respected when printing.
New smart journals will have a default row for topic and one for tags in the settings sheet to be more instructive.
Links in pasted text will now be recognized.
Restored support for discovering plain email addresses (without the mailto) for Leopard users.
Added syncing support for journal password hints.
Eliminated spinning wait cursor when recovering entries.
Wiki links will no longer be marked as misspelled.
Misspelled words will be marked when you switch entries.
Improved results of smart journals.
Items in journals will be removed from the back/forward history menus when locked.
New implementation of the floating calendar window, only available for English localizations for now. Comes with new hidden pref
No longer sending the entry annotation as the Movable Type excerpt unless the hidden pref
is set.
Fixed a problem preventing the correct date from being imported from previously exported entries.
Some minor syncing fixes.
Fixed a problem printing PDFs which caused them to be offset by the previously set margin.
Fixed a problem with new lines in checkboxes lists starting off checked.
Fixed a crash that can occur in the blog server settings window when something fails.
Added support for syncing entry status, rating, and priority.
Delayed daily backups will now run at quit.
You can now change the label on multiple entries at once.
Fixed a duplicate "None" item in the labels menu for entries in the sidebar.
Fixed a bug where custom ruler settings were overzealously lumped in with old list tab settings and removed when you added a new line.
Fixed a bug where the recording quality settings were not getting correctly applied.
The entry edit windows will no longer hide when you switch applications.
Fixed a problem with keeping the selection centered in full screen with two-byte characters.
Added hidden pref
Fixed unnecessary scrolling in the entries list when there are a lot of entries.
Updated Google GData framework to 1.5.
Some fixes to MobileMe syncing.
Fixed Wiki link auto-discovery.
Fixed a problem sending entries with an ampersand to LiveJournal or WordPress.
Switched the default for "Escape non-ASCII Characters" for new blog servers back to off after fixing a different but that does not require this.
Creating a new tab while in a smart journal will just duplicate the current one.
Fixed a case where inserting the current iTunes song would cause an error.
Updated Danish localization.
If you are in a list and delete the line and then press return, the tab stops will now be adjusted back to normal.
Added hidden pref
to control new behavior in 5.1.1. Default value is YES
, disable for 5.1 behavior.
Fixed display and operation of embedded QuickTime media in entries (included music).
Fixed a problem sending styled entries to MetaWeblog-based blogs.
Fixed a crash saving and loading entries with checkboxes.
Fixed a text-to-HTML formatting bug for text with centered sections.
Fixed a problem where text entered in Full Screen after a data sync completes could be lost.
Fixed duplicate items in the Full Screen preferences pane key equivalent menu.
Fixed the automatic substitution of the date and time in entry templates.
Fixed some Accessibility issues in the calendar and tab bar.
During a search, the text will scroll to the first instance of the search term.
Fixed a problem opening the sidebar with the entries list on the right.
Search terms in PDF documents will be highlighted just like text entries are.
Worked around Blogger's tendency to add line breaks inside lists.
Improved launch performance.
Fixed a problem dragging a non-QT-movie into the Recording bar to import it.
Fixed a crash when editing text on some machines at a zoom level above 100%.
Changed the default value for "Escape non-ASCII characters" to "yes" for new blogs.
Wiping the preferences will use a data file in the default location instead of creating a new one at launch.
Fixed some encoding issues for UTF-8 encoded WordPress blogs.
Fixed an issue posting to a category in WordPress blogs. You may need to refresh the category list to complete the fix.
Added a toolbar item to toggle the Info Bar. It's hidden for now.
Added hidden pref
to show a global menu bar item for Quick Note.
Fixed some sizing issues with the entries list on the right side.
Fixed a check that caused unencrypted locked journals to unlock at launch.
Changed the journal sorting to ignore case.
Fixed a case where list types like hyphen would not get handled correctly.
Added the "Styles" menu item to the Format Font menu. English only for now.
Disallow journals to be placed inside of journals that they contain.
Entries without topics will show the date in the entries list as well as the sidebar.
Fixed a crash syncing journals that are sorted by rating, status, flagged, or priority.
Fixed the behavior of the Save menu item for a separate entry window when the main document window is closed. As added separated Save As support for saving that entry somewhere.
Fixed a problem downloading some entries from LiveJournal.
Fixed a problem showing and hiding the Sidebar when the entries list is on the right.
Fixed a problem laying out the parts of the main window when showing the entries list on the left or right when searching.
Fixed a problem saving the document after auto-configuring a LiveJournal blog with friend groups.
Fixed the grouping of searches so words separated by spaces will be their own search terms.
Imported web archives will have the originating URL placed in the annotation field.
Fixed the Labels menu in the Sidebar for entries on Tiger.
Fixed a issue rewrapping the text after hiding or showing the sidebar.
Alias entries and entries in a smart journal will use the background color of the original entry unless the journal they are in has a color of its own.
Fixed the window Zoom button when there is no text in the entry.
Fixed some crashing bugs with MobileMe syncing.
Links to local files will open the files from the Finder.
Fixed Paste Style and Paste Ruler for multiple entries.
Fixed a case where the Unlock Journal sheet would save an incorrect password in the Keychain.
Fixed smart quote handling for French.
Fixed a problem reordering entries in a journal.
If none of the tabs in the current window are selected, the File menu will bind Command-W to close window.
Fixed a crash when closing an entry edit window when the document window has already closed.
Blogger blogs will now download all entries, not just 25.
Fixed entry size display for entries without any attachments in them.
Hopefully fixed a crash dealing with the tags field.
Fixed an issue where MacJournal would not quit sometimes after you created an entry and then minimized the window.
Fixed an issue where the individual files backup would not replace older files.
Capped the number of entries in Quicklook previews to 100.
Fixed an issue that caused the search index to rebuild each launch.
Updated Media Browser to 1.1.1.
The backup and sync status sheets will not show if MacJournal is not the frontmost application, even if the window is visible. When MacJournal is activated again, the sheet will show.
Fixed a crash that can occur if you have a separate editing window open and you quit.
Enabled undo in the Quick Note window.
Fixed a case where selecting entries during a search would clear the search if some tabs were visible.
Added hidden pref
to compensate for blog servers misinterpreting dates.
Fixed a problem when deleting entries that were from Finder aliases.
Improved deletion behavior on Palm devices.
Fixed a case where closing all tabs other than something other than the selected tab would not change the actual entry selection.
Fixed a case where switching out of a list mode would cause an error.
Fixed HTML styling of tables with a cell spanning multiple columns.
Started compacting the search index on disk more aggressively.
Fixed a case where "Paste and Match Style" would still retain the font settings of the copied text if it was copied in MacJournal.
Fixed a bug preventing saving of background images.
Fixed a bug preventing creation of new search indexes.
Fixed a bug where the default font of empty entries was not showing up correctly when switching to full screen.
Added hidden pref
Fixed an issue sending pictures with spaces in the names to MetaWeblog servers.
Links clicked from web archive entries will be opened in your default browser.
Fixed some overlapping views in the main window in an extreme case.
Fixed a problem downloading entries with tags from Blogger.
Fixed a problem locking the backup files if you unlock a journal a certain way.
Disabled the Edit Link toolbar item for plain text entries.
Fixed a problem restoring the splitter position for the horizontal entries list.
Fixed a few problems sending multi-byte titles, tags, annotations, and categories to WordPress servers.
LiveJournal apparently does not like posts with no body, so a single space will be sent instead.
Dragging a vCard from Address Book to the URL field in the Edit Link sheet will insert the link to that person.
Disabling the dialog for Services and then dragging text onto the dock icon will be more intelligent about where to put the text.
Fixed a crasher when synchronizing with Palm devices.
Fixed the Labels contextual menu for smart journals.
Changed all instances of ".Mac" to "MobileMe".
Double-clicking on a date with an entry in it in the calendar will now create another entry there.
Updated Italian localization.
Updated French localization.
Disabled the "Insert Link" menu item for plain text entries.
Fixed deleting entries from Blogger.
Disabled the "Open in Tab" menu item for entries already in a tab.
Fixed a problem with the tab bar hiding while rearranging tabs sometimes.
Simplified the URL detection in the Edit Link sheet to avoid making the wrong decision for message: links.
Fixed a bug with deletes when syncing with .Mac.
Fixed a problem copying links and pasting them into the Edit Link sheet.
Fixed a problem converting multiple lines to a numbered list.
Made the annotation field in the main window a line bigger so the scroller can work. Also made the tab key tab out of it.
Worked around an odd issue concerning inserting a new line after a resized image.
Fixed a problem where the tags field in the main window would not enable on Tiger properly depending on how you launched.
Updated Spanish localization.
Fixed a problem switching entries in Full Screen mode.
Fixed a problem saving data after configuring a LiveJournal server.
Improved printing for image-only entries.
Updated Japanese localization.
Fixed an issue getting the known issues on Tiger.
Fixed a problem where the window close box would not darken when typing after saving.
, rating
, flagged
, editable
, and label color
properties to journal entry
in AppleScript.
Rewrote the XML serialization code to be more efficient and more portable to other platforms.
Revised the
AppleScript command a bit to be more flexible and work in more cases.
MacJournal will attempt to lock journals in backups if the "Lock Journal on Quit" preference is set.
Editing Word documents will not let you add attachments anymore because the OS does not support writing the files.
Fixed a problem on Tiger where the sidebar would scroll to the top when a change was made.
Updated Growl to 1.1.3.
Fixed a problem where closing the current tab from the File menu would not select another one.
MacJournal now responds to some of the gestures you can do on the MacBook Air.
Some .Mac syncing fixes for when you reset the data on one machine.
Added the Services menu as a contextual menu for text.
Updated Dutch localization.
Fixed a problem preventing setting an entry's label back to None.
Appending text to the active entry from Quick Note should actually append the text instead of placing it at the cursor.
Fixed a problem with .Mac attachment servers on Tiger.
Fixed an issue where checked checkboxes in a list would get reset when adding a new line.
plain text
accessor of journal entry
in AppleScript to plain text content
to avoid a conflict with the export type.
Added an implicit "save" before sending to .Mac.
Fixed a problem showing the sidebar when the entries are place on the lefthand side.
Fixed a problem copying and pasting very similar text, but with some change like changing it to uppercase.
Added support for formatting nested lists properly to HTML.
Fixed some build issues that led to .Mac sync errors.
Turned on the hidden preference
by default.
Fixed a problem preventing images from being dragged to the Finder.
The header buttons in the Inspector and the status message bar at the bottom of the main window will now respect the systemappearance color (blue vs. graphite).
Fixed an error when deleting entries out of smart journals in some cases.
Added updated German localization.
Fixed an issue preventing adding a custom highlight color.
Added a hidden toolbar item for flagging entries.
Fixed a problem editing tags in the Change Tags sheet for new documents.
Fixed a problem with smart journals not updating problem after being reconfigured.
Fixed the appearance of some icons in the Media window.
Fixed some problems with smart journals recursively searching when in another journal.
Fixed a problem preventing the font toolbar items from updating when the selection changes in the text.
Fixed incorrect results when exporting a journal to HTML with only one journal as its contents.
Fixed an issue copying checkboxes from a list into a table.
Fixed a possible crash when syncing with .Mac.
Fixed a problem using the Batch Change sheet to remove labels.
Fixed some odd behavior when settings tags on the template entry.
Fixed entry file size calculations for text entries with images in them.
Fixed an issue where starting a checkbox list right after an image would duplicate the image.
Improved the link detection on Leopard a bit to ignore links that were previously removed while editing the document. It used to do this, but now it's back for Leopard users.
Added a modifier key combo (Control-Option-Command-Shift) to ignore some user display settings (open tabs, selection, configuration) on launch.
Fixed a bug invoking the Quick Note window when the app is hidden in the background.
Improved the formatting of entries created from a web browser via the Services menu.
Added support for importing OPML files natively.
When you have the "Lock on Idle" or "Lock on Quit" preferences set, the journals in the main document will lock when you close the window.
Fixed a build problem with the Palm conduit and Tiger.
Fixed a crash deleting a locked journal with no name.
Fixed a crash that can happen when login fails uploading an image to Picasa.
Fixed a problem sending entries to blogs on Tiger.
Fixed a problem editing blank new entries.
Separate entry editing windows should save their content along with the rest of the document.
Added hidden pref
Added hidden pref
Fixed a problem with checkboxes showing up multiple times.
Added hidden pref
The "Collapse other journals" preference will now apply when you deselect everything.
Fixed a problem with some journals not getting re-expanded on launch correctly.
Fixed a problem with editing the same entry in two windows with unsaved changes.
Fixed appearance of text when launching with text zoom greater than 100%.
Fixed a problem sorting by something other than topic.
Fixed a problem saving entries with checkboxes.
Fixed a problem with checkboxes getting into the default style, causing them to show up for each character you type.
Fixed a problem with the sidebar not showing the entries if you didn't start up with the entries list visible.
Fixed MacJournal URL handling on launch.
Hopefully fixed a problem with incremental syncs and entry content changes.
Added hidden pref
, which restores a previously-available preference.
Fixed rich text style changes after switching from plain text to rich text.
Fixed shift-tabbing in the Edit Link sheet.
Fixed a problem opening up the posted entry in LiveJournal after posting it.
The entry edit windows will use the date as a title if the entry does not have a topic.
Individual entry windows are now editable.
Added fading when entering and exiting Full Screen.
Added menu item to create a droplet anywhere you want that will import dropped files into a specified journal automatically.
Added support for pasting pictures into the Quick Note window.
Added Karelia's Media Browser window, accessible via toolbar or Window menu.
Added Movable Type's Import format as an export format option.
Dragging entries onto smart journals will attempt to conform the entry to whatever that smart journal is looking for.
Smart Journals placed inside other journals will restrict their search to that journal only.
Fixed a problem where inserting a new line after a checkbox list would fail to insert the line.
The calendar now supports all the other calendar systems that the OS does.
The calendar can also display more than one month if you make it big enough.
Most sorting in the journals will now be case-insensitive.
Fixed appearance of new bullet lists on PowerPC.
Fixed crash when sending posts with topics over 40 characters.
Fixed font used for plain text entries when printing.
Added export of comma-separated values.
Hopefully resolved a crash relating to updating the search index.
Added an item to the Format menu to easily save the current typing style as the default for that journal.
Fixed a problem with the Palm conduit forgetting the sync journal.
Worked around an OS bug regarding exporting non-editable entries and using the correct entry date in the resulting file.
Using Quick Note to append something to an entry that is already editing will try to insert the text at the current editing location.
Fixed a problem where duplicate blog servers can appear in the list in the settings window or the menu.
Double-clicking on locked journals will once again offer to unlock them.
Added an option to show the entries list on the left or right in addition to the default top location.
Sending an image to a Picasa server will convert anything that is not a JPEG into one.
All metadata fields in a text file should be recognized when importing and discovering the entries in a file.
Added importing for CSV files as well. The first line is ignored.
If you are sending an image to a Picasa server that will show up on a Blogger site, it will try to reuse the password so you don't have to reenter it.
Removing a keyword from an entry will remove it from the master list as well.
Added an advisory method to prevent accidental data loss due to simultaneous access to a MacJournal document from multiple users.
Added a new import option to import events from an iCal calendar as a journal.
Added a "Scale to Window Width" option to the contextual menu for images.
Added an "Add Tag" submenu to the contextual menu for entries to quickly add a tag. The most popular tags are on the top.
Fixed a problem with updating smart journals causing display problems in the sidebar.
Restored from previous versions the conflict resolution behavior when importing a MacJournal 5 data file into another one. It will check for matching entries and prompt you for a resolution.
Smart Journals are no longer valid journals in which to create an entry in Quick Note.
Fixed a few cases where the live word count can get off.
Added a Tags column to the Entries list.
Added a colored underline to tabs where the entry has a label.
Moved "New Tab" to the file menu and made it create a new entry for the tab.
Started compiling the tool and some of the other system plug-ins for 64-bit in case that becomes important.
Leopard users will see a path to the selected entry at the bottom of the window.
Worked around a crash in the OS on launch.
Added a password field directly to the message when selecting locked journals.
Added hidden pref
for posting entries to blogs.
Added hidden pref
, which may make it into the real UI if it's not too geeky.
Fixed crash on launch on Tiger.
The print margins should be calculated from the edge of the paper, not the edge of what the printer can touch.
Dragging entries onto one another is now undoable.
Fixed a data loss issue when using the hidden preference to change the Backups directory into the same directory as the main data file.
Fixed entry creation from the calendar to include the keywords in the entry template.
Fixed a problem where saving a smart journal based on searching a date range would cause the document to fail next time you opened it.
Added hidden pref
to do the Individual Files backup along with the regular timed backup.
When uploading to a blog, PDFs will be treated the same as non-images.
Fixed an issue where changing metadata (i.e. label) on an entry in a smart journal might make it disappear from the smart journal.
Fixed a formatting issue when converting a bullet or number list to checkboxes.
Fixed a problem dragging entries from one document to another in a certain case.
Fixed a problem creating a new journal from the Chooser dialog.
Updated the GData framework to 1.4.
Non-textual entries should not show a garbled tool tip in the sidebar.
Added check for QuickTime version at launch for Tiger users.
MacJournal will open the dedicated page for a new blog post for blog servers with a well-defined URL format instead of just the home page.
In cases where no tab is selected (viewing a journal), clicking on an entry will reuse the last tab instead of creating a new one.
Fixed a case where syncing text changes where the entry type changed could remove the data.
Fixed some crashes related to expanding items in the sidebar on Tiger.
Fixed changing rating in the Batch Change sheet.
Tweaked the image sizing in entry text to fill the vertical height but possibly overflow to the right.
MacJournal will try to create backups more aggressively before a .Mac sync.
Fixed a problem saving changes to Word files.
"Underline" should work when the entry text is empty.
Added hidden pref
Selecting the same range in the calendar over which you are currently searching will end the search.
Fixed importing podcasts.
Image-based entries will now be shown in the multiple entry view.
Clicking on the "and 20 more" at the bottom of the multiple entry view will load the rest of the entries.
PDFs printed directly into MacJournal will now respect what journal you selected, not just the document.
Form feed characters in text sent to blogs will now be escaped.
Fixed an exception moving a journal to the end of the journal list.
Fixed a crash deleting a item in the sidebar that is being renamed at the same time.
Fixed the Batch Change sheet.
Fixed a problem with backups not occuring in some circumstances.
Fixed some date calculations in the Change Date sheet when a non-Gregorian calendar is used.
Fixed alignment issue with the count displayed in the sidebar when a journal is selected.
Tweaked Picasa uploading to use the correct size when uploading to a non-Blogger blog since Google does not allow direct linking to the full sized image from a non-Blogger site.
Added the blog and recording badges to the entries list.
Reverting an entry will now save the document (if possible) to clear the dot from the close box.
Added a "Set Topic to Selection" menu item when control-clicking on some text.
New documents not saved when the application unexpectedly quits will be automatically opened on the next launch.
The Save toolbar item should be enabled when the menu item is (which is to say: always).
Added an item to the contextual menu for dates in the calendar to search for entries from that date.
When sending to a blog, empty lines will get totally ignored now (no empty set of paragraph tags).
Added the display of documents in the chooser you get when using the Services menu.
Removing something from a smart journal should remove it from its real location, not just the smart journal.
Fixed a problem receiving an encrypted journal from .mac syncing.
Fixed some printing issues on Tiger.
Fixed dragging custom-sized images around in the entry text.
Added a way to open a document from the journal chooser dialog you get from Services or dragging a file onto the Dock.
Added hidden pref
to disable part of the fancy Leopard look in the sidebar.
The separate entry view window will respect more of the preferences that the regular window does.
The entry view window will also track changes made to the text in the main window if it is the same entry.
Improved the tooltips for the sidebar and entry list to include snippets of the entry text.
Fixed Full Screen disply on secondary screens.
Fixed metadata when printing more than one entry (but not a journal).
Fixed the labels menu when control-clicking on a journal on Tiger.
Added Move Up and Move Down menu items to the Edit menu.
Keep the application front when clicking the Settings button in the Quick Note window.
Added the
choose entry
and choose journal
AppleScript commands.
Fixed the "flagged" row in the smart journal settings sheet.
Added "modification date" to the smart journal settings sheet.
Fixed a problem dragging entries onto an entry without any text at all.
Fixed a bug where uploading an entry to LiveJournal as public after uploading it as private would not change the visibility.
Added some items when control-clicking on an image to scale it to some provided values.
Images will now always be given a unique name when uploading to an attachment server.
Fixed some issues uploading to SFTP.
Disabled the Export menu item when selecting a locked journal.
Supported separating search terms with quote marks.
Documents open when you quit will be restored when next you launch.
Fixed a problem with animated user icons from LiveJournal.
The Quick Note window will no longer reset the topic and keywords field when you switch journals.
Added a warning to the Quick Note window if you press the Settings button with some text entered.
When a journal is selected, the Browse toolbar item will try to select an entry in the next or previous journal instead of just the journal itself.
Fixed the tab settings for new checkboxes lists so it matches the other list types.
"Show Ruler" will now work no matter where you are in the UI.
Fixed a bug preventing custom page margins from being saved.
Fixed a problem preventing posting empty entries to a blog server.
Added a status message for completing a backup.
Fixed the Print Journal menu item.
Fixed some more sizing issues with images not at 72 DPI.
Fixed a bug where cancelling a blog post to Google after an image upload failed would continue to send the post.
Fixed the AppleScript
content file
Re-enabled editing names for items in the sidebar.
Fixed HTML interpretation for posts downloaded from MetaWeblog and Movable Type blogs.
Fixed a crash cancelling the "Change Password" sheet.
Fixed an issue saving the "use default server" setting for .Mac attachment servers.
Fixed an issue sending images with a space in the filename to .Mac.
Fixed an issue sending resized images to a blog.
Fixed a problem where the text would not change to the fixed width font when converting to plain text.
Fixed the selection in the sidebar when dragging multiple entries from one journal to another.
Fixed a crash when closing non-main documents on Tiger.
Journals that were expanded before opening the entries list should become expanded again when it is closed.
Fixed a case where the entries list would remain open after a search.
Fixed some problems opening MacJournal from a Spotlight search.
Fixed a problem seeing the insertion point on dark backgrounds when not in Full Screen.
Tags from web archives will no longer be imported.
Added all "new" items to contextual menus for entries and journals.
Improved the Tags sheet to show a mixed state for keywords which are only applied to some of the selected entries.
Fixed the label contextual menu when control-clicking on a different entry than what is shown.
Fixed display of entries with labels right under top-level journals on Leopard.
The calendar will now highlight days for entries in its nested journals as well.
Extended "Recover Entries" and the importer to add journals for encrypted data files found.
Fixed an issue with zero-length tags causing the document not to load.
Widened the maximum size of the sidebar by almost 3x.
Unsaved changes will now get saved before printing.
Fixed a crash deleting an entry.
Fixed a problem with Quick Note appending to the selected entry not refreshing the display.
The automatic daily backup will now happen after the application has been idle for a minute.
Added a "Back Up" toolbar item, only available when the "Extra" toolbar items are shown until I get an icon.
Fixed a problem where text editing positions were not getting saved on quit.
Fixed a rare crash downloading posts from Blogger on Tiger.
Fixed a rare case were new entry content would show up as blank.
Added icons for the Text Color and Random Entry toolbar items and made them visible by default.
The Template buttons in the Inspector will now be disabled when the journal is locked.
Added "Recover Entries" item to the Help menu, which will search your data file for content not linked to an entry.
Fixed a problem downloading entries from LiveJournal.
The dock icon will no longer bounce when .Mac syncing starts.
Fixed a problem sending images to .Mac.
Fixed a problem remembering the Keychain setting for attachment servers.
Fixed a problem with unwanted horizontal scrolling while text zooming.
Fixed some issues resizing images that are too large for the window.
Fixed the custom MacJournal print settings on Tiger.
When clicking an image embedding some text that is selected, the selection will be cleared so the image resizing can work.
Fixed overlapping rows in the sidebar when changing fonts.
Fixed a case where an errant numeric list can spoil the fun for checkboxed list.
Fixed the HTML formatting of bulleted lists to properly use the
tag instead of <ol>
Fixed a crash customizing the Info bar after closing a document.
Added a "Copy" item to the contextual menu for the image in image-based entries. The "Copy" item in the Edit menu is also respected.
You can also drag images from image entries into the sidebar or the entries list to create a new entry or add it to an existing one.
Fixed dragging entire journals from document to document.
Fixed the authentication dialog you can receive when auto-configuring a blog on a protected server.
Fixed a case where the "syncing with .mac" progress sheet would never go away.
Added an "Open Other" item to the main document pop-up in the Advanced prefs to open a document on disk and hopefully make that clearer.
Fixed a problem saving "None" template settings in Journals.
Fixed syncing for non-textual entries.
Added syncing support for smart journals and alias entries.
Fixed syncing problem for images that have custom sizes.
Now enforcing a minimum width for the font name drop-down.
Fixed a problem when sending some text with custom text alignments to blogs.
Fixed a problem retaining indentation levels when inserting a new line during checkboxed lists.
Fixed a problem saving the "Escapes" settings in blog options.
The hidden pref for drawer background color will be respected in the sidebar.
Added hidden pref
Added some more safety valves in the multiple entry view to make sure it doesn't take too long.
Fixed a problem where selecting a day in the calendar would hide the entries in the sidebar.
Fixed some syncing issues relating to a full rebuild from the sync information.
Enabled the Tags and Date toolbar items for use with multiple entries.
Fixed the Edit Link sheet for links dragged in from Safari.
Moved items will get exported on quit for Individual Files backups.
When dragging a document onto the dock, you will now get a journal chooser window that will allow you to pick a journal in any document.
The link in the PDF Services directory for other apps' print panels will now get fixed up each launch.
Fixed a problem with saving tags in entry templates.
When sending HTML to LiveJournal, <lj-cut> and <lj user> will be specially preserved so it comes across as expected.
Fixed a problem completing tags in the main window.
Fixed searching for text only with in the current journal.
Now allowing custom sorting for search results.
Improved the auto-completion when searching for tags.
Fixed a problem where moving a smart journal into another journal would render the search results useless.
Now always escaping ampersands in posts sent to blogs.
Double-clicking a non-textual entry will open that file in the Finder.
Right-clicking in an image entry will show show some options to open the file in an application.
Added hidden pref
for creating textual entries when importing images.
Fixed a problem where numeric lists could linger on after you tried to stop them.
Fixed a problem where setting up a smart journal to search based on date would use the wrong time for that date.
Entering a full path in the .Mac upload sheet is now supported and intermediate folders will get created remotely.
Added a toolbar item "Insert File" for inserting attachments into text. Hidden for now until an icon comes along.
When posting an entry to LiveJournal that has a link to another entry also posted to to LiveJournal, the link will be changed to a link to the blog post on the web.
Fixed a problem with the default options for blog servers not getting set up correctly.
Fixed a crash posting custom-sized images to a blog on Tiger.
Fixed downloading posts from Blogger that have images in them.
Fixed a problem printing on some PowerPC machines.
Fixed dragging entries between documents.
Fixed a regression where performing a search that didn't find anything would not just select the journal you were viewing before.
Fixed a problem in journals with a template set would show the same text as the last entry when creating a new one.
Fixed a problem where exporting more than one entry to a single file would destroy paragraph-level settings like tables.
Added hidden pref
to display the date instead of the topic in the sidebar.
Fixed the path that the sync server uses to sync data with MacJournal.
Simplified the Recording preferences some.
Worked around an issue preventing recording on Tiger.
Fixed a case where the font color would be used as the background color when formatting HTML.
Fixed a problem where a bad blog from MJ4 could cause the MJ5 data not to load.
When creating a journal with a journal selected, the new journal will be placed inside that journal.
Opening a separate viewer window for non-text entries will no longer show gibberish.
Add UUID properties to entries and journals in AppleScript.
When sending an image that has been resized to a blog, the custom size will be honored.
Fixed a problem exporting a journal to PDF with one file per entry.
Fixed the Status searching from smart journals.
Fixed a problem with launching could show an entry from a locked journal.
Fixed individual files backup.
Fixed a crash right-clicking at the end of the text.
Fixed an error when editing lists on Leopard.
Added the "add tag" AppleScript command.
Now correctly encrypting the entry template along with the journal.
Fixed a crash clicking on the column header in the Colors pref pane.
Reset trial demo period.
Fixed a case where the keychain password was not used for uploading images.
Fixed the categories display for journals with blog servers when opening the settings panel.
Fixed a crash opening a viewer window on an empty entry.
Added some filtering for bad characters when writing the database file.
Fixed image uploading to .Mac.
Now correctly removing locked entries from the search index.
Fixed a crash when deleting an alias with unsaved changes.
Fixed a crash deleting the only tab when the "Always Show Tab Bar" pref is set.
Fixed the QuickLook preview generator.
Disabled the New Entry and New Journal menu items when inside a smart journal.
Resolved a performance problem while typing.
Turned on live word count in the Status bar by default.
Added an annotation field to the Info bar.
Fixed a case where the search field could lose focus.
Tweaked the collapsing behavior in the sidebar when "Collapse Other Journals" is set and no journal is selected.
Fixed iPod Notes exporting.
Fixed placement of the macjournal tool and the Markdown script inside the application package.
Fixed a problem with the Spotlight index being reset upon launch.
The "Delete" menu item should be available when selecting more than one journal.
Locking a journal will now remove the tabs associated with that journal.
Fixed exporting entries and journals with forward slashes in them.
Downloading posts from blogs will now download any images in the posts.
More .mac syncing fixes to update entry content when it changes on the server.
Fixed display of sheets in Full Screen.
When selecting an entry and its journal in the sidebar, the center view will only display the entry once.
Re-respecting the
hidden pref for daily backups.
Fixed a crash resizing the window during a search.
Fixed a case where you could drag an entry into a smart journal.
Restored a menu item in the Window menu for showing the main document window.
When no document window is open, the New Entry and New Journal menu items will re-open the main document and then perform the requested action.
Fixed an issue where exporting could be aborted unnecessarily.
Fixed a problem where parts of the Inspector would not properly update when switching document.
Fixed another case where the "document is modified by other app" may erroneously appear.
Added "Duplicate" menu item to the Edit menu.
Fixed the ordering when adding an entry to a journal that is sorted descending.
Fixed a problem improperly selecting entries when opening documents with saved tabs.
Fixed a layout problem in the main window when changing entries while something is animating.
Fixed a problem with the icon in the sidebar not updating when changing the editability of an entry.
Fixed a rare crash on quit.
Fixed a crash opening the .Mac sheet on Tiger.
Fixed scrolling with non-Apple mice.
Added a key equivalent for Insert Line Break: Shift-Return.
If the Entries list was not visible when starting to search, it will be hidden when ending the search.
Fixed a crash closing a document after dragging some entries from the sidebar or entries list into another program or to the Desktop.
Fixed a case where the "file modified by other application" warning could erroneously appear.
The visibility of the calendar in the sidebar is now properly remembered.
When you locate the main document at launch after MacJournal couldn't find it, the new location will be remembered.
Fixed a problem where expanding all three sections in the Inspector would cause it to lay things out incorrectly.
Fixed the "Encrypts Data" setting in the Document section of the Inspector.
Removing the password from a journal will now remove the password from the Keychain if the checkbox for the Keychain was checked.
Fixed a problem migrating data with locked journals.
When the sidebar is set to open the Entries list after changing the selection, it won't try to close it if it is already open.
Fixed a problem with Full Screen not allowing editing for new entries.
Fixed some crashes while syncing to .mac.
Fixed an issue exporting a journal as a single file.
Opening MacJournal 5 documents of single entries or journals will now work correctly.
Fixed the label menu when right-clicking an entry.
Changed default Full Screen key equivalent to F7.
Changed the double-click behavior for entries to show a separate window for them. Pressing Return will edit the item.
Fixed a problem with clicking in some of the tables ending the search if "Collapse Other Journals" is set in the Sidebar prefs.
Fixed the "Encrypt Data" button in the locked journal message when the journal doesn't have a cleartext password with which to encrypt.
Fixed a problem entering Full Screen mode on Tiger.
Fixed a crash involving Smart Journals.
Fixed a problem migrating data with a single top-level journal.
Fixed a crash unlocking journals by uncollapsing them in the sidebar.
Going to the same entry again should not add that entry to the view history.
Fixed the status message display added in the last beta.
Hopefully resolved a crash that can happen when locking and encrypting a journal.
Fixed a problem migrating 4.x data with multiple levels of encrypted journals.
Added a consistency check for the search index to fix up problems at launch.
Fixed a problem were some tab stops were getting eaten when pressing the Return key with no list going on.
Fixed a problem opening attachments from text entries.
Fixed a problem with printing where the metadata would not show up unless you changed a setting.
Dragging the entries list splitter all the way to the top will now automatically close it.
Fixed updating of the text zoom pop-up in the main window when changing it from some other place.
Fixed an error configuring LiveJournal blogs with no userpic assigned.
Fixed crash unlocking journal from Keychain password.
You can once again insert the date and time in the topic field, or any other field.
Fixed some problems with entry templates saving default font information and with topic-only templates.
Creating an entry from the calendar will now correctly select that entry.
Fixed the Check for Updates checkbox in the prefs.
Added a way to view status messages (that usually get sent to Growl only) in the document window.
Fixed the titles of the Show/Hide Sidebar and Entries List menu items.
Fixed a crash deleting an HTML template in the prefs.
Fixed incorrect post time for LiveJournal posts.
HTML entities in LiveJournal entry topics will now get converted correctly.
Importing empty folders will always result in an empty journal, instead of aborting the drag.
Fixed a crash configuring blogs.
Fixed a crash searching on Tiger.
Fixed a crash opening the recording bar on Tiger.
Fixed a crash closing the Inspector on Tiger.
Enabled table and list formatting for blog posting.
Entries downloaded from LiveJournal should have their tags correctly assigned.
Fixed Move To and Copy To menus when selecting more than one entry.
Now using the keychain password for the journal whenever auto-locking it so it can encrypt.
Lists created in 5.0 and beyond are now exported as real HTML lists.
Fixed a crash collapsing journals.
Added a video device selector to the Recording pref pane.
Added hidden pref
Fixed the command-line tool, MissingSync plug-in, and .mac syncing so they don't crash.
Fixed background images for entries and journals.
Fixed first day of the month in the calendar on Tiger systems.
Fixed crash on quit when a background color is set.
Added a pointer in the General preferences to the Inspector, where some of the default appearance settings can now be found.
Fixed the taco.
Moved content searching from the toolbar field to a background thread.
Fixed a problem uploading via SFTP.
Added some homemade icons for the Superscript and Subscript toolbar items.
Updated GData framework to 1.3.
Changed the lock dialog you get when you need to provide a password to encrypt a journal. As a side effect, it will also check the Keychain for a password first.
Added new serial numbers for MJ 5.0.
Tweaked Recording a bit to have a preference for recording videos by default. Fixed a crash too.
Fixed a bug causing "Encrypts Data" setting to not be remembered.
You can no longer remove all the rows in the smart journal configuration sheet.
Added the journal hint as a tool tip for the password field in the Migrate sheet.
Launching with the main document missing or otherwise not locatable will now require you to create a new main document.
Fixed a crash using Smart Journals.
Fixed some problems with locking journals with and without encryption.
Fixed an erroneous bad password alert when updating a post on a Movable Type server.
Added new Text Clean Up command: "Remove Duplicate Lines".
Added a field in the Inspector and a column in the Entries list for showing the size of an entry on disk.
Fixed a problem locking and unlocking encrypted journals.
Tables will now be exported as HTML.
Updated the recording functionality to use QTKit capturing, new in QT 7.2. Tweaked the recording UI for videos a bit as well.
Fixed lots of small bugs here and there.
Added "Lines in Entry" to the Statistics panel.
Added "Select Line..." menu item to the Fine menu.
Added Substitutions menu to the Edit menu for Leopard users.
Changed the name of "Keywords" to "Tags".
Added a "descending" option to both "Sort by" menus in the app. Hold down the Option key to get it.
Fixed a problem where the search options would not show sometimes when starting a search.
MacJournal shouldn't ask you to save an Untitled document before performing some actions, like printing or blogging.
Added some new artwork, including a new app icon.
Fixed printing to support multiple documents correctly.
Leopard users can edit the rules for Smart Journals using a new menu item in the Journal menu.
Changed the date formatting prefs a bit to reflect reality with international date formats: you can choose short, medium, long, or full formats.
Added topic and keywords to the Quick Note window.
Fixed display of attachments embedded in the text.
Fixed searching through entry text.
Search history is now saved with the document.
Fixed the somewhat wacky search sheet you can see if you don't have the search toolbar item visible.
When the window focus is in the search field and the search shows up in the current entry's text, the text selection should be easier to see.
Added "Insert in Entry" menu item to the action menu for the recording bar to add the recording to the current location in the entry text.
Fixed a problem retrieving passwords from the Keychain.
Added a "New Smart Journal" menu item to the File menu for Leopard users.
Fixed a crash when showing a sheet.
Fixed a crash looking up items in the Keychain.
Disabled searching for orphaned new documents in the Caches folder for now.
Added a "Sort by" menu to the contextual menu for journals.
Fixed the E-Mail toolbar item.
Fixed "Other" item for the Text Color and Highlight Color toolbar items to not change the text color while picking.
When an alert opens and you've been typing in another window, accidental key presses sent to the alert (like the return key) will be ignored so you don't accept something without actually seeing it.
Fixed an exception while migrating version 4 data. Also fixed a problem reusing passwords when unlocking during migration.
Fixed a problem changing passwords on journals.
Added a bunch of basic document types to the list of files MacJournal can open (unfortunately, there is no way to say "accept everything").
Fixed a crash unlocking journals.
Moved prefs for Entries list font to a new "Fonts & Colors" pref pane, along with settings for the Sidebar and Fixed Width entries.
The journals drawer will show the number of entries in a journal next to the journal.
Full screen will show the new entry topic if you switch entries.
Completely revamped the data file format on disk to be XML-based and stored the content in discrete files on disk in standardized formats.
Added support for storing non-pure-text content like movies, PDFs, and web pages.
Switched to Sparkle for version updating.
Entries dated in the future will offer the option of posting the entry to a blog at that point in the future.
Added support for SFTP to upload blog attachments.
Got rid of the drawers and moved the journals list into the main window as a sidebar and the entries list as a horizontal table. When the entries list is showing, only the journals will be visible in the journals list.
Added support for editing text without styles as pure plain-text documents.
Added flagging to entries.
Added more metadata options to the info bar above the entry text: optionally show topic, date, keywords, and/or label.
Added "Highlight" submenu to the Format menu.
Changed the "Labels" pref pane to the more generic "Colors" pref pane and added a way to customize Highlight and Text colors.
Moved the default settings for what are now document-level attributes down to a "Document" section in the Inspector. As a result, you can now control the top-level sorting of journals.
Added entry aliases.
Entry selection history is now preserved in the document.
Added Smart Journals.
Added some color presets to the Full Screen preferences.
Added entry priorities, status, and ratings.
Added Subscript and Superscript toolbar items.
The Fonts and Colors toolbar items will now toggle their respective panels, instead of just showing it.
Added video recording.
Changed the Quick Note window to display journal structure in the pop-up buttons, not just a flat readout.
Manually removed links will not reappear during automatic discovery.
You can now select a user picture to use when uploading to LiveJournal.
You can also select a subset of friend groups that can see your entry when you post to LiveJournal.
Added the "Allow Comments" option for LiveJournal posting.
Added an option to keep the selection centered vertically in the text area, with a separate option for Full Screen.
Added "New Tab" toolbar item.
Added hidden pref
, which specifies a path to an AppleScript to run upon quit.
Added a sheet to change metadata for multiple entries at once.
Added hidden pref
to automatically include the recording with an entry when posting to a blog.
Merged MacJournal's built-in list system with that of the operating system for better consistency.
Added resizing for images embedded in text entries.
Added QuickLook generator for new document files.
Added menu item to create an event in iCal for the current entry.
Added "Paste and Match Style" to the contextual menu in the main text area.
Added an option to remove daily backups after a certain number of days.
Fresh installs of MacJournal will add an item to the weird PDF button in the standard Print panel of any application to send a PDF to MacJournal.
Added support for uploading photos to Picasa as part of sending entries to blogs.
Fixed a problem sending text to iWeb with quotation marks.
Fixed a problem downloading entries from certain WordPress servers.
Added the time display to the summary list.
Updated Danish localization.
Now using a custom word counting scheme when running on Leopard.
WordPress entries with a "jump" should now get the additional text added on to the first part of the text.
Downgrade Growl to 1.1 for Panther users.
Change some threading behavior to fix crashing on Leopard.
Fixed a case where replacing a bunch of text some smaller text would not get reflected in the word count.
Updated Growl to 1.1.1.
New Japanese localization.
Shift-tab inside of a table will no longer jump you back to the topic field.
Wrapped the lines of the index page of a multi-page HTML export in a div with a CSS class that you can easily style.
Updated Italian localization.
Fixed a problem with Leopard and changing dates.
Fixed an issue where the app could start up with no tabs selected.
Removed the vestigial "minus" button from the Keywords sheet.
Fixed the behavior of the "Other" item in the Label toolbar item.
Color changes in the Inspector for labels and backgrounds should no longer affect selected text in the entry.
Updated Dutch localization.
Downloaded entries from LiveJournal should retain their security settings now.
Pasting mailto links in the URL sheet will no longer add another mailto on the front.
Added hidden pref to group the words in the search string as a single phrase instead of slicing it up.
Characters encoded inside URLs for links in text will not be double-encoded when converted to HTML.
Fixed a problem where selecting multiple entries caused the journals list to scroll unnecessarily.
Images with filenames with spaces will be corrected before sending off to a remote server.
Made deleting license information in the About window undoable.
Undoing far enough that the undo will affect an entry other than the current entry will bring that entry to the front.
Restore GData authentication for Panther users.
Fixed a case where new Palm entries were not getting the default style applied.
Fixed a problem where changes to entries on the Palm would blow away all styling on the Mac. Now the modified text gets the style at the start of the original text.
Fixed a bug where the current entry might get two tabs when you relaunch.
The spell checking state of the topic field should match the preference.
Made the "Journal" column in the journal entry list view more resizable.
Finally fixed the crasher that strikes when syncing to a Palm or .Mac when viewing the entry list of a journal.
Restored Panther compatibility.
Fixed another rare crasher that sometimes strikes after you've exported some HTML.
Entries created via Services that come with no style attached will conform to the entry template set up for that journal.
Fixed the behavior of the "Other" item in the Text Color toolbar item.
MacJournal will prefer the Preview application when opening the help file.
Cleaned up some issues with updating entries on the Palm.
Improved behavior of entering keywords with case sensitivity.
Worked around an OS bug regarding opening the Find panel when something like the "this journal is locked" message is up.
Adopted Google's own framework for posting to Blogger to eliminate compatibility issues (hopefully). Unfortunately, this is only available for Tiger users.
Hopefully squashed a rare but annoying crasher that pops up most often when locking encrypted journals or switching data locations.
Fixed a problem recognizing URLs with
's in them.
You can now drag entries from the journal summary to the Journals drawer, if you had wanted to do that.
Fixed automatic backups with new versions.
Sorted the list of mood names in the LiveJournal post panel.
When launching with a locked journal selected, the unlock button will but the active button if you have full keyboard access enabled.
Keywords will be uploaded to LiveJournal as tags.
Added support for the NetNewsWire external blog editor protocol.
Hacked in another gory workaround to Apple's multipage PDF to hopefully make it work until they fix it.
Temporary files created when you open an attachment in another application will be cleaned up on quit.
Downloading entries from LiveJournal will show the "how many" sheet. The max is still 50, as imposed by the server.
Improved error reporting for exporting to HTML when the text cannot be converted to the specified text encoding.
Added hidden pref
to bypass HTML interpretation of downloaded text from an Atom server.
Provided much better support for the green zoom button in the main window: pressing that will now yield you the "optimized" size of the window for the text currently displayed.
Fixed a case where some table settings would get carried over into a new entry if it was created in the midst of editing a table.
Removed the Table toolbar item entirely on Panther.
Fixed a case where unsaved changes could get lost before a .mac sync.
Updated French localization.
When selecting a journal, the window title will display only the journal name.
Fixed a crash when changing data locations.
Fixed a crash when blockquoting or listing at the end of the text sometimes.
Added hidden (for now) toolbar item for directly navigating the entry viewed history. Use the previously-defined
to see it.
When downloading from Atom blogs, MacJournal will once again attempt to interpret the HTML for Panther users using some WebKit functionality.
Windows that are open when you exit full screen will be rearranged to make sure they all fit on screen when the Dock and menubar are taken into account.
Fixed localized date formatting for the entry list when you click on a journal.
Added hidden pref
to provide a separate version of the scroll padding for the normal editing mode.
Fixed a bug in the Palm conduit that could prevent any more than one entry from syncing at a time.
Made blockquoting apply to multiple ranges and allow it to be toggled.
Fixed a bug downloading HTML from Atom servers on Panther.
Changing MacJournal list mode will clear the Apple list mode.
Fixed export journals or entries to PDF when the final PDF will span more than one page.
Updated embedded version of Growl to 0.7.6.
Added hidden preference
, which will define a period in which the backups are saved. For example, a value of "60" will cause all backups older than 60 days to be deleted when you quit MacJournal.
Added a potential workaround for the venerable crash in the OS associated with multi-page PDFs.
Entries synced to Palms will now have the topic inserted as the first line. The reverse is done when bringing the entry back in.
Fixed a case where searching for something with no results would steal the focus away from the search field.
Added support for importing your Stickies database, thanks to a helpful article on O'Reilly.
Updated French and Spanish localization from the 4.0.x versions, so there will be some holes.
Tentatively changed the Browse toolbar item images to up/down instead of left/right since the latter can easily be confused with web browser behavior.
When the search field in the toolbar is in Keyword mode, typing will auto-complete based on the current set of keywords.
Text with a head indent and first line head indent greater than or equal to 18 points (0.25 inches) and with a tail indent set will be wrapped in a
tag when you convert it to HTML. Added a hidden preference IncludeBlockquoteMenuItem
to add a menu item to format the text automatically.
Updated Accessibility support.
Sending multiple entries to a blog server when some are new and some just need updating is a little smarter now. Entries that have not been modified since the last post to that blog will not be sent.
Updated Japanese localization.
Fixed a bug where turning off list auto-discovery and trying to insert a tab on a line that looks like a list would still try to do something special to the list.
Fixed a problem exporting a journal to PDF.
Fixed a crash on Panther when changing the data location.
Fixed a leak reloading the data from disk (like after a sync).
Fixed a bug preventing the Palm conduit from creating entries on the computer for memos created on the Palm.
When using the "Append Selection to Entry" service, only the current journal will be expanded to show its contents.
Disabled the ability to temporarily override the location of the data; it's probably more of a bother than a win.
Changing the font color and jumping to Full Screen before typing anything will now use the correct color for text typed in FullScreen.
Added updated Italian and German localizations.
Added "iWeb" toolbar item and menu item for exporting the current entry to a blog entry in iWeb.
Fixed a problem with .Mac syncing that could prevent it from adding or removing entries in a locked journal.
Typing a somewhat large number at the start of a line followed by a period and typing return will no longer flag that line as a numbered list if it is not preceded by the previous number.
Disabled "cut" in the drawers to prevent accidental data loss.
Now including relevant console logs with crash reports.
Tied Option-Command-Right and -Left to Previous and Next entry (respectively).
Fixed a problem restoring editing position in entries, including in Full Screen mode.
Fixed an exception after finishing syncing with multiple tabs open.
Fixed auto-configuring a Typepad blog. Posting to Typepad should work now.
Fixed a problem with dragging text into the topic field not updating the rest of the interface regarding that topic.
Allowed the "Open Entry in Tab" menu item to work correctly again.
Updated Danish and Taiwanese localizations.
No longer reaping old audio recordings on launch because it might not know about entries in encrypted journals.
The warning sheet before posting to a blog that lets you change post categories is now resizable.
Included the first beta of the MacJournal Palm conduit.
Journal names are no longer required to be unique.
Fixed a somewhat rare crash closing tabs.
Fixed a problem preventing MacJournal from registering with Sync Services.
Fixed an exception when pressing return in an ineditable entry.
When dragging some text into a drawer to create an entry, the first line of the dragged text will be used.
When removing an audio recording, the time displayed will reset back to 0.
Importing audio will offer to change the date of the entry to match as well.
Implemented a plug-in to read MacJournal data into Blacktree's Quicksilver app launcher.
Fixed a potential crash communicating with the OS over data syncing.
Enabled spell check in the topic field.
Added hidden pref pair
and LoadDataFromDefaultDotMac
, which will cause your data to be saved to (and optionally loaded from) the default .Mac user account set up in the System Preferences. Since this is still a hidden pref, may the user beware.
Fixed a bug exporting a single journal to individual HTML files.
PDFs are now treated like non-image attachments when exporting to HTML.
Deleted entries and journals will end up with representations in the Trash.
MacJournal will now try to log into Google whenever you post to, not just when you are posting with a GMail address.
Fixed a crash using the "Open in New Tab" menu item.
Improved appearance of selected text in Full Screen mode when using a color combination like white-on-black.
Added a fatal alert dialog if you launch more than one copy of MacJournal at a time per user.
Fixed an error that could show a QuickTime alert message when appending a recording to another.
While a .Mac sync is in progress, most of the UI will be disabled. This is necessary because the sync may need to reload the data, which would lose any changes since the sync started.
Making an entry uneditable while there are unsaved changes will save the text first.
Some Movable Type servers incorrectly report MetaWeblog as its server type, when it should be Movable Type (since it doesn't fully implement MetaWeblog).
Fixed text formatting when downloading entries from the current (non-Google and non-Beta) Blogger.
Fixed a problem printing the first time (all subsequent tries would work).
Fixed an issue exporting a single entry to an RTF file and changing the filename in the Save dialog.
Fixed a crash associated with configuring Typepad blogs.
Fixed an intermittent problem updating entries posted to MetaWeblog/Movable Type blogs.
The sorting in the journal entry list will now be remembered in between uses.
Fixed a problem updating the window title when switching entries only on Panther.
Fixed the layout of the Edit Link sheet when resizing the window.
Fixed an inconsistency in the gray string that appears in the search field when you change search types.
Fixed the "Check for Updates" feature on Intel-based machines.
Non-image and -movie attachments are now written out and linked with an anchor tag when exporting to an HTML file on disk.
Fixed the dates on entries downloaded from the Blogger Beta (i.e. Atom 1.0).
Added hidden pref
, which will allow you to get the 4.0 behavior for the journal list.
Added support for Google logins to Posting and downloading entries should work now.
Fixed a crash clicking the "+" button in the Journals drawer.
Added support for auto-configuring blogs that require authentication to read the front page.
Appending text through Services will add the URL and the title of the web page, similar to a created entry.
Command-Return will "OK" the Quick Note window.
Added hidden pref
. Normally the web address of the source text is placed before the added text; this will place it afterwards, annotation-style.
All blog interactions are now cancelable in the Activity window.
Deprecated the Blogger protocol. It won't show up in the Manual configuration area of the Blog Configuration window.
Fixed titling of pages when exporting nested journals to individual HTML pages.
Fixed a crash in the Edit Link sheet.
Fixed sending entries to other blogs from the menu bar when the focus is in the drawer.
Added a menu item to the text view contextual menu when clicking on an entry link in some text to open the targeted entry in a tab.
Fixed a crash when viewing the entry list for journals with many sub-journals and many levels of sub-journals.
Appending to existing audio recordings works now.
Added two new Text Clean Up options: "Consolidate Attachments" to move all attachments into the main data file, and "Relocate Attachments" to move all attachments to a specified folder on disk. This works on either the current text selection or the selected entries in a drawer (like other Clean Ups).
Added a time display to the Recording bar.
Switched Atom posting to use the newer Atom 1.0 standard in order to improve relations with Blogger.
Added hidden pref
to prefix the standard entry template topic to the standard Services-created topic for new entries created via services.
Added access to the menu bar in Full Screen mode if you move your mouse to the top of the screen.
Moved the buttons in the Recording bar to a new "Action" menu, including new "Reveal in Finder" and "Open With" items.
Added search field to the hidden prefs pane to help dig through the mess.
Fixed sizing problems with attachments that caused them to bunch up on each other.
Fixed crash creating new journals.
Improved the Services support for Opera and OmniWeb to include the title and URL of the page in the text (and link-ify the URL) just like Safari does.
Fixed a possible crash with .Mac syncing.
Improved reliability of downloading entries from Movable Type blogs.
Added hidden pref
to enable some additional logging for server-to-MacJournal transactions that might be helpful in debugging things in the future.
Added output format controls to the Recording pref pane.
The categories for MetaWeblog/Movable Type blogs will now be sorted in the Post sheet.
Added a warning message on quit if there are background tasks running (like posting to a blog).
Fixed a problem changing the visibility of a LiveJournal entry from something back to "public."
Using "Copy To" from the menu bar will save the current entry before copying it.
The tab bar can now only contain one tab per entry. Changing entries to something else in the tab bar will select that tab. Shift-Command-clicking a
link will open that entry in its own tab and select it (like Safari).
Keyword searching should now be case-insensitive.
Fixed a spurious warning dialog that shows up if you cancel an export.
Downloading posts from a Blogger/MetaWeblog/Movable Type blog always asking the user how many posts to download now (removed the hidden pref).
Implemented support for Growl notifications for entry uploads and downloads. Notifications for data saves are available, but off by default.
Fixed inconsistencies between the different ways you can change Text Zoom.
Fixed a case where closing the Excluded Words window with a row still being editing would lose the changes.
Fixed uploading attachments to a non-default .mac account.
Fixed downloading entries from Blogger API blog servers (note that actual users should be using Atom anyway).
Added hidden pref
. When you attempt to lock a nested journal and it does not already have a password, it will attempt to lock the parent journal instead of the normal behavior.
Fixed a bug where you turned off the entry numbering in the entries drawer, and then tried to re-enable it on a subsequent launch.
New journals won't be created until you enter a name for it in the sheet (or not at all if you cancel).
New journals no longer have a blank entry in them.
Fixed a crash switching data locations in the Advanced Prefs more than once.
Added hidden pref
: a path to a folder where external attachments will be stored. You are responsible for making sure the path exists and continues to exist. This only applies to new attachments.
Added hidden pref
, with predictable behavior and defaulting to YES
Holding down the Option key at launch will allow you to choose another data location to use temporarily.
Changing the color of a label will now offer the option of updating entries to the new color.
Added special Services support for Opera (to match Safari and OmniWeb).
Some Movable Type servers don't respond to the correct call for retrieving category lists. This is no longer a "fatal" error, but you still don't get any categories.
Now correctly formatting text justification (center, right, etc.) and writing direction (RTL) for HTML.
Pasting text with attachments when you have "Store Attachments Externally" set will now correctly save those attachments externally.
Un-committed changes left in the Inspector when switching entries, closing the Inspector, or quitting the application will now get saved.
Added new pref pane for specifying recording input device and volume.
Selecting some text and bringing up the contextual menu will now allow you to add the first selected word to the keywords for that entry.
Implemented syncing data through .Mac.
Improved the handling of relative paths in the .Mac panel so you can now specify paths with folders relative to /Sites, and improved the error reporting.
Added submenu to the "Send entry to other blog" menu item that contains all the known blog servers for easy access.
Fixed a problem when pasting text with a checkbox in it that could un-bold text.
The main search field will now suggest keywords already in use when using the built-in completion.
Added new Security preference to lock nested journals when you lock the parent.
Restored Panther compatibility.
Change the entry list shown when you click a journal to just show entries, including entries inside sub-journals.
Added Labels toolbar item.
Moved the Version History into its own in-application window instead of using a web browser.
Rewrote Audio Recording to use QuickTime and allow for recording from iSights.
Made removing an audio recording an undoable offense. The file is kept around until you next launch the application.
Added new Highlight toolbar icon.
"New Journal" from the menu bar (Shift-Command-N) with a journal selected will place the new journal inside the selected journal.
Fixed a problem downloading some entries from LiveJournal.
Changed the color window to be modal in the Label preferences.
The keywords in the Keywords sheet will now be sorted when you bring it up.
Sending multiple entries to a blog is now supported for entries that are all in the same journal and have the same blog server.
The Manual PDF will now be opened in your PDF viewer of choice instead of inside the application (again).
Switched the "Lock journals after idle time" to use application idle time instead of system idle time.
Fixed a problem resizing the window back to what it was before a drawer was opened on the right side and had to resize the window so it could fit.
Fixed a problem launching MacJournal with a Text Zoom greater than 100% and then changing it to a lower value.
Deleted attachments will now get deleted from the external attachments directory if they are stored there.
Non-image attachments will display their filename under them.
Added hidden pref
Entries exported to RTF will now have more of the default RTF metadata set like annotations, keywords, and editability. Similarly, the same metadata will now be respected on import.
Reworked export to improve nested journal handling and better behavior for dragging entries and journals into the Finder.
Added hidden pref
to control the styling of the "Copy As HTML" menu item.
Manually invoking "Check For Updates" will bypass the local cache data and go out to the network each time just in case the cached data are stale.
Checkboxes in entry templates will now show up correctly when opening the template from the Inspector.
The Entry Template window will now show the current font field actually in that font.
You can now import the Spotlight index files that MacJournal creates back into the application.
You can now specify metadata (date, topic, keywords, etc.) individually when exporting and printing.
Changed up the window title a bit to show the current entry topic and current journal name similar to how Mail does it.
"Send entry to other blog" will now correctly show the list of other available blogs from which to choose easily.
Using some regrettable hackery to work around an bug in the operation system, table border settings will now be preserved.
Creating a journal with an entry template above it containing special date/time tags will now resolve those tags correctly.
Fixed inserting special tags into the Entry Template window instead of the real date.
It is now possible to specify the text encoding when exporting plain text or HTML files.
You can now disallow comments on Movable Type posts. Keywords are also sent.
Fixed a problem recognizing blogs on pages without a proper </head> tag.
Added hidden pref
. Non-images always have their filenames shown.
Added menu item to the contextual menu for the text to create a link for the selected text.
Added a way to change the Full Screen shortcut key to the Full Screen preferences.
Added some subtle fade animation to the Quick Note window as it comes and goes.
Fixed a crash that could occur when posting to Atom servers on Panther and it fails.
Updated Italian localization.
Fixed a problem exporting journals with periods in the name to multiple HTML files.
Fixed a build issue that caused 4.0.2 to crash on launch on Panther.
Fixed a problem auto-configuring MetaWeblog servers.
Fixed a problem updating posts on Movable Type servers.
Canceling the alert about e-mailing a crash log will not show the alert next launch.
Updated German localization.
Implemented HTTPS support for MetaWeblog and Movable Type blogs.
Fix a freeze-up that can happen after ending Full Screen mode with short entries.
Fixed the Keywords sheet for French.
Fixed image uploading with "Store Attachments Externally" enabled.
Fixed a problem downloading some entries from LiveJournal.
Fixed a problem with smart quotes on French.
Fixed a problem registering the application for non-administrator users.
Improved downloading entries from MetaWeblog or Movable Type blogs by using native calls to the server.
Fixed dragging clippings onto the MacJournal icon in the dock and selecting an entry to paste in the text.
Added hidden preference
Fixed a problem posting to Atom blogs with text with links with ampersands in the URLs.
Dragging in the margins in Full Screen mode will now scroll the text.
The regular window should scroll to the same place you were in Full Screen mode when exiting said mode.
and height
attributes to img
tags sent to blogs.
Made fixes to support for MetaWeblog's image uploading, so WordPress 2.0 and higher should now accept images. Note that custom attachment server settings will override this.
Fixed a problem that caused journals to be sorted in reverse in some situations.
Fixed a problem with labels on icons. This forces this hidden feature to be Tiger-only.
MacJournal now reports the modification date as the "last used" date to Spotlight so it shows up in the right-hand column of the Spotlight window.
Now clearing the link text in the Edit Link window so it doesn't hang around indefinitely.
Now properly escaping ampersands in the topics of entries to Atom servers.
Changed the command line tool to use your
to display entry text (defaulting to less
Updated Danish localization.
Added locale-specific smart quotes (for German, specifically).
Fixed a problem that could lose changes to attachment server changes when closing the sheet.
Fixed posting text with newlines to Atom blogs.
Fixed a crash when opening a "macjournal" link from another application.
Fixed posting entries with tabs to Atom blogs.
Fixed a problem clicking on the calendar to end a search.
Copying the URL to a journal will not add an extra component.
Fixed a rare crash locking and encrypting a journal shown in the Journals drawer.
Updated Japanese localization.
Inadvertant horizontal scrolls (from Mighty Mice) will no longer cut off text when setting Text Zoom over 100%.
Dragging a folder of files into the top-level list of journals will now work wherever you drop it, not just at the end.
Improved the click accuracy of the Full Screen cursor.
Now sending the entry date to MetaWeblog/Movable Type servers.
Fixed un-escaping of HTML entities in blog titles when automatically configuring blogs (things like
Fixed crash when searching for one double quote by itself.
Added hidden pref
Added basic error reporting for attachment uploads for blogs.
Fixed an extra case where a dead key could crash the preferences window.
The new "Open Recents" menu shouldn't display duplicates anymore.
Fixed the icon shading for
Attachments will no longer have the unique timestamp added in 4.0b4 when dragged out of the application (only applies to new attachments).
Dragging entries onto entries will now always show the copy cursor.
Fixed updating existing LiveJournal entries.
Fixed a problem where launching MacJournal for a Service wouldn't show the dialog.
In order to generate valid 1.0 XML for Atom posts, MacJournal now removes any control characters that might have snuck in somehow.
Fixed a case where resizing the window could leave you with a gigantic calendar.
Long entry titles will no longer get cut off in the "post to blog" warning sheet.
Fixed some trailing whitespace that can be left after switching out of checkbox mode.
Improved the exported Podcasts to be more standards compliant.
Updated Spanish localization.
Fixed some crashes on Panther associated with Accessibility.
Fixed a bug preventing 3.0 serial numbers from being recognized as valid (which is still important, hence the quick update).
Fixed a crash in the preferences when typing a "dead" key for the Quick Note hotkey.
Fixed a mismatch of choices when dragging the row selection in the journal summary.
Changed the key equivalent for the Show Inspector menu item to Option-Command-I, to match Finder, Xcode, and others.
Fixed the Reset Registration button in the About Box and allowed empty serial numbers in the Edit Registration sheet (to clear the number).
Fixed the journal entry background color well in the Inspector.
Fixed an occasional crash when searching.
Added way to save blog server information out to a file from the server editor window, mostly for debugging purposes.
More downloaded entries with HTML tags in the text should get processed as such now.
Added hidden pref
. It will take your entry's keywords and send them as Technorati tags to blog posts.
Downloaded entries will try to match up with existing entries better now to avoid duplicates.
Fixed a possible lockup during quit.
Dragging text onto an entry will add an empty line before it.
Added hidden pref
Improved the look of the custom cursor during Full Screen mode.
Fixed uploading images to FTP server.
Fixed category posting for Movable Type weblogs.
Improved auto-recognition of Movable Type weblogs.
The status bar should now remember its visibility between launches correctly again.
Fixed a display problem with the Edit Link sheet.
The blog categories/moods will now clear when you change blog IDs in the configuration window.
Added hidden pref
which will add "Open…" and "Open Recent" menu items to the File menu.
Improved the blending of the icons and labels when using
Dragging MacJournal-formatted files into a journal will place its contents at that location instead of the top level.
Middle-clicking on an entry in the drawers will open that entry in a new tab.
Hitting Return directly after an image inside of a checkboxes list will no longer add the picture to the new line instead of the checkbox.
Added the entry date and label to the journal summary.
The entry background color well in the Inspector should no longer show black if there is no background color set.
Improved the way the tabs are saved to better preserve the order of the tabs.
The expanded states of the journals will now be restored properly when ending a search.
Enabling "Store Attachments Externally" and dragging in two attachments of the same name will no longer clobber the first one in.
Dragging a journal to the tab bar will now create a tab with the summary of the journal.
Added hidden pref
for the drawers.
Fixed a bug backing up to individual RTF files where files from locked journals would stick around afterwards.
The Edit Link sheet will automatically accept itself when you select a file from the open panel.
Fixed a crash sending a post with Atom.
Fixed a crash formatting text with Markdown.
Made it harder to accidently type in the middle of a link.
Made it easier to change the font and text color in the Entry Template window, even when the topic field is selected.
Added some new icons.
Updated Italian localization.
Updated Korean localization.
Tweaked Next/Previous button behavior to work a little more as expected with changing sort orders.
Fixed an exception in the date sheet when clicking on the stepper next to the date picker.
Fixed a problem preventing the blog server information from being saved.
Fixed a problem retrieving entry text in AppleScript. I changed the syntax a bit to just "text" again.
Updated Danish localization.
Added Edit button to the About box for editing the license information.
Updated German localization.
Fixed a problem posting links with ampersands in them to Atom blogs.
Fixed a potential error that could come up when refreshing blog IDs in the configuration panel while editing the username.
Fixed the crash reporting so it actually might work.
Fixed a crash changing entries when an empty search is active.
Updated Taiwanese localization.
Fixed a problem in the Entry Template window that would not use the default text attributes of a journal if there was no text.
Downloading entries from Atom blogs will use the default styling of that journal.
The keywords field in the Inspector will now auto-complete as you type.
Selecting multiple entries and using "Open in Tab" while the drawer has focus will now open each entry in a tab.
While the app is running it will remember the relative scroll positions of entries thatat which you have looked. The insertion point will continue to be the thing that is actually saved in the data file though.
The font and color panels are now available in Full Screen mode.
Added hidden pref
Restored the Remove button to the Keywords sheet: it will remove the selected keyword from all entries.
Fixed the search type menu in the Search toolbar item.
Fixed custom background colors around checkboxes.
When there are open tabs, Command-W will close the current tab like web browsers do. Added hidden pref
to control it.
Added modification date to the field above the topic field if you click on it.
Fixed a crash when remove background color from text.
Added hidden pref
(defaults to true).
Sheets like the Delete Entry warning will now show up in Full Screen mode.
Fixed escaping of < and > in Atom posts.
Added a hidden toolbar item: Random Entry
Blog posts will now respect the Escape Non-ASCII option for titles as well as text.
Tab and Shift-tab while within an Apple-style list will act like it does in TextEdit (as it should).
Dragging a journal to the Desktop will export the journal as a folder of RTF files.
The text view in the Quick Note should respect the application preferences for the main window.
White text will now be printed black.
The Entry Template window will now have the same background color as the entries will have.
Added a way to direct a new entry to a specific journal in the Quick Note window. That journal can also now be unlocked.
Returning back to the previously active application after using Quick Note will not open a new window/document in that app if there were none open.
Trying to record an audio recording over a pre-existing audio recording will now emit a warning first.
Added toolbar item for toggling the Recording bar.
Added hidden pref
Text completion in the Font Names toolbar item is now case insensitive.
Added badges next to entries in the journals drawer for audio recordings and status on the blog.
Changes to text zoom made from the menu bar will now be saved across launches.
Fixed a problem with fonts around checkboxes.
Changed text encoding of iPod notes to Unicode.
Changed the default filename in the .mac export panel to be based off the content passed in.
Separated the "Collapse other journals" preference from "Expand selected journals."
Fiddled with some of the default preference settings to make the app behave more predictably for a new user.
Upgraded date formatting internally and got rid of the "Append AM/PM" pref.
Added hidden pref
for replacing the Search menu item removed in 4.0a1.
Added "Insert Table" toolbar item.
Added PDF as an Export option.
Added warning when using Text Cleanup on a selection in the drawers.
Fixed a crash associated with Friendster blogs.
Clicking a link in text with the Command key down will launch the target application in the background.
If the file modification date for MacJournal's crash log changes inbetween launches, MacJournal will offer you an opportunity to mail me the crash log. (Note: no outside tools are used to accomplish this.)
URLs ending in a period, semicolon, comma, or close parenthesis will not have that character included in the URL (even though technically it is valid).
Selecting "Other" for label in the inspector will automatically bring up the color panel.
Restored the pref for disabling automatic lists.
Revised the Keywords sheet to show the pre-existing set of keywords more prominently.
The blog server configuration window is now horizontally resizable.
Added a Text Color toolbar item for changing text color with a quick menu.
The position of the Quick Notes window will now persist across launches.
Added hidden pref
to automatically re-lock journals that are unlocked from the Quick Note window.
Added Edit->Insert->Safari Address menu item.
Fixed support for TypePad blogs via Atom.
Added Movable Type as a server type and removed the workaround that made it work with MetaWeblog (since they are very similar).
Added custom appearance for checkboxes in full screen mode.
Added hidden pref
Fixed a problem copying a URL to an entry and then pasting it somewhere where only plain, non-styled text is accepted.
Moved "Window Opacity" into the Advanced prefs.
Added "Quick Note" feature. Assign a key combo in the preferences and then use that from any app to bring up a small window to quickly add some text to an entry or create a new one.
Removed the menu item for the Search window.
Redid the appearance of some of the buttons in the recording bar.
Added a way to export a journal with recordings to a podcast.
Added a way to import entries and recordings from podcasts.
Added meters for recording and playback.
Hold the Option key down while checking a checkbox to get a "mixed" state.
Tabbing while next to or in a list item will take the list item with it when inserting the tab. Use Control-Command-Left or -Right Arrow to arbitrarily move the list item around.
Fixed a bug in AppleScripting the text of entry by renaming the attribute name.
Fixed date time zone when sending to Atom blogs.
Double-clicking an attachment added with "Store Attachments Externally" enabled will open the source file, and that source file is an alias it will be resolved.
Fixed a problem with downloading entries with Unicode characters.
Added hidden pref
Fixed a bug when unlocking a journal and then selecting that journal from the history menu in the Browse toolbar item (it would show the wrong message).
You can drag text onto entries to append the text to that entry. You can also drag entries onto entries to do the same thing.
Added option when using Services to strip styles out of the incoming text.
Dragging text onto the dock icon will give you a more generic window that will allow you to append to an existing entry or create a new one.
The calendar will adjust itself if the window is resized so the calendar can always draw correctly.
Worked around a bug in the OS related to the Browse toolbar item and its menu and the Customize toolbar sheet.
Fixed exception with "Save Journals to File"
Fixed "always scroll to top of entry" for Full Screen.
Exporting entries to HTML as one-file-per-entry will attempt to convert MacJournal links to their file equivalents.
You can now drag entries and files into the Edit Link sheet field for URL even if the focus is there already (which was a confusing 'gotcha' before).
You can now upload images in an entry to a .Mac member account when sending to a blog.
Added hidden pref
, which will display the items in the Font Name toolbar item in the font that it represents.
The word count field in the main window now also shows the character count.
Fixed a crash with mixing searching and unsaved entries that aren't part of said search.
Adding a new entry will end any search in progress, even if it comes from something like a Service.
Saving and loading from a very slow location (like an iDisk) shouldn't cause the app to spin anymore.
Fixed a bug where the translucency of the drawer would not match that of the main window if it was closed when the main window was changed.
Fixed a crash with closing a tab after switching entries.
Added new UI for resolving conflicts between data files. Change data at work, bring the data file home and open it in MJ at home and it will hopefully show you the differences.
Fixed the Label toolbar item drawing in the Customize Toolbar sheet.
No longer escaping entries titles sent to Atom servers like because it is unnecessary.
Added a "copy URL to entry" menu item in the Edit menu.
Added support for downloading new versions directly inside the app instead of using your web browser (although it may not be enabled always).
Inserting a new line right after a list item will end the list (which is what Word does).
When using Clean Up->Change Case->Capitalize, it will now lowercase the rest of the word beside the first letter (instead of just touching the first letter).
Added searching for labels from the toolbar.
Improved audio recording to record in AAC. Added facilities for import and export and a few other essentials.
Holding option when using the Lock or Unlock Journal menu item will now attempt to apply that operation to all top-level journals.
Search results will be displayed in a flat list in the Journals drawer now.
Individual Files backup will use a more incremental approach; only entries that have changed will be written out at quit.
Added Cleanup option for removing e-mail quoting (lines beginning with ">")
Entries created in a journal with a custom entry template will have the correct creation date now; this broke a while ago.
Added hidden pref
Doubled the size of the cursor in Full Screen mode to make it easier to see (when a custom appearance is set).
Repeat key events will no longer allowed to delete entries in the drawers. So if you turn off the delete warning and then hold down the delete key in the drawer you will still only delete one item per unique key press.
Fixed artist tags in entry templates.
Landed new blogging architecture!
Each journal and entry can have a different blog server.
One-click send to the pre-specified blog server.
Remembers all the blogs that you enter so you can send any entry to any blog easily.
Entries that have previously been sent to a blog will have their contents updated instead of creating a new entry on the server.
Support for the MetaWeblog protocol, making WordPress a lot happier.
Support for the Atom protocol, making Blogger a lot happier.
MacJournal will auto-configure the blog settings when you give it the URL of your blog.
Switched LiveJournal to use XML-RPC instead of its own custom formatting and enhanced security at the same time.
Rough support for downloading entries from LiveJournal or Atom blogs, or blogs with an Atom feed.
Support for uploading images to an FTP server and then displaying the images in the blog post.
Now writing some additional RTF properties out when exporting to RTF, including keywords and annotations.
Creating a new journal will once again respect any entry template that applies to it.
Fixed a crash associated with UUID links.
New checkboxes will have a space inserted after them to make exports look prettier.
Fixed the issue preventing the Lock toolbar item from updating after locking/unlocking when the focus is in a drawer.
Customized the selection color in Full Screen mode to look better.
The keywords field in the Inspector will now complete based on other keywords you have with F5 or Opt-Escape.
Added pref to disable editing in Full Screen mode (independent of entry setting).
Added serial number to the about panel.
More files that are imported will be checked for HTML styling, which will now handled ordered and unordered lists.
You can now import text clippings and/or drag them in to either drawer to create an entry with its contents.
Added a somewhat fishy colored background to the drawers if a search is in process. Disable this with
Fixed Full Screen display on a second monitor.
Added hidden pref
to control the size of the checkboxes in the text view.
Fixed a bug in the date panel with clicking on the calendar from the text field changing the date to something seemingly random with non-American date formats. This fix is only on Tiger.
Complex one: hitting Return in the middle of the line in a list such that the new line created will already have the correct list item at the start of the line will no longer append a duplicate list item.
Removed the page header when page numbers are enabled during printing.
Added Find Panel support to Full Screen mode. Use Command-F to bring it up.
Added new Full Screen pref to control the left and right margins as expressed in percentage of the total screen space.
Clicking and holding on the Browse toolbar item will present a history of entries like Safari does.
Fixed some problems dragging around entries.
Added toolbar item for viewing the current entry in a new window
Added fancy new appearance for what you see when you click a locked journal, or when a journal is empty due to a search, or when you click an expanded journal.
Added a per-journal setting for encryption and a way to manually encrypt any locked journal apart from persistent settings.
Worked around a possible exception in AppKit (a.k.a. the OS) when editing text.
Creating a new tab will create a new entry to put in that tab.
Fixed the day names in the calendar for date formats like Hebrew.
Added hidden pref
Importing pictures will now respect the "Store attachments externally" preference.
The calendar will no longer change selection when you activate the app by clicking on it. This matches table behavior and used to work but at some point it broke.
When selecting a journal in the table, more of the inappropriate controls in the Inspector will be disabled (like annotation). More menu items will be disabled as well.
Dragging an entry or journal onto a range of selected text will add a link to that item for that range.
Added in-app viewing of the PDF help file thanks to PDFKit on Tiger. Panther users will have to use Preview as before.
Fixed a problem with tab titles and "use entry text as alternate"
Fixed clicking the table header in the drawers to toggle sort order.
Fixed a problem when try to add in the tab bar to a window that is too small for it on the screen.
MacJournal now recognizes "macjournal" links with UUIDs in them. They can be created by default by enabling the hidden pref
. This makes the links both location-independent and really ugly.
Added a hidden preference to control the scroll padding (the amount added to the bottom of an entry so it isn't pinned to the bottom of the screen).
Fixed problem with changing the labels in the preferences not updating the rest of the app.
Fixed the "Open Drawer Preferences" menu item in the drawers.
Added new Advanced Search window. This is only available on 10.4 (Tiger) since it uses Spotlight, which will eventually allow for very complex searches.
Dragging items from the drawers or the search window to the text view will create a link to that item.
Added an "Export" button to the Welcome window if your trial period has expired so you can get your data out.
Added a disclosure button to the stats panel to hide the word frequencies table view.
Added "Copy Ruler" support to the drawer.
Added "Bigger" and "Smaller" menu items to the Text Zoom submenu.
Drag text to the tab view to create a new entry with that text.
Fixed a potential exception when setting a background color from the actual color panel.
Added hidden preference
to apply the label color to the item icon instead of the row in the drawer. A.K.A. OS 9 labels vs. OS X labels. OS X is still the default and will remain so because the "journal" icon looks horrible when shaded; a more neutral version would be needed.
Dragging a color from a color well (like in the Inspector) onto a journal or entry will set the label color of that item.
Removed the preference for disabling the warning for deleting a journal. It didn't work anyway; the regular "delete" one covers both types of objects.
Cut out all crufty Jaguar-only code and redid some things using bindings
Implemented a hidden feature to use Markdown as the HTML stylizing engine whenever possible instead of the built-in one.
Added control to the tables in the drawer to control the sorting.
Started adding Info/Inspector window
Added a warning dialog to the .Mac export sheet if you attempt to export a journal to index.html (which is the default).
Added labels
Added much improved appearance for tabs as well as some new features for it
Added Tabs preference pane
Links, Smileys, and Wiki Links are now transmogrified automatically as you type. Saving the entry will pick up any lingering items (such as those pasted in).
Added a new option to automatically correct spelling errors where only one or two suggestions exist.
Added option to show word count as you type, updating automatically (in theory).
"Remove Styles" will reset the selected text to the default style if one exists, instead of Helvetica 12 in all cases.
Control-clicking on a date in the calendar will bring up a menu with all the entries for that date (if any exist). You can also right-click or click-and-hold to get the same menu.
Added floating calendar panel for those that don't need the full drawer experience.
Added accessibility to the calendar and tab view for assistive devices (e.g. VoiceOver).
Added ability to have per-journal entry templates
Added ability to have per-journal and -entry background colors
Added a one-time confirmation when you attempt to store a journal password in the Keychain because it's a frequent topic of questions.
Added a warning when attempting to e-mail and entry with rich text.
Added a new drawer for annotations (i.e. notes). Also added a spot in the Inspector for it.
Added AppleScript support!
Exported RTF files will have approximately the same window size when opened in TextEdit.
Added option to exclude common words from word frequency analysis in the Stats panel as well as a way to configure those words.
Double-clicking on a word in the stats panel will new correctly bring you to the first instance of that word and not just the first instance of that substring.
Expanded items in the journals outline view are now remembered across launches.
Added an "editable" property to entries to disable changing the entry text
Added "remove HTML tags" text cleanup option
Added per-journal sort types (sort by whatever and sort ascending/descending)
Added XML importing of entries. Download entries off of LiveJournal in XML format, give it a file extension of "xml" and MacJournal will parse out the individual entries. It will also work on generic XML documents where entries are contained in an "entry" element, with properties denoted by "date," "topic," and "text."
Added "webarchive" to the list of possible extensions to import
Added a control in the preferences for changing the default sort behavior.
Fixed a display problem with Full Screen mode on a secondary monitor.
Fixed a problem selecting part of a list and deleting it with the Return/Enter key
Fixed a problem exporting entries with tildes in the topic to a file (usually as part of a journal).
Fixed a problem changing margins before printing.
MacJournal is now compiled for Intel.
The First Day of Week pop-up in the Editing Prefs will start at the right value when opening the prefs now.
Pasting checkboxes will no longer blow away tab settings.
Fixed compatibility problems with the Set Password and Edit Link sheets on pre-Tiger systems.
Don't print the "Topic:" if no topic exists
Double-clicking a journal in the Journals drawer will now expand or collapse the journal.
Selecting files in the Finder and using the "New Entry With Selection" service will import that file into the selected journal.
Fixed a problem locking nested journals in some cases.
Added annotation area in Entries drawer
Added Brazilian localization!
Expanded items in the Journals drawer should be remembered across launches
Fixed an exception possible when deleting the current entry in nested journals
If "Escape < and >" is disabled for Blogger, smart quotes will be simplified inside tags. Outside tags they will remain as escaped HTML entities like “.
Changing entries in the Edit Link sheet multiple times without editing the link text will continue to automatically update the text.
Right-clicking or control-clicking or click-and-holding on a date in the calendar will show a menu for all available entries on that day.
Fixed compatibility for Panther and Jaguar (again).
Canceling the name sheet after creating a journal will delete the journal as well.
Added accessibility to the calendar (for things like VoiceOver)
Fixed a problem with oddly-formatted URLs that prevented them from being clicked or exported to HTML.
Restored compatibility with Jaguar.
No longer simplifying quotes on their way to Blogger.
Added hidden pref for always pasting text as plain text (and matching the current style):
Show the main window if it wasn't on-screen when you use Spotlight to select an entry.
Made some changes to the Service handling to prevent some problems when the "Loading..." window and the "Pick a Journal" window come up at the same time.
Fixed unit conversions in the Page Margin controls in the print panel.
Fixed a problem sending complex entries to LiveJournal.
Reset the 15-demo for great justice.
Fixed a bug with not showing the time in Japanese.
Fixed a bug when launching MacJournal with Spotlight with large data sets that can cause confusion in the tables
Whitespace after list items will be preserved when inserting lines.
Added Simplified Chinese localization!
Improved performance of Spotlight importer.
Re-added Italian localization
Titles sent to Blogger won't have their non-ASCII characters converted.
Entries created from the calendar will adhere to the entry template.
An open curly quote will be used instead of a closed quote in the case of a multi-paragraph quotation with quotes appearing at the start of the paragraph.
Bolds and italics in exported HTML will now be handled by <strong> and <em> respectively.
Fixed up permissions on the license file in case it was created by another user.
Adding a line in the midst of a numbered list will correct all following lines better than it used to.
Fixed a potential crash after waking from sleep after opening and closing the Change Date sheet.
Fixed a problem on Tiger where the registration information might not get saved under some circumstances.
Implemented Spotlight support.
Added option for Spotlight never to index journals that were decrypted.
Fixed bug that would show nested journals as locked if their parent journal was encrypted and unlocked.
Fixed a crash when sending text with smart quotes to LiveJournal.
Added preference to change the first day of week in the calendar.
Fixed a problem where changing the list mode to Numbers when it was already there would eat the first character after the list item.
Added option to disable auto-discovery of lists.
Fixed a problem where changing multiple lines to checkboxes would add the same checkbox on each line (instead of different checkboxes for each line).
Fixed a problem preventing the splitter position in the journals drawer from getting saved in between launches.
Fixed a problem with smart quotes and Entourage (my old nemesis)
Improved the numeric list recognition logic to exclude things like "8.00 PM"
Fixed hidden pref for excluded words in the Stats panel
Fixed the "None" item in the Highlight toolbar item
Fixed the "Backdate" button in the LiveJournal panel
Fixed a problem with months beginning on Sunday (i.e. May 2005).
Links are now terminated when you end a line
Fixed a crash when using a custom background color in Full Screen mode.
The menu from the Highlight toolbar item will always originate from the same point in the window, not relative to the mouse.
No longer including the weird <title> tag for sites in the Blogger panel. This caused more trouble than it was worth. Use the hidden pref
to restore this behavior.
Fixed a crash that can happen when the calendar tries to automatically change days at Midnight.
Implemented a hidden feature (for now) to use Markdown as the HTML stylizing engine whenever possible instead of the built-in one.
Fixed an exception when switching list modes in an empty entry.
Fixed "Collapse Other Journals" when switching between nested journals.
Added fade animation to the autoscroll button in Fullscreen Mode
Fixed changing the list mode from none->something from the menu item or toolbar item.
Implemented a few Tiger features about which I cannot talk.
Fixed some problems associated with having more than one "Discover" preferences set and saving some text that will convert more than one of those items, i.e. text with both a link and smiley in it.
Added hidden pref
corresponding to a zero-based integer (where 0 is Sunday) for the first day of week to be displayed in the calendar. For example, enter 1
to have Monday be the first day of the week.
Fixed a problem that might prevent a new entry from becoming the current entry in certain cases in a nested journal.
When automatically locked a journal for any reason, try to lock nested journals if the parent does not have a password set.
If you search for something without any drawers open, the last drawer will open (or the journals drawer). Use
to disable it.
Improved some of the list logic to ignore whitespace before the list item (be it bullet, number, or checkbox) and retain the level of indentation if you start a new line while indented.
Updated Korean Localization
Added a calendar to the Change Date sheet.
Assorted performance work in several areas of the app for the final release.
Added hidden pref
to disable the new list discovery feature in 3.1.
Rewrote the networking for Blogger so as to hopefully avoid some troublesome areas of the OS.
Worked around a little "quirk" of the OS that causes all styling to be lost if you start typing right next to a checkbox.
Added hidden pref
to control where the new auto-backups go.
Fixed a crash that can happen in the save panel during export.
Made some improvements to the way searching works with nested journals so it picks other entries better if the current journal contains nothing in the search.
Added hidden pref
, which is enabled by default.
Fixed a problem with printing cutting off some lines.
Updated Serbian, Spanish, Danish, Taiwanese, French, Norwegian, German localizations.
Redid the daily backups to include the number of days between backups. The previous pref is no longer good; use
to specify the number of days between backups (i.e. 1
for daily backups, 7
for weekly)
Fleshed out the tabs a bit. Open new tabs by Command-clicking internal links. Preference
to always show tab bar. Most of the work will come for the next release at this point since this is a hidden feature.
Added hidden pref
to allow you to specify a subpath for individual entry files when exporting a journal to individual files.
Re-implemented most of the networking using WebKit and raised the minimum OS to 10.2.7 to match the new requirements. Installing Safari on 10.2.6 or before will also work, so no excuses!
Made the registration dialog a sheet on the Welcome window instead of a separate window.
Decoupled the preference for full screen text zoom from the foreground and background colors so you can set one without the other.
Statistics will now count words in nested journals.
Encrypted journals will now draw with a gold lock in the drawer.
Added controls in the Advanced Prefs for the automatic backup.
Added a HTML 4.01-compliant HTML template and modified the HTML output to print non-XML tags when using a non-XML template.
Moved the Statistics menu item to the View menu and made it context-sensitive in the drawers. Select some entries to just get the stats on those.
Fixed a crash when switching to no list style with no selection around.
Fixed a problem with checkbox list style destroying ruler settings when making new lines.
Fixed a problem with exporting accented characters (or any other non-ASCII Unicode characters) into HTML documents when "Use one file per entry" is specified.
Fixed an issue that was preventing new journals from expanding if you used "Command-Shift-N" to create that journal.
Improved the logic of where created journals go: journals created from the menu bar or the keyboard equivalent should always go to the top level, but journals created by right-clicking on another journal and choosing "New Journal" will go inside that journal.
Fixed the dock menu items so they will be enabled when the app isn't active.
Set the hidden default
with a date format to also search entry text for dates in that format when selected dates in the calendar. For example, set the default to %B %d, %Y
to search for dates like "March 2, 2005" in your entry text.
Smileys can now exclude the nose hyphen.
Journals should now properly re-sort themselves when you rename a nested journal when things are sorted by Topic.
Added hidden preference
to prevent the "Loading Data" window from coming up on app launch. If you set MacJournal as a login item, this window will prevent MacJournal from automatically hiding. Use this pref to prevent that, but note that this will bring up the "spinny cursor" at launch time and will probably extend the time it takes by a few seconds.
Fixed Undo in Full Screen Mode.
Added a bunch of Taco quotes
Added a new hidden preference:
. Enable this to add a menu item to the menu bar and the entry contextual menu to open an Entry in a new tab in a new tab section in the window. This is a work in progress.
Added hidden pref
which is enabled by default. Disable it to not show any way to delete locked journals (by default you can enter an admin password to delete it without the journal password.
Add type-selection support to the Stats panel
Fixed appearance of Auto-scroll button in Full Screen mode when Custom Appearance is off.
Improved performance of deleting words from the Stats and allowed for multiple selection.
Added exporting to the Stats sheet. Use "Save", "Save As", or either "Export" menu item (from the Journal or Entry menus) to save a text file with the information in it to a file.
Fixed a problem with combining search terms with quotes and generally made that area of the code a lot better.
Added hidden pref
to refrain from creating new entries when using the calendar. This might become a "real" pref in 3.1.
Fixed restoration of calendar height in the journals drawer.
Added hidden pref
to expose two hidden toolbar items: Insert Checkbox and Insert Date & Time
Added .Mac to Share menus throughout the app.
The .Mac will now send over any export any attachments in files with the primary file. Added a checkbox to strip out the attachments as well.
Updated localizations instead of removing them.
Added button to LiveJournal sheet for backdating
New button in the toolbar for Highlighting.
New calendar view in Journals drawer. It will show days in the month that have entries and clicking on those days will bring you to the first entry on that day. Clicking on a day without an entry will create an entry for that day.
New searching architecture to go along with calendar view: select multiple days in the calendar to search for entries on those days only
True automatic lists: the current "list style" will update to whatever the current line on which you are typing represents. For example, start a line with "3. Hello!" and the list style will automatically switch to "Numbers" and the next line will start with "4. " automatically.
Reversed the order of the font name and size in HTML exports as that seems to work better with browsers.
Fixed the undo state after creating a journal. NSUndoManager isn't very helpful for anything really.
Using Insert Date and Time in the Entry Template window when you're in the topic field will add the string to the topic field.
Selecting "Individual Files" as a backup option will now correctly write out entries and journals with slashes (forwards and backwards) and colons. These are illegal characters for filenames.
Added new .Mac panel. It will export the current entry, journal, or drawer selection to your (or someone else's) iDisk in the Sites folder to a filename of your choosing.
Added hidden pref
to set the backdate option on LiveJournal transmissions. This will lift the restriction that the entry's date must be later than the last preexisting one but will keep the entry out of your friends' "updated" list. Hidden for now.
Added visible button for starting auto-scroll in full screen mode. It's hidden normally and only shows itself when you move the mouse. Use the hidden pref
to never ever see it. The previous key combo was removed as well.
Fixed a freeze-up that can occur when you cancel the Blogger panel while it was sending an entry or getting the list of blog IDs from the server.
Like Word files before it, importing text files with no file extension but an HFS type code of 'TEXT' will correctly recognize them as real text files.
Selecting something from the font size or name toolbar menus will put the focus back to the text view.
Added hidden preference to automatically back up your data each day called
. This happens when you hit "Save" or quit the app with unsaved changes. This will likely become a real preference in the final release of 3.1 when I add preferences.
If there is a permissions problem saving the registration info MacJournal will prompt you for an administrator password to correct the issue.
Tossing your data in the Trash and restarting MacJournal will now create new data instead of using the data in the Trash.
Double-clicking an item in the Statistics window will bring you to the first instance of that string in the selected entries (or journal).
Hitting the Delete key in the Stats window will exclude that word from the frequency analysis.
Fixed problem where the text would be scrolled back to the previous position if that position was at the very end of the text.
The rename sheet you get after you create a journal is now named "New Journal." Likewise, when you try to lock a journal with no password the sheet you get is named "Lock Journal" and will be missing the old password text field (instead of just being disabled like before).
If there is no response from the server for 60 seconds in the Blogger window, the status message is changed to reflect that.
Fixed the undo state after creating a journal. NSUndoManager isn't very helpful for anything really.
Fixed a freeze-up that can occur when you cancel the Blogger panel while it was sending an entry or getting the list of blog IDs from the server.
If there is a permissions problem saving the registration info MacJournal will prompt you for an administrator password to correct the issue.
Tossing your data in the Trash and restarting MacJournal will now create new data instead of using the data in the Trash.
Fixed problem where the text would be scrolled back to the previous position if that position was at the very end of the text.
Added Command-1 as key equivalent for Show window menu item
Fixed some more small bugs with List Styles and simplified things a lot. It should be all good now.
Deleting nested journals will now update the Move To and Copy To menu items correctly
Also fixed the Move To and Copy To menus in the Journals drawer, which were never updating.
You can now use the Move To menu item to transfer an entry from a journal to a nested journal from the same journal
Fixed incorrect selection on startup when you have disabled the number column in the Entries drawer
Fixed crash when creating entries from Mail or Safari via the Service
The selected range should be preserved when changing list styles
Wiki links referring to the current entry will no longer be created.
On Panther, the non-editable entries (such as the locked journal message) will not be editable in Full Screen mode either.
Trailing periods in URLs and e-mails will get excluded from the link.
Try to make the list style toolbar item a little smaller for people
Expanding a journal will only expand that journal, even if the current journal is inside. The selection will update to the interior journal that contains the current entry.
Hidden pref for showing entry text along with the titles in the Summary Entry:
Fixed possible exception when inserting the current artist or song into new entries as part of the entry template.
Disable Strikethrough menu and toolbar item on Jaguar because it can't work.
Checkbox lists no longer blow away ruler settings.
Changed keystroke for jumping to the summary entry to Command-Shift-Control-S, which is very uncomfortable to perform. I had to get it out of the way of Strikethrough though.
Updated French localization
Updated Danish localization
Print margin settings are now saved between app launches
Resolved a few edge cases in the UI behavior when combining encryption and nested journals
Updated Spanish localization
Contractions will no longer be treated as two words in the Stats panel.
Updated Japanese localization
Fixed a problem where exporting journals to MacJournal format would then cause them to not be delete-able until you restarted the app.
Fixed the Statistics panel for Jaguar
Updated German localization
Creating a journal is now one undoable action, instead of two (adding the journal and changing the name)
Added hidden pref
Topics can only be one line (which is now enforced to remove any confusion)
Fixed the positioning of the visible area in Full Screen mode again. Now it will really be what you were looking at before.
If the passwords for LiveJournal or Blogger are in the Keychain, automatically look up moods or blog IDs (respectively)
Added menu forms for the Text Zoom, List Style, Font Name, and Font Size toolbar items so you can use them when in Text-only mode.
Fixed an exception that occured some times when switching list styles at the end of the text
Fixed up some more lingering problems with Services not working
On Panther, Word files will now be recognized by their HFS type code if the extension does not exist.
Added hidden pref
to change the color of links. This will probably become a "real" pref in 3.1. This only works for Panther.
Smart quotes will get automatically simplified when exporting to HTML, Blogger, and LiveJournal.
Exporting journals with nested journals to text or RTF should include the content of the nested journals.
Fixed Change Case->Capitalize
Right-clicking on a journal and choosing Rename when auto-expand is on will now correctly start the edit session instead of selecting the journal's current entry.
Updated Taiwanese localization
Removed a silly console log.
Updated Serbian localization
Fixed permissions issue with registration and non-admin users
Fixed misdirected apostrophes with smart quotes
Made another attempt at fixing the empty services window problem
Going to Full Screen will attempt to scroll to the position you are viewing, not necessarily the position that the insertion point is.
Changing something in the font toolbar items with no selection should correctly update the typing style that you are using.
The Delete warning will now include the type of object you are deleting
Hopefully handling the width of the column in the journals drawer better now
Fixed some handling of changing the list style on empty lines.
Scrolling around the journals drawer with the keyboard will not automatically expand journals (since it interferes with the movement)
Fixed a problem with printing text with a right margin set
Fixed Jaguar compatibility for Full Screen
Added some hidden preferences to set a custom font for Full Screen display. It has some weirdness though for sure; it might never become a regular pref.
Closing the Prefs window with the focus in the Full Screen Text Zoom text field will now commit that change before closing the window
The Services dialog should work better. Maybe it won't be blank for some people and for everyone else it will select the right object better.
Fixed appearance of underlined and struck-through text on Full Screen. Is "struck-through" the correct conjugation here?
Changing the list style with no selection will now correctly change the list style for that line
Finally re-organized the menu bar to a more HIG-friendly layout. Everyone say hello to the File menu!
Added hidden pref
to change the F8 key equivalent for full screen
Accented characters will be handled better for Lowercase or Uppercase text clean-up
Changing the sorting will correctly update nested journals
Tweaked the auto-scroll to be a lot smoother. Instead of just scrolling one line each every now and then, scroll by one pixel a lot more often.
Fixed the mapping of Command-= to Command-+ (so you don't have to use the Shift key to use the Format->Font->Bigger menu item.
Wiki links in Jaguar will have the correct blue text and underline (manually applied)
Added support for smart quotes which is enabled by default. New controls in the Editing preferences for it.
Panther users should be able to drag any file onto the MacJournal icon to create an entry in the current journal containing that file.
2.7 is now 3.0.
Added components for commericial product-itude: EULA, welcome window, and registration window.
The Blogger and LiveJournals sheets should now respect system settings for Web proxy. The LiveJournal sheet sheds its proxy fields.
Fixed the color controls in the Editing Preferences for full screen text and background color
Added some spiffy custom scrollers to the full screen display that conform to whatever custom settings that you have
Fixed some problems with
and turned it on by default. This will help for full screen mode.
To match the new scrollers, the cursor will also become the foreground color if desired in full screen mode
Added hidden preference
to do just what it says.
You can no longer drag a journal into itself (which has weird metaphysical ramifications)
Took out the fix in 2.7a1 that allowed you to tab from the search field to the topic field because it totally broke Jaguar compatibility. Oh well.
Moved all the Full Screen prefs to their own pref pane for more room.
Added a preference to hide scrollbars entirely in full screen mode, or just when the mouse is not over them.
No longer fully capturing the display for full screen mode. This means you can use contextual menus, drag text around, and Command-Tab out of MacJournal. On the downside alert windows may pop and ruin the experience (if you do anything that would call for such a thing to happen). Such is life.
Added hidden pref
which is set to {20, 5}
, which means 20 pixels on each side and 5 pixels on top.
Selecting a bunch of lines and then changing the list mode will attempt to change the text in a more elegant way. For example, selecting five lines and changing the list style to "Numbers" will number each line one through five.
Worked around a Cocoa bug to fix resizing the column in the journals drawer
Reworded preferences for controlling stylization of HTML export and Blogger and added a hidden preference (
and DisableStylesForHTML
) to disable stylization entirely.
Added menu item in View menu for "View in Separate Window"
Fixed inconsistency with "Close After Selection" buttons in Drawer Preferences
Fixed HTML template creating, renaming, and deleting in the HTML prefs
Fixed Background Image/Color Prefs
Rename sheet will now appear when you create a journal directly in the journals drawer ('+' button and with the contextual menu)
Journals created in the journals drawer ('+' button or with the contextual menu) will appear at the top-level more often and the Rename sheet will always show up.
The tool tip (a.k.a. help tag) for the field above the topic bar that shows either the date or the number of entries in the journal will be updated based on what is displayed.
You can now skip versions in the Check for Update window
Fixed a bug where disabling "Show Dialog for Services" and then using "New Entry From Selection" with a locked journal would let things get weird.
Added a quick a dirty auto-scroll feature to the Full Screen Mode: Press Command-Shift-2 while in Full Screen to start scrolling one line at a time automatically. Press Escape to stop. Press Up or Down to move up or down a line, and press Right or Left to speed up or slow down the timing. Press the Space bar to pause or restart after moving lines. Note that this is a completely arbitrary key combination that will be changing in the next build.
Turned on support for nested journals! This has been long in the making and should apply to every area of MacJournal in the expected way.
Turned on support for lists: toolbar item and submenu in Format
Turned on support for discovery of Wiki links. This includes:
Discovery of links with CamelCase that point to entries (entry topics need not be in CamelCase, e.g. it will match to an entry named "Camel Case!")
Control over whether or not to require a valid entry already exist, otherwise any and all CamelCase words will be highlighted
Control over whether or not to create entries or journals for links that point to non-existent objects. This goes along with #2 here. Make a "macjournal://" link that doesn't point to anything and then click it and MacJournal will create everything that it needs to make that link work. This also works with nested journals, but there is a limit of 10 levels in the link so people don't trick you into clicking a link that blows up your data file in any way.
Moved "Remove Line Breaks" out of the hidden preferences and into the menu by default
Added "Sort Selected Lines" text clean-up menu item. On Panther, hold down the Option key when selecting it to sort in reverse.
Mapped Command-= to the same action as Command-+ (shift key no longer required; matches Safari and Mail)
Promoted some hidden preferences to a non-hidden state:
Include seconds in date
Escape non-ASCII characters for HTML and Blogger
Simple HTML Export for HTML and Blogger
Escape '<' and '>' for HTML and Blogger
Save LiveJournal/Blogger passwords in Keychain (added to respective sheets)
Store Attachments Externally
Show Dialog For Services (was Automatically Choose Destination For Services, so this is the inverse of that, but it defaults to on)
When the insertion point is in a link in the text view, the menu title will change from "Insert Link" to "Edit Link"
Added "Copy As HTML" to Edit Menu. Works for selected text and for selected entries in any drawer.
Moved Hidden Preferences from a separate window into the real Preferences window. Changed the preference key to
to match.
Journals can now be empty. User-created journals will still contain an entry by default.
New toolbar items for Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough
Added some tooltips in the Preferences window to explain some of the preferences
Copying a number of entries and pasting it in plain text will add some line breaks inbetween entries
Set a default text inset size of 5 pixels on each side of the text. This is inbetween the side of the window and the start of the text. This is a hidden preference, but the default is
{5, 5}
Added Clean-up menu items for Discover Links/Smileys/Wiki links. Now you can do them manually if you don't want to have it all of the time. Works for the whole text, or just the selection if you have one.
You can now put e-mail address into the Edit Link sheet without the "mailto:" part; MacJournal will add that for you.
For Discover Links/Smileys/Wiki links you previously had to explicitly hit Command-S to get it to work. Now it will also work when switching entries if the entry is dirty when you switch. It will also work automatically for Auto-saves.
Double-clicking on an entry with the Info Bar hidden will allow you to edit the topic in the table directly.
Restored the hidden preference
. Same problems still exist: resizing window doesn't update the text wrapping.
Removed the white background behind the text in special entries like "this entry is locked." It was added so you could always see the text even against a dark background, but it just looks ugly. So instead, the entire text view background color will be white!
Added alternate version of "Remove Leading Spaces" that works for all whitespace (including tabs), accessible by holding the option key.
New and improved Statistics sheet which now has word frequency stats. You can also set any set of entries in the drawers and use the menu item to just look at those entries.
Added Text Clean-up command for changing case to upper, lower, or capitalized. This may not make the cut as it currently discards any styles in the text, which sucks.
Added controls to the Hidden Preferences for
Fixed system beep when you page up/down in the drawers
Added hidden pref to focus on the text when creating a new entry (instead of the topic)
Added new "Full Screen" feature to the View menu: will take over the monitor with just the entry text until you hit the Escape key.
Added a special hack so you can tab from the search field to the topic field
Added text zoom to the View menu
Added a new view to the print panel in the MacJournal section to control the page margins.
Ruler settings are really no longer blown away when inserting a checkbox
Added "Reset" button in Advanced Prefs for the storage location
Moved "Insert" menu items to the Edit menu, which is probably where they belonged all along (see iChat and/or the HIG).
Added "Insert Artist & Song" to the Edit menu (was hidden pref)
Fixed selection issues in the drawers at launch
The journals drawer will open when you first launch MacJournal
Manual Reordering of entries within journals! Drag entries around in the drawers and the sort type will change to "none." Change it back if you want to. This is how iChat does it. For now it is still a global sort type though; individual journals can't be unsorted while others are.
Moved e-mail, livejournal, and blogger menu items to a submenu to match the contextual menus in the drawers and shorten up the Entry menu
Entries created from text from Safari will get the title and URL of the page inside the text of the document (in addition to what the topic was)
Fixed a problem where some checkboxes might not get copied if you copied a whole boatload of them at a time.
Improvement for Tiger which I don't think I can elaborate on. :-)
Set the "Discover Links" preference to enabled by default.
Similarly, set the Auto-save Interval to 30 minutes by default. Feel free to set it lower (previous customizations will not be affected). This seems like a long enough time not to get in the way of anyone and it's good to keep the disk updated.
Clicking on a link to a locked journal will attempt to unlock the journal
Added "Expand All" and "Collapse All" to contextual menu for entries in the journals drawer
Exporting journals with "one file per entry" set and illegal characters in an entry topic (such as ":" and "/") will now convert those characters so the OS doesn't skip them.
Added some controls in the Preferences to have custom appearances for full-screen mode
Fixed crash using "Multiple Spaces to Space"
Removed links in About panel for Jag users
No longer blowing away current ruler settings when inserting a checkbox
Fixed typo in French
Updated Russian Localization
Fixed copying a bunch of checkboxes (it could miss some of them)
Fixed an exception in the journals drawer when creating an entry and then Undoing it
Exporting journals with "one file per entry" set and illegal characters in an entry topic (such as ":" and "/") will now convert those characters so the OS doesn't skip them.
Fixed some issues with the incorrect row being selected in the drawers
Quitting with no unsaved changes (but after changing something at some point) will now save the intended backups
Hopefully improved the consistency between the search sheet and toolbar item
Fixed problems with dead keys in non-English keyboard layout
When sending text to Blogger, the most common color is treated as the base color and is left to the server to stylize (the color is not specified). This has been changed so the base color has to be at covering at least 50% of the text. This also applies to font size. (The 50% threshold is configurable using the default
Starting a search will scroll the entry to the first instance if it is found in the current entry.
Hopefully fixed a problem where the second Service would show up in Japanese.
Starting a search will select the first entry available if the current journal does not contain any valid entries.
Renamed the hidden "Re-wrap text" to "Remove Line Breaks". The preference key will remain the same.
The "Include Date and Type" checkbox in the Export sheet is no longer enabled when you select the "MacJournal" format. Makes sense, really.
All text clean up commands are now supported in the drawers. Select some entries and choose one to perform the actions in bulk.
Fixed some more date formatting issues in Korean (AM/PM and Day of Week)
Importing a file with no creation date will leave the entry date as the current date. These files have dates that show up in the Finder as either "--" or in the year 1903 or 1904.
Exporting text with "<" and ">" to HTML or Blogger formatted the characters incorrectly before so they wouldn't show up. Fixed.
Control-Command-S will "Force Save," i.e. always save the data to disk whenever you want, regardless of the state of the current entry. This will only work for Panther users. Hold down the Control key whilst viewing the Entry menu to display said menu item.
Opening MacJournal, changing the topic of the current entry without hitting Return, and then quitting immediately would not save the topic change. Fixed.
Exporting and e-mailing when the focus is in the main window (not a drawer) will save the current entry before doing anything.
Individual entry viewer windows will now pick up changes to the background color in the preferences.
Changing the Spelling preference will no longer require a relaunch to take effect.
Small enhancements to HTML formatting
For all you hidden preferences junkies:
will add a menu item under the "Preferences" menu item to display a window containing all current hidden preferences. This is only available to Panther users and will always be in English.
Improved the Discovery option for importing entries from a text/RTF file in a few ways, including handling of empty topics in the source file.
Also for the Import Entries option: the "Try to Discover Entries" button in the open panel will only be enabled for files on which the option is supported (but this itself only happens on Panther).
When exporting to Blogger or HTML tabs will be converted to eight pretty no-break spaces (
Updated French Localization
When changing the background color in the main text view, the color panel will no longer close after setting the color once. You'll have to close the color panel or select "Show Colors" from the Format menu again to get back to setting the foreground color.
Modest searching upgrade: search terms are now considered separately. That means every word separated by a space is a different search term in the search. Search terms are combined with an implied AND operator. Use quotes around phrases to combine search terms.
Now escaping non-ASCII characters in titles sent to Blogger. This should help people using non-Roman character sets.
Added more fall-through in searching for the data at startup: if your data are not found in the location specified in the preferences, MacJournal will now also search in the default location, as well as your Documents folder. The data will still be saved in the location specified in the preferences, so you'll still get an error if that location is somehow not writeable.
Don't always scroll the views in the drawers so the selected row is visible in certain cases. This should be less annoying when moving stuff around in there.
Added a FAQ file that will serve as the Help for this release.
Hidden pref
to add a menu item to the Clean Up menu for re-wrapping text. This will become standard in the future, but for now is English-only.
Improved performace of the Font Face/Size toolbar items for large selections
Also, Font Face/Size changes will no longer be applied when you first pop down the menu. For example, if you selected a bunch of text and then clicked the down arrow in the font size toolbar item, it would actually change all the text to be whatever size is selected right then; no more.
MacJournal will now get the address of the web page in OmniWeb when selecting text and making an entry in MacJournal from the Services menu (Safari and Mail are already supported)
Fixed printing font sizes. The font sizes were actually correct, but the text was being scaled incorrectly. The size should be good now.
Option-clicking the Previous and Next toolbar buttons will traverse the recently viewed entries, like Safari. So if you click a link to jump to another entry, option-click "Previous" to get back. Option-click "Next" to change your mind. Use hidden pref
to make the history behavior default and the "standard" behavior come with the option key.
Links at the very end of the text will have a space appended on to them to allow you to type normally afterwards.
Labor Day treat: use the hidden pref
to transfer all instances of the string ":-)" to ☺ and ":-(" to ☹.
Removed references to
. It didn't work right and I don't think I was headed in the right direction. I will keep working on this, but not for this release.
Updated Spanish localization
Added some new logic to prevent unnecessary saves back to disk. So if you just open and quit MacJournal now, nothing will be touched on disk. Also, if you have Auto-Save enabled it won't write everything back to disk each time the interval comes due.
Added hidden pref
to restore previous behavior for the generated topics from Services if desired.
Added a "Show" menu in the "View" menu in the menu bar that does the same thing as the one in the contextual menus for the drawers (and the Action button). Because of the lateness of this addition, it will only be in English versions.
Added Taiwanese localization!
Fixed "Reload Data From This Location"
Selecting things in the drawers and using the Delete toolbar item should work a little better now
The names of the fonts in the toolbar item are now sorted
Non-ASCII characters will now be escaped for Blogger.
Fixed the dragging of attachments into the Finder.
Changing the name of the journal while its summary entry is visible won't break the entry links anymore
If you select some text and hit Insert Link, the focus will already be on the URL (since you already have text selected). Hard to describe, good to use, trust me.
Reversed the option-key behavior when dragging entries in the Keywords sheet. Doing nothing will just copy the keywords; holding option will replace them.
Removed the "Revert to 2.5" menu item because, well, you shouldn't. :-)
The value of the LiveJournal availability will be saved for next time.
Fixed display weirdness when changing the journals drawer font while a locked journal is selected in Combined view mode (redefining obscure bug fix....)
Double-clicking the table header in the Entries drawer will no longer yield a new entry.
E-mail address discovery should be a little smarter. You can't use as many characters in an e-mail as you can in a URL, so now it will use a more restrictive character set just for e-mails.
Saving your data while using the program with the "Lock Journals when Quitting" preference set will make sure the data it writes to disk will have all the journals locked that can. This is important so temporarily unencrypted data will end up on disk encrypted.
The columns widths in the entries drawer should be saved in between launches now
Added hidden default
to enable the simplified HTML formatting used in Blogger for all HTML exporting to files. So if you don't want all font information carried over, use this.
Added hidden default
to control whether or not < and > are encoded in HTML exports (including Blogger). This defaults to YES
, so the behavior remains unchanged unless you modify this directly.
More hidden prefs:
and SaveLiveJournalPasswordInKeychain
. Both are fairly self-explanatory and will likely become a checkbox in their respective sheets in the future.
While doing the keychain stuff, I fixed a rare crash in both sheets caused by typing a password and then hitting "Cancel" quickly.
Changing journal names in the drawer (via the contextual menu or by double-clicking them) will now be inline.
Clicking on the arrow next to a locked journal will now present the unlock sheet. Pressing the Right Arrow key while the row is selected did this before (and still does now).
Hold down the Command key while expanding a journal to collapse other journals at the same time (regardless of preference setting). Note that this used to be the Option key, but this modifier key already has default behavior assigned to it by AppKit. So I separated it out in order to provide the expected behavior plus the custom behavior separately or at the same time if so desired. This Command key behavior also applies when expanding from the keyboard now as well.
Small Tiger improvement
Fixed some weirdness with row highlighting in the Entries drawer while searching
Fixed a potential crash when ending a search
Shift-tab in the text view to head back to the topic field (in addition to control-tab)
Updated Serbian Localization
Importing text files and trying to discover entries inside the text file will be a lot more forgiving about the date formatting. It should be a lot easier to import text as entries now.
The topics of special entries like the Locked Journal message and the Empty Search message are no longer editable
More menu item validation (Paste Style menu items)
For links the are at the end of a line a space will be appended after the link. This is so when you go back to that line everything you type won't be included in said link.
Fixed lack of CSS styles after some links/images in HTML exporting
Locking the journal before commiting a change to the topic will save that change
Got bored one day and enabled Copy and Paste from the Edit menu and keyboard for the drawers. Copy entries/journals, navigate to another journal, and then paste them.
Added hidden preference to attempt to wrap text while you are zoomed in:
. This is still preliminary and has some problems.
Entry view windows will now have the same background as the main window
Added a button in the Edit Link sheet to choose an entry instead of a file to link to.
Fixed the "Friends" setting in LiveJournal
Creating a new entry with no Entry Template set and then hitting Bold or Italic before typing anything should now work
Fixed date formatting on in Korean (and possible other places)
You can now discover entries inside an RTF file while importing it (previously was limited to only plain text files)
System administrators can now delete locked journal. When trying to delete a locked journal, a standard system password screen will come up. Don't worry: MacJournal will get none of your password; just whether or not the thing succeeded. If it did, the journal will be deleted.
Improved the treatment of line breaks when exporting to HTML to restore some previous behavior. Lines will now be bookended by <p> and </p> as in 2.5.
Locking a journal will close any viewer windows for its child entries
A few tweaks for Tiger. 2.6 won't have nearly the amount of features for Tiger that 2.5 had for Panther. But a few noticeable things will be there.
When zooming to less than 100%, the exposed area will now be a shade of gray, which is nicer than the white that was there before.
The text sent to Blogger and LiveJournal should be a lot more simple now. Before, all the same operations were done it as were done to exported HTML. But Blogger does a lot of formatting itself (line breaks are divined from the text transmitted in and some other styles are done via style sheets). So now MacJournal doesn't try to send any of that stuff. Bolds and italics are still sent (with CSS).
Changed the default toolbar items around just a bit
If you are sending to an official Blogger server (*, we will try to use the Blogger 2 API. This will mean the title can be sent. Use a hidden pref
, introduced in the previous build, to control this all the time. Set it to Blogger2API
to force Blogger 2 all of the time, and use BloggerAPI
to force the default Blogger API.
Use the Insert Date and Time menu item in the Entry Template to insert a tag that will update when you create a new entry. It looks like
. For some undocumented fun, try out <$CurrentArtist$>
and <$CurrentSong$>
Implemented type-ahead support in the tables. When the focus is in a drawer, start typing the name of a journal or entry to select it.
You can now drag attachments (pictures, etc.) away from MacJournal into the Finder. You can also double-click them to launch in a separate viewer.
Selecting multiple objects in the drawers will no longer change the viewed entry
The Preferences window will no longer have the toolbar button in the title bar
The Delete toolbar item will no longer allow "click-through" (clicking it from a different application)
Jaguar users will see the old word count behavior because apparently the new behavior didn't work. Panther and above will still see the better version (that can handle Asian languages).
Updated Korean Localization
Fixed links to entries with forward slashes in them (especially for the summary entry)
Updated Italian Localization
Using the keyboard to navigate the drawers will hide the cursor until you move the mouse again
Fixed update problem when unlocking journals when "Expand Selected Journals" is disabled in the preferences
Fixed the "Reload Data from this Location" button in the Advanced Preferences
Improved HTML export to include font names, font sizes, improved standards support, underlines, strikethroughs, superscript, subscript, kerning, and ... *gasps for breath* ... text shadows. The finished product looks remarkably like the original in a CSS-capable browser.
Updated Norwegian Localization
Fixed "Print Journal," "Export Journal," and "Email Journal" while a drawer is in focus
The "Move To" menu item will no longer let you move an entry to the same journal in which it already is (another common sense change)
No longer converting all non-ASCII characters to the hex equivalent in HTML exporting (and Blogger). This means wherever it's going better support Unicode (UTF-8). From what I've tested, it all works out.
Some usability changes for the Blogger panel relating to validating the buttons at the bottom
Updated Danish Localization
Removed the key commands for command-1 through -9. Seemed like it was just bloating things. Most journals are greater than ten entries and the entry that you want to get to is usually at the bottom (beyond the usefulness of the number keys).
On a fresh install, the window will now be centered because that's a lot prettier
Inserting a link will now correctly reset the typing attributes afterwards
Removing links from the Clean Up menu will now correctly mark things as unsaved and allow for undo
keyboard equivalents added to Change Date and Change Keyword
In the Change Keywords sheet you can now just start typing into the table to create a new keyword with what you are typing
You can now edit the topic of the summary entry for a journal. The change to the topic will be propagated to the journal itself.
Clicking links when you have multiple journals with the same name around should produce more reliable, desirable results
Updated Catalan localization
The count field in the main window wasn't updating properly when a search ended or if a search began and the current entry didn't change. Fixed.
Realigned some hotkeys:
F1: focus the main text view
F2: focus the topic field
F3: focus the last drawer opened
F4: focus the search field (or drop down the sheet if the search field isn't visible)
Updated German Localization
Improved the link discoverer to properly recognize things like "<" and ">" that are used to delimit URLs in regular text, i.e. <>.
You're no longer allowed to set negative numbers in the Preferences for Auto Save interval
The text zoom toolbar item now updates continuously as you select items from the list, like the font boxes
If you have Automatic Updates enabled (like you should!) it will now check every day for an update if you leave the app open all of the time
When changing fonts via the toolbar items, it will no longer destroy bolds and italics
Collapsing the active journal is no longer cause to close the drawer and/or open the entries drawer
Fixed importing RTFD files (it was being treated as a folder because it really is a folder on disk)
Fixed selection in drawers after launch that have been resized
Fixed recognizing e-mail address at the end of the entry
When the toolbar is set to small mode, the custom toolbar items like Browse, Opacity, Search, and the new font ones will also hopefully be a little smaller
Updated Japanese Localization
Custom ruler units are now set correctly at startup
Changed the font of the text views in the HTML Preferences to a fixed width font.
fixed the Font Size toolbar item to correctly use what you type after something is selected from the popup list (it would just keep using the last thing you selected from the list)
The Font Face and Size toolbar items will now update immediately the first time you add them to the toolbar (before it would be blank until you move the insertion point about a bit)
Fixed crash when unlocking an encrypted journal with the wrong password
Fixed drawers not remembering their state in between launches
Now setting the default value of the "Append AM/PM" preference based on your locale. If you change this setting, your change will be saved regardless of the locale after that.
Use the spacebar to page down in the drawers (like Safari), and shift-space to page up
Deleting empty journals during a search will not delete all other empty journals now.
Fixed wrapping on the toolbar search field
The search toolbar item should stay in sync with the search sheet at all times
Searching will now correctly update the selection to select the first matching string if the current entry is found in the search
For those that want it, there's a hidden preference to make MacJournal a metal app: "UseMetalWindow"
Fixed exporting to MacJournal format for Jaguar systems
Change the way topics are generated for entries created via the "New Entry With Selection" service: it will now use the name of the application it came from. For Safari, it will also include the URL. For Mail, it will include the Subject of the message.
Added a hidden preference for specifying date formats specifically
The Release Notes will no longer show up in your journal; instead it will show up in an Entry Viewer window
Fixed word count for any language
Improved the Entry Template window for Jaguar users
The "Hide Info Bar" menu item will now be correct if Info Bar is hidden when the app is launched
Moved the key equivalent for "Customize Toolbar" to "Hide/Show Toolbar" where it was meant to be in the first place
Fixed a problem with the default font not being set correctly upon start-up if there was no text to go along with it
Implemented Undo support for those using the Find panel on Jaguar (for Replace/Replace All)
Added temporary "Revert to 2.5" menu item in the MacJournal menu to revert the checkboxes back to their 2.5 representation in case you want to go back. At this point, you don't really need to go back though. This menu item will be gone in the final version.
Fixed errors importing a text file and discovering entries therein
Discovered entries from a text file will be placed in a new journal bearing the name of the text file that spawned them
No longer creating an empty entry when importing folders
The Import->Entries menu item is now always enabled (since it can create new journals). If you try to import entries with a locked journal current, a new journal is created for them because MacJournal is sly like that.
Hold option when clicking the lock button or the menu item to unlock all journals in your bookcase with that password.
Font Face and Size toolbar items will now correctly disable when viewing a locked entry
Fixed problem with the entries drawer not updating at startup until you switched journals
Tweaked the importing behavior a bit to be a little smarter. So if you drag in some folders, it will create a journal for each folder with the (aggregated) contents inside. Any loose files will go into a new journal (as before).
Fixed a problem with exporting to HTML or Blogging entries with certain colors in them
Fixed data loss when journals encrypt themselves after locking and there is unsaved data
Unlocking a journal in the chooser window (after using a service) will also select that journal after you unlock it (since you did hit the "Choose" button)
Added more tool tips to various buttons that don't have any other text associated with it
Help->Show Release Notes will now create a journal entry to display the release notes instead of launching another app and letting you edit the file inside the app package. Plus this is spiffier. :-)
Now inserting a blank line in front of appended text when using the new service
Added a warning if you try and double-click the main data file in the Finder to open MacJournal. MacJournal is best opened via the app icon itself and manually opening the data file can cause unexpected behavior (well, unexpected to some), so it's best to just throw a quick warning up to let people know that that's not what they want to do.
Added a little information alert before you install the tool explaining what's going to happen. Whenever you ask for the users password (and you're not Apple) you should probably explain why.
Made yet another change to hopefully fix the occasional crash associated with creating entries from text from Safari via the Services (John this is for you!)
Now saving export settings in between launches
Fixed black space appearing at top of any sheet when you resized it. All thanks to Joe.
Hitting "New Entry" when a locked journal is current will now prompt you for your password and then create the new entry if all works out.
Fixed "Restore from backup"
Fixed encoding of text sent to LiveJournal servers
Creating a new keyword in the sheet and then hitting return will end the editing as originally intended
Journals will always snap shut if they were opened during dragging entries around. Before it depended if the entry was deposited in the journal. This now matchs Mail's behavior.
The iTunes button in the LiveJournal sheet didn't work. It does now.
Now disabling a bunch of menu items and toolbar items when the current journal is locked
Removed the "0 items" for locked journals in the Journals drawer when in Combined view mode.
Added two new toolbar items: Font Face and Font Size.
Fix problem with converting consecutive sequences of checkboxes from the old format (which isn't common at all)
Added Share menu to the contextual menu for Entries with items for emailing, blogger, and livejournal
Now saving the frame of the entry viewer window for the next window
When you lock a journal with encryption enabled, it will encrypt itself in memory
Drag some text from the text view onto an entry in the journals drawer and wait: it will become the current entry so you can drag it into that entry's text directly (a.k.a. "Spring-loaded Entries")
Re-enabled dragging a journal onto a journal to copy its entries
Added "New Journal" button to the Journal Chooser window (for Services)
When focus is in the main window, Change Date/Keywords will only act on the current entry. This makes sense when you think about what should happen when all drawers are closed. Put the focus in a drawer to act on whatever is selected there.
Also setting the modification date of exported files (individual style) to be the entry date, for the UNIX guys out there (UNIX has no concept of creation date, so modification date is all you have)
Followup to a bug about checkboxes destroying paragraph style: now fixed the case where the checkbox is the first thing in an entry (with some kind of margin set in the template). This should (hopefully) be all for that one.
Added MacJournal format as an export format
Added "Paste Font" menu item to Entry contextual menu. So here it goes: Copy a font style with the Format menu (opt-cmd-C) and then select some entries and/or journals. Then use opt-cmd-V, or right-click and choose the item, or use the Format menu again to paste that style into all the entries selected. This, of course, is undoable.
Added a (for now) hidden pref to lighten the background picture to a certain fraction: BackgroundPictureFraction. Use a floating point number between 0 and 1 to control how light the background picture is (0 is white, 1 is no change).
Disallowed password changing on locked journals. Didn't make much sense in the first place.
To clear up some checkbox issues, MacJournal is now handling checkboxes differently. Note that this is technically a change to the format of the data on disk. Checkboxes are now stored on disk as a Unicode checkbox character (on or off). When they are summoned to be displayed, the characters are looked for and turned into their equivalent UI checkbox. Benefits: you can export entries with checkboxes to any format and the checkbox will be included. Drawback: opening your data on anything previous to this release will give you the Unicode character instead of the checkbox.
Disabled spell checking on the non-editable summary entry
Disabling the "Use One File Per Entry" button in the export sheet if only one entry is being exported
If you clicked a "macjournal://" URL and launched MacJournal with it, it usually didn't work. You had to click the link again. No more!
Prevented undoing changes back into previous entries that you edited.
Fixed some styles in exporting entries to RTF
When you select the summary entry in the Journals drawer, the Entries drawer will show no selection
Changing the sort order with the summary entry up will correctly update the entry text
Another oft-requested feature that's being done way too late in the process: A new service! Yes, it's called "Append Selection To Entry" and I think it's fairly self-explanatory.
Made a hidden pref non-hidden: you can now select a directory when choosing a background picture to get some randomize action whenever you launch
Foreground and background text colors are now exported to HTML! Go Cascading Style Sheets!
Fixed support for fancy characters (umlauts, etc.) in titles sent to Blogger
hitting tab in the tables should get the focus back in the topic field
Fixed the Edit Link and Print toolbar items
Fixed the ellipsis after the Unlock item in the drawer contextual menu
Added Edit Link toolbar item to the Entry Template window
Backed out the change for keeping the insertion point black with a background image. It was raising an exception.
Fixed a problem when launching MacJournal on a clean system
The entry template window will now keep up to date with the ruler unit changes in the prefs
Enhanced the import text feature so it doesn't replace the entire text with what you're importing (just inserts it at the selection)
Added pref to auto-collapse other journals when you select one
You can now import new entries from/including folders (it will dive down into folders and pick files out)
Fixed exporting of entries to individual files in RTF and RTFD
Hopefully prevented 10.1 users from using MacJournal (which very much requires 10.2 at this point)
On a trial basis, including a preference to make the journals drawer "simpler" (this was in a6 in a less-useful form). Use the boolean preference "SimpleInterface" from the command line to get at it for now.
Allowing inline editing of journal name in the drawer if Combined mode isn't on.
Use command-down in the drawers to move down a level if you have the journal selected
Added Word format to the Export window (on Panther)
You can no longer visually drag things to locked journals (it wouldn't work before, but now you don't even get the black outline around it)
Fixed crash when dragging an entry into the text view
Added an automatic save before printing from the menu bar so unsaved changes are picked up
Now using short date format for combined view (like in date view itself)
Added some friendly undo support to dragging stuff around in the drawers
Added a timer to check for moods to the LiveJournal panel after typing in the password field (similar to the Blogger one)
Improved Taco.
Changed the blogger title support to hopefully work
reset the focus in the change password sheet each time you open it (i tried to fix this last build, but i broke it again)
Fixed a large problem with e-mailing entries via Entourage: line endings. Entourage can only handle old-style Mac line endings (CR, for you geeks out there), instead of the Unix-style line endings we've all been using on OS X (LF). Thankfully, Mail is cool enough to handle either, so it's CFs for everyone! Thanks Entourage.
Dragging an entry to its journal will now result in a failed drag
Removed Show menus in the main menu. They never made any sense being there. Now that the Action button is easily accessible in the Drawers, that works a lot better.
Created the long-overdue View menu to house View-related items like toolbar stuff and drawers
Fixed checkboxes destroy some paragraph styles when inserted (ruler settings)
Always make insertion point black with a background picture
Topics that are generated from entries created via Services are guaranteed not to have newlines in them
Fixed the Current button in the Change Date Sheet
Removed the Delete Journal menu item. This kind of thing is best done in a drawer now.
Made the Insert Link menu item work in the Entry Template window
Added option key alternative to New Journal to sidestep the naming of the journal right away
Reworded donation nag message since it was incorrect (the menu item had changed locations) and quite dubious grammatically
Fixed the double-spacing that showed up when changing the drawer fonts when Combined view is on
The date of the next entry could sometimes encroach on the last one when printing. Fixed.
If you didn't save your changes in the entry template window, they would still be there the next time you opened the window. Fixed.
Hopefully protected against HTML data sneaking into entries (which will cause crashing when saving).
Exporting things one-entry-to-a-file will give the file the date of the entry
Potentially fixed some blank print jobs one person was seeing
The '+' button in the Journals drawer now creates a journal, since it is the Journals drawer
Redid a little of the Keyword pane UI to make is simpler (in my mind). It also fits in with other system UI elements of the type better, while retaining all original functionality.
Hopefully more of the menu items will work when the drawer tables are in focus more to the user's expectation (i.e. either Export menu item will now work like the Export menu item in the contextual menu). YMMV for now.
Minor reorganization of drawer contextual menus to account for a more parallel construction
Added timer in the Blogger panel to automatically look up your blog ids if you don't type anything for 2 seconds in the password field (in addition to when you tab out)
Added a button to the Edit Link sheet to browse for a file
Turns out Jaguar can't handle alternate menu items. So now they are manually removed on Jaguar.
Added "TXT" as a plain text extension because windows likes it
Testing a new thing where MacJournal will load your data on a separate thread at startup. This makes startup a constant time affair! If your data takes longer to load that the UI does, a window will pop up to keep you entertained until the data are done loading. I wasn't going to do this until the next version, but oh well.
Exported entries to HTML will have a ISO standard date filename, which is more webserver friendly
Added an option to hide the time from all dates because some guy on VersionTracker complained about it in the comments for someone else's app. Yeah, I know.
Dirty the entry after creating it via services
Entries with no topic will display their date as a fallback in the summary entry
Added the Blogger hack for sending a title to the Blogger panel. Let's hope it works.
Tried to standardize the display of entries a bit so hopefully the date will always display if there is no topic
Added cleanup option to remove just attachments
Added a Donate menu item
Added Donate button to nag window
Now selecting topic field correcly when creating a new entry by double-clicking an empty spot in the drawer
When unlocking a journal, hold down the Option key to bypass the Keychain altogether
now prompting for a name when creating a new html template
Added warning before deleting a template.
Restored pref to switch drawers upon selection
Made a hidden pref for disabling new command-[1-9] entry selection behavior (DisableNumericCommandKeys)
Drag a VCard to the topic field to insert the name into it
Made the buttons in the drawer prettier
When drawers open on the same side, the other drawer will properly close now
Fixed an issue with checkboxes becoming clones of each other and looking all alike. Note that this fix will only apply to new checkboxes; you'll have to fix the older ones yourself.
Fixed some of the menu items in the drawer button (Export, etc.)
standardized wording you get on delete dialogs (better pay attention to what you are deleting!)
Added a little padding on the edge of the drawer so you can resize the drawer after the window resizes
Added a pref with no UI to randomize the background image (RandomizeBackgroundPicture)
Re-disabled deletion of locked journals. A solution for this need be found....
Fixed the focusing when opening the change password sheet to always be the topmost field
Fixed some edge cases with link highlighting where the links are at the beginning/end of the entry
Cleaned up some other text stuff (such as discovered links will now save properly in all situations)
Now updating the name in the summary entry when the name of the journal changes
Fixed printing from the action menus in the drawers
Fixed exporting to HTML when all the images are the same name
The Show menus in the drawers and menu bar will now have a checkmark next to the current display type
Covered some more cases to preserve the correct typing attributes when you switch entries
HTML italics and bolds found in text files when discovering entries from them will be converted to their realistic counterparts
Fixed the line break formatting on some of the exports
Removed the hard restriction for unique journal names. It was more trouble that it's worth at this point.
Worked some magic with the key equivalents:
Hold down Option key to temporarily disable warnings for some menu items (deleting entry/journal, reverting entry)
Delete Journal is now Shift-Command-Delete (which is what it should be)
As a somewhat unrelated note, I want to get rid of the preference to disable the warning for Restoring From Backup. The action is undoable, but it seems like something you always want a warning for no matter what. Comments?
Redid the Drawers Preferences. Removed the Behavior radio buttons because I don't think anyone uses the "Switch" mode anymore. You can still auto-close each drawer (individually now).
Added preference with no UI for now: AlwaysShowSummaryEntry (for use with the Journals drawer). Set it to YES in the Terminal to instruct the Journals drawer to show the summary entry whenever you click on a journal, regardless of its expanded status.
Added a non-editable text field and a color well to the Entry Template window to explicitly state the typing attributes that will be saved. This is most useful in the case of "I want a default font, but no text." Note that on Panther it will keep updated more easily than on Jaguar. That's the price of running on an older OS, but at least it works well enough.
Added the much requested "Mail drawer buttons," the "+" button and the "action" button, to both drawers.
Finally figured out how to have the drawers have the same opacity as the main window!
You can now copy and paste checkboxes
Fixed exporting dates with non-ASCII characters in them to HTML
Fixed exporting links/styles to HTML
Mapped Command-[0-9] to the first 10 entries of the current journal (a la Safari)
Fixed Export toolbar item
Made some LiveJournal improvements:
Fixed formatting issue so sending entries with spaces and quotes works
Added "Availability" matrix to control who can see the entry
Remove status field that accounted for the huge empty space in the sheet. If there's an error, you'll still know about it (trust me)
Starting converting the stable of sheets to work non-modally. This will probably have no end-user impact, but it's probably a good thing to do.
Started some work (disabled for now) for storing files dragged in outside of the data file. This will result in smaller files (and less save time) and music/movies that you drag in will continue to work after you quit.
Improved the Change Password sheet to be a little more friendly (disabling the set button and whatnot)
Extended the option for separating exported things to individual files from HTML to all types. So text files should work on iPods, in theory
Re-normalized the width of the Preference panes
Changed the modal window for setting storage location in the prefs to a nice sheet
Added button to Export panel to disinclude entry meta data (topic, date) from exports
Fixed drag reordering journals
You can add a checkbox to the entry template now
MacJournal will now throw up an error when run on systems below the minimum OS requirement (10.2). This will probably become more valuable later on.
Put at an extra check in when decoding journals to make sure password is valid
Remove line formatting information from Blogger transmissions
Removed "2.6a2" from the Application menu title
Implemented the unfinished Exporting stuff from a2 (that just had the FYI dialog promising new features at that time). Exporting is done all through one panel: different formats, HTML templates, and even any combination of objects. Export just one entry to HTML if you like!
New export stuff also includes a button for splitting entries into separate files when exporting to HTML
Added Export menu to Entries drawer menu
Fixed exporting checkboxes to HTML (and fixed a leak while I was there)
Switched to a more standard method of loading data off a web server which might resolve a reported problem with an Airport Base Station in modem mode
Enabled use of tildes in the Edit Link sheet for file links
Implemented a rudimentary picker screen for picking a journal for text from services to head to.
Revisited some of the Keywords sheet to try to resolve some issues a user was seeing
Fixed a potentally rare, but very real crasher associated with the "summary" entry (thanks John!)
Preferences window now remembers what pane you were on last (as specified in the HIG)
Added a user-friendly check-mark next to the current search type in the little drop down menu next to the search field (in Panther only)
Optimized the updating in the entries drawer
Extended the Combined view to the Journals view (it's nifty!)
Resolved some lingering issues with the selection in the journals drawer
Hold down the Option key whilst expanding a journal to collapse all other journals in the process
Improved the link generation and parsing for the future
Made the background color panel less confusing it by closing it if the Preferences window is closed or otherwise loses focus.
Rearranged some things relating to deleting things:
Entry->Delete Entry (the menu item) just deletes the current entry only (previously it deleting anything and everything selected in the drawers)
Journal->Delete Journal (the menu item as well) just deletes the current journal (as always)
Selecting something in either drawer and just hitting the Delete key will delete what is selected in the drawer
This was done to resolve the difference in previous behavior between #1 and #2 mostly. And since you can only select multiple items in a drawer, this doesn't really pose any problems to the workflow.
Dragging an entry into an empty spot in the journals drawer will create a journal and put it in there, much like iPhoto and iTunes
Changed the name of Transfer to Move To and made a Copy To menu item (to match Mail)
E-mailing entries should work better with Entourage
Right-clicking a row in a table will produce a little selection rect around it so you know whatever action you choose in the menu will act on that row, not whatever is otherwise selected
Fixed the entries drawer to truncate the strings like the journal drawer does
For now, journal names must be unique. Non-unique journal names will be changed upon app launch. I'm sure no one will really even notice this.
Journal name changes are now undo-able
Hopefully locking the data file prior to writing to it (O_EXLOCK, if you're interested). This is good for doing stuff like building flying cars and reading minds.
Preliminary (mostly place-holder) for new exporting UI. Right-click an entry in the Journals drawer to export it to HTML. That's it for now.
Added lock item to menu for journals in the journal drawer
now you can put graphics and checkboxes into the entry template
completely redid the entry template set-up UI. Now it's in its own resizable window with easy access to fonts and colors and rulers (oh my!).
Added some niceties to LiveJournal panel:
If iTunes is installed, a button will show up. If iTunes is launched, it will allow you to query iTunes for the currently playing song and fill it in there.
New checkbox to allow you to use whatever the current date is instead of what the entry is marked
New option in the preferences to back up your data to individual files (one file per entry inside a journal folder on disk)
Shuffled some menu items around to make more sense (more will happen for 3.0)
added some more saving of HFS type/creator codes and hiding of file extensions
new panel for displaying issues that have been reported in this build
redid the keywords sheet to be generally more useful
Added "Paste with Current Style" menu item
Added "Change Name" menu item to journal menu
Added a button to the print panel when you print entries for disabling the header
Added a new preference for setting a background image to the main window
Moved user-initiated and periodic saves to disk to a separate thread so it doesn't block the UI quite so much
Added button to the Preferences for the Lock on Sleep preference (that's actually available in 2.5, just not from the UI). This only works in Panther.
implemented a new toolbar item for controlling the opacity of the window. I don't know why.
Entries created from the Services menu now include the first 30 characters of the text as the topic
Truncating long strings in the drawers by putting an ellipsis in the middle
Beefed up the link discovery mechanism to include most, if not all types of URLs.
The Lock toolbar item now correctly shows the state of the current journal right when launching
Hopefully fixed an issue with opening drawers on secondary monitors
removed "Delete all journals" menu/toolbar/pref item because it seemed useless and dangerous (I was probably the only one that ever used it)
now disabling the topic field and text view when the entry is read-only
hold down the option key when locking a journal to lock all available journals at once
Journal names are now required to be unique from one another (while this was probably what happened before, now it is enforced)
Now remembering the state of the ruler inbetween app launches
For beta testers: when a new development build comes out, MacJournal will automatically back up your data from the last build.
Fixed a problem with some date formatting preferences not correctly reestablishing themselves when restarting macjournal
The LiveJournal and Blogger sheets will close if the entry transmits successfully.
now showing status messages in the main window from various things like Blogger and LiveJournal and automatic saves
Fixed a problem where topics and entry text were sorted backwards
Now sorting entries with numbers in the topics better
The segmented control for browsing entries in Panther now has a text-only representation
Yes, topics now update in the tables immediately after you tab out of the topic field (or hit return).
Double-clicking an entry in a table will make the topic field active ("renaming" the entry), to parallel the double-click action of the journal. This one is still under debate....
On Panther, using a new "placeholder string" instead of "<No hint>" in the Unlock Journal sheet if no hint exists
If you use the MacJournal Service and the current journal is locked, it will ask you for your password
Implemented a new version checking feature to take minimum OS of the release into account (for the future mainly)
Now exporting styles out to Blogger
implemented something for "highlighting" text (i.e. changing the background color of the selected text
Clicking on the count field will display the date of the current entry (click again to come back)
From the ill-fated 2.5.3 release:
Fixed problem in tool with entering passwords
Fixed issue with copying encrypted journals
Fixed an issue with sending Unicode to LiveJournal
Fixed a problem with switching keyboard input methods with F7
fixed double-prompt in tool
fixed an issue when you would change the text zoom then go back to 100%
Spelling and grammar corrections in German localization
Fix to make file URLs work again
Fixed a problem with retreive certain kinds of passwords (usually really long ones) from the keychain
Some minor UI changes to further comply with the HIG
Fixed a problem with dragging locked journals into the URL field of the Edit Link sheet
Fixed a data-loser when you modified the "this journal is locked message" and then unlocked it
Fixed a problem with the font being reset after inserting a checkbox
The drawers will remember if they were close when the window is shut, as opposed to just when the app is terminated
added some more console output in case of Blogger network trouble
Fixed a crash in the German localization when opening a MacJournal file
Fixed a problem in the tool where it wouldn't open your data
Fixed e-mailing things with ampersands in them
tweaked some other things in the Blogger panel
Fixed some other problems with URLs
Fixed problems with the Edit Link sheet taking the wrong selection range and not respecting pre-existing attributes (like font)
Added (non-UI) control over the "Insert Date and Time Format". Use the command-line defaults tool to set it with the key "InsertDateAndTimeFormat". Use the Cocoa date formatting options.
Fixed a possible crash with unarchiving an old journal file
Started to run the text going to Blogger sites through the HTML character replacement wringer to convert all non-ASCII characters
Fixed a potential issue with exporting to HTML
Now only allowing movie file types to become an embed tag in the exported HTML, all non-image/non-movie attachments get the dreaded "attachment" conversion
Fixed a rare issue that prevented the Preferences window from loading
Fixed an issue where the current entry text would be copied into the new entry when you created a journal. Now the default entry template is used as it should be.
Fixed a problem where auto-discovered links have an extra character on them.
Fixed repositioning journals in the drawer (it would always copy no matter what)
Fixed the next/previous buttons again to go the other direction depending on the sort ordering
Now converting any non-ASCII characters in journal names when exporting to HTML
When importing entry text, now treating HTML as just plain text (as it should be) because the "rich" interpretation can't be archived.
Added Korean Localization!
Now displaying the date of the entry when you open the Change Date sheet. This is what it used to do, but it got tripped up in another change to the sheet.
Fixed a problem with links in Russian localization
Fixed an issue with renaming HTML templates and canceling the dialog
New version of Help; now with less frames than ever before!
Added 'plist' as valid plain text file extension (for importing and such)
Fixed 'Switch to Journals From Entries' drawer behavior
Fixed a data-loser associated with dragging the current entry with unsaved changes
Creating a new journal now endows the initial entry with the template out of the preferences
Resolved some lingering issues with the HTML Template UI
Fixed a problem with the Prepend Day of Week/Append AM/PM not updating the tables based on what the current view is (now that the date may show through if you're viewing topics)
Changed default drawer view to Topic, since the Date is displayed if there's no topic
Bringing up the Edit Link sheet (cmd-K) with the insertion point in the midst of an link will correctly put the link into the sheet for editing
Hopefully working around the crash on launch that some people were seeing when MacJournal is used as a login item (it was a rare occurrence)
Now accepting all file types when importing files as entries (or dragging files into the drawer). Text will be added as text, images/movies/audio will be added as such, and all other types will just be included just as if you dragged them into the text view. It's hard to explain, but it's more powerful to use.
Tweaked German localization
Fixed crash associated with deleting entries with the warning turned off
Opening the update window while a previous update was going on (the background one at startup) no longer cancels the previous one and begins a new one
Fixed an issue where saving an entry that causes it to re-sort itself can make the information in the drawers stale (leading to "duplicate" entries and so forth)
Updated Icelandic localization
Fixed a mismatch that can occur when right-clicking a journal and trying to change its name/password
Improved memory management in tool
Importing a bunch of text files now sets the date of the new entry to the creation date of its file
Now saving a completely new backup. This is the previous backup. So it goes like this: quit MacJournal for the first time and a main data file and a backup file (which are the same) are written. The next time you quit, the old backup file (the main data file has been updated during the life of the app, but the backup is only changed at quit) is renamed to Previous Backup and the new backup is made of the current data. This is just to prevent more mishaps. This is part of keeping the MacJournal backup preference, which is highly advised.
Retroactively updated version history to reflect actual Panther changes that I couldn't be explicit about until Panther shipped. This dates back to d20.
The new Help documentation is here! Generously donated by a user, it is a lot more complete and helpful than the previous help. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Fixed non-ASCII linking on Jaguar-based systems
Fixed printing entries printing a blank page when used before any other kind of printing operation has taken place
Now automatically closing the update window after the "download" button has been pressed
Fixed a crash that may happen when opening the entries drawer after changing journals in the other drawer
Fixed weirdness when managing entries (transferring the wrong entry by mistake, crashes while deleting entries in certain situations, etc.)
Fixed styles after adding a link to the end of an entry on Jaguar-based systems
Fixed the rollover effect when MacJournal is launched with a custom size (i.e. you resize the window, quit, and relaunched)
Some performance enhancements relating to opening drawers and selecting things in the table.
another panther improvement (Added Word .doc files as an importable type)
reset the toolbar so 2.1 users will see the search field even if they've customized before
opt-cmd-F/F8 is now more intelligent about things. if the toolbar is not visible, or if the search item isn't in the toolbar, the sheet will be used instead
updated the search sheet to be a little more intelligent and user-friendly
fixed some things relating to what happens if the primary data file is corrupted
Fixed a mixup that made the entries drawer open on the wrong side
Tweaked localizations
Fixed another problem with non-ASCII links. This one was recognizing them correctly and going to the right entry. It works now.
Clicking a checkbox now correctly dirties the window
Made a stab at highlighting search terms in entries. If you switch to an entry while a search is active, it will attempt to highlight the first word in the text that matches your search string.
The ruler in the entry template text view should now have the correct units (if you can see it at all: i'm going to redesign this pane for 2.6)
Now correctly setting the title of the Preferences window when you load it for the first time (mostly for localization)
Fixed some state problems with the lock button
fixed some oversights when resetting the preferences (some things weren't getting reflected elsewhere in the app)
Fixed backing up as XML
Implemented a new way to find the data on disk. It now handles it like an alias, so you can move and/or rename the folder and it should still find it. You can also put it on a different drive and it will mount it automatically for you.
Switched the E-mailing back to trying to use the default email client. It seems like the truncation issues have been solved for now.
Made some improvements to the LiveJournal password hashing to eliminate any corner cases
Fixed up a bunch of a code and eliminated a potential crash that no one had ever seen before
Fixed a crash when opening up the journals drawer after deleting an entry (this was a fun one to find)
Now resetting the typing attributes after adding a link at the end of an entry so the rest of the entry doesn't become part of that same link (bugs like this are so hard to describe)
Re-enabled encrypted passwords in LiveJournal after I figured out what I was doing wrong
Spanish language update (including taco quotes!)
Fixed a bug that would kill the Edit Link sheet if an entry was dragged in that had "illegal" (non-ASCII) characters
Updated Serbian localization
Fixed an issue with changing the search type while no search was active weirding things out
Updated link to Matthew Bice's homepage in the Credits
Fixed the next and previous entry menu items to match the changes I made to the toolbar items
Fixed an issue with an entry link to an entry in the same journal
Updated Russian Localization
changed the text zoom toolbar item to an NSComboBox (for those in the know) and added some potentially useful preset values
fixed a crash on startup when you leave the cursor at the end of an entry when you quit
MacJournal command line tool now supports unlocking journals and custom data paths
Re-updated all the localizations to fix all the layout issues from the origial comprehensive update in the last fc
Added not-my-fault message before E-mailing stuff if it won't work. I'm washing my hands of this; this is bad code on Apple's part. I don't mean to ditch on them or anything, but it is very hit or miss from computer to computer.
Cycling past locked journals now correctly highlights them in the journals drawer
more panther additions:
Searching out all the help buttons in all of the sheets and replacing them with the new Panther pink buttons when possible
Dragging stuff to trash to delete them now only works on Panther because I didn't want to boot into Jag to work it out
Restored what Help files are there back to working order
Fixed a bug that would crash the app if no data were found on disk at startup
Added the cool halo effect around the search cancel button
Fixed a stupid bug that prevented the Blogger panel from working. Dumb.
Added updated Spanish localization
Added mood and music support to the LiveJournal Panel
Updated Danish localization
Switched the default sort order to ascending so things don't seem to go backwards. I did it in a mean way: if you had changed it before, you'll have to toggle it again. It's a simple thing to do, and it keeps the launch time of the app down
You can now undo insertion of a checkbox
Minor consistency fixes to make sure the selection in the table is accurate
Updated Norwegian localization
Month and day of week names should now be properly localized throughout MacJournal (I hate date formatting)
As this is an FC, 2.5 is no longer able to write the MacJournal 2.1.1 format (it can and will be able to read the format to provide an upgrade path). d24 will be available for this reason if necessary, but I had to disable the code for the final release.
Added more key combos to highlight parts of the UI: F6 for the journals drawer, F7 for entries drawer, F8 and cmd-opt-F for the search field
Disallowed tinkering with the Preferences' toolbar again. I know it might be helpful for some people, but I think for the majority it might be confusing to drag an item out of the toolbar by accident and not necessarily know how to get it back.
Many other small fixes and changes for the final candidacy.
Included first version of MacJournal command line tool. This provides read-only access to MacJournal data. Editing may come in the future, but not for 2.5.
With the magic of shell scripting, all nibs for all localizations have been updated to the current. This probably puts some English back in the other localizations. Localizers, please fix it and send the update to me!
Exporting a single entry will now decide whether it is RTF or RTFD
Removed all the duplicate items in the menu next to the search field
Pictures will now be exported into HTML documents. I hope. Pictures definitely work, but good luck with other media.
Minor panther improvements
Fixed an issue where the focus wouldn't always be on the top field when you changed a journal's password.
Converted LiveJournal to use an encrypted password instead of cleartext
Fixed an issue where the journal drawer font would get blown away if you set the entries drawer font
Added Norwegian Localization!
Added Icelandic Localization!
Changed the default HTML template. The default template is now XHTML 1.1-compliant.
Redid some of the Blogger panel. Will now go out to the URL you specified and try and get the Blogger IDs when you enter a username and password. I also redesigned the panels a bit to be better layed out. All the localizations that have a localized Blogger panel should be updated as well.
Made the version number comparing stuff a little smarter about '2.5' being better than '2.5d23'
MacJournal will no longer dial a modem at startup (to check for an update) if that's your only connection. Please let me know if it's still happening.
Hacked together a Spanish localization from what I had before.
Inserting the date and time no longer selects the inserted text because in retrospect this was kind of a weird thing to do (and not the solution to what it was supposed to solve)
Added some basic undo support to some text field. For example, setting a topic is now undoable
Finally got the encryption to work like I wanted. This means no more MulleCipher. I'm using CDSA, which is included on the system itself. It's probably faster and more secure. Another minor inconvenience for test users in that they have to turn off encryption to migrate, but shouldn't be a big hassle. BTW, I'm now using AES-256 by default. However, this is easily configurable via the command line (algorithm and key size).
The tables will only get the first line of the full text to display, which should improve performance (it won't have to go through your entire 7 book collected works to display each time)
Added a fancy rollover effect to the lock icon in the window. No reason; just cool.
New entry template will now save ruler information even if there is no text. It saves a lot more information now, so go nuts.
Checkboxes are now exported as Unicode equivalents of themselves (showing their state) in HTML
Fixed an issue where the styles from the last edited entry would carry over to newly created entries.
Fixed an issue when starting up with an autosave interval that wouldn't save the data to disk, just into memory
Worked around a weird bug preventing MacJournal 2.1.1 entries from importing into 2.5. It should work now.
The journals drawer will display the date for an entry if there is no topic or text (depending on what is supposed to displayed)
another panther improvement (Hidden preference to lock journals when machine goes to sleep)
fixed a bug preventing the background color of the window from being set in the preferences
Removed the UI to the special character stuff as promised
Fixed the entry table view line height with respect to crazy fonts again
more panther improvements:
Topics now take advantage of new special character HTML export conversion scheme
Recent searches menu for NSSearchField toolbar item
New "Entries" toolbar item (with an NSSegmentedControl) replaces Back and Forward toolbar items
Now using Panther's built-in URL support to highlight and follow links where appropriate
Refined the taco alert panel to use NSAlert
Bypassing my custom solution for the "gray string" in text fields (like the topic field) and using the Panther solution where possible
Fixed a bug with searching that may clobber an entry with the "no entries found" message
fixed a few small issues with the custom text fields, mostly relating to dragging things into them
hold down Option key when choosing "Remove Styles From Selection" to just remove line height styles for the selection (trying to combat a weird upgrading bug)
Deleting a journal will now update the window title
Now honoring links, bolds, and italics in outgoing LiveJournal submissions
If it is possible to write the journal as an RTF file (instead of just RTFD), we do that instead now
Added "Show" menu item to show the window if it is closed (in the Window menu)
Completely redid the way special (non-ASCII) characters are handled in HTML export. The Special Characters preference is now completely ignored. All non-ASCII (the 7-bit flavor) characters are converted, no matter what the preferences say. If this works out, I'll rip out all the UI for the preference.
Turns out passwords can only be a certain length, so I'm now checking this and making sure it's valid
Using a dirty hack to get around a bug in Apple's code, entering an incorrect password will no longer crash MacJournal
Added a quick check at startup to make sure the number of journals you started up with is the same as when you quit. Might catch a few disasters.
Inverted the state of Lock toolber item image so it shows the current status of the journals instead of what will happen if you press it (back to what it used to be)
About Dan Schimpf and Check For Updates menu items will always be enabled, even if window is closed or minimized.
Tweaked Serbian and German Localizations
Specifying an empty replacement string in the find panel for replace and replace all will now work
Some improvements for panther (using new NSSearchField where possible)
You can no longer delete a locked journal
Removed the menu item that gets added when the Preferences window is loaded. Let me know if anyone actually knew about this.
Updated Serbian localization
Added Danish Localization!
Dragging entries into a locked journal will now fail as it should
Resetting the preferences no longer causes the donation window to appear again
Insertion point now correctly lands in topic field (if visible) after creating a journal and naming it
Fixed bug that prevented the current pref pane from updating after resetting the prefs
Added first revision of the help documentation for MacJournal 2.5 with new content and updated file formats
18 more Taco quotes
Fixed the inoperative scrollbar on the special HTML character table
Re-enabled user customization on the Preferences toolbar. Doesn't really match Apple's apps, but it's okay to differ here and there.
Updated other localizations to take care of some minor UI updates
Now you can drag attachments (pictures, etc.) around to reposition them
Updated French Localization
Changed File menu back to Entry menu for English-speaking folks. I'm still thinking about this.
Importing RTFD files via Import->New Entries now works
Fixed an issue with loading encrypted 2.1 entries
Use F12 to jump to the topic field at any time
Fixed the disappearing "Close" button in the Blogger sheet. Oops.
When you try to change the default font for entries, the insertion point automatically lands in the text view to prevent any mishaps
The color well that was in the entry template prefs wasn't remembering the default text color. Fixed.
Added Blogger menu item to the English version, others to follow
Removed some code that I don't think was being used. Let me know if anything stops working.
No longer automatically trying to unlock a journal. Double-click it, or use the lock button, or the menu.
Support for the "hand" cursor over links
When you insert the date and time, it is now automatically selected if you want to bold or italic it
Added character set to default HTML template (UTF-8)
Switched encryption again. My Blowfish apparently sucks. Back to MulleCipher for the time being.
If encryption fails for some reason, the data will still saved unencrypted
Changing the password of a still-encrypted journal will work now
Updated Swedish localization
Updated localizations
Redid a lot of the version number comparison code (i.e. 2.1 is better than 2.0.1) to be, well, better. It now differentiates between common developmental labels, i.e. fc is better than b is better than a, as so forth. I am thinking about branding one final candidate eventually (fc), so this was necessary because the old system would not have seen any different between fc and d
Fixed minor cosmetic issues with localizations
Fixed expanded row spacing that could occur in the entries drawer when switching views
Fixed a problem that could cause the HTML export to fail before even showing the save sheet
Now disallowing customization of the Preferences toolbar because I am evil
Changed encryption again. Removed MulleCipher framework. Back to personal implementation of ECB Blowfish, but it shouldn't crash anymore. And it's even backwards compatible with 2.1!
Fixed issue with find panel not getting the global find string the first time you open it
Completely redid LiveJournal posting so it works now. I've tested it, and it actually posts. It never did before, and I only got one complaint the entire time. Oh well.
Improved the stop ("X") button in the search field. Now it sticks to the right side of the field as it gets resized, and it should always be clickable.
Now prompting automatically for a name after you create a journal since I'm guessing "New Journal 2" isn't always what you want
Finally fixed the infamous keywords issue! If editing more than one entry's keywords per session, they could all end up with the same keywords. It's all locked down, so keyword away.
Fixed a possible issue where 2.1.1 was being shown in the default html template instead of 2.5.
Fixed a bug where the drawers wouldn't display any text if started up in Combined view
Updated Russian Localization
The email sheet will attempt to fill your email address in automatically when using it for the first time
Fixed issue with dragging certains journals from the outline view to the trash
Switch direction of sort arrows to match what they should be
By popular request, double-clicking in an empty spot in the drawer will create a new entry in the current journal
You can now drag entries from both drawers into the Edit Link sheet (it was just the journals drawer initially)
Updated German Localization
Updated Dutch Localization
fixed non-operational change entry drawer font button in prefs
stream-lined and optimized HTML export routines to make them faster and stabler
Added updated German localization.
Save to keychain buttons in enter/change password sheets now remembers what you set for next time (defaulting to off)
now updating find panel when the application becomes active again, to more closely match behavior of other find panels
re-included images for the arrows in table headers. they got lost, so the arrows disappeared and you couldn't tell which way stuff was sorted.
fixed weird display bug in the entries drawer when you switched from Text to Combined view
Added Catalan Localization!
Yet more potential crash fixes around keychain accesses
Updated Serbian localization
Updated Japanese localization
Fixed bug where prepending the day of week in date formats would fail to work for the "short" format in drawers.
Changing date format prefs (in the advanced pane) now updates live in the drawer
Fixed a bug that would hobble the app when the text zoom field was cleared. Also made the new minimum a more logical 1% instead of 0%
Added the little X is the search field when a search is ongoing. It's really hacky and not like Apple's, but it works. Hopefully Apple will make the real search field available for people to use.
special protections around decoding old stuff
added bigger and smaller format menu items
fixed a few things in the version update thing to hopefully crash less
tweaked dragging a bit to make it a little more efficient.
Clearing undo stack when switching entries. you could type something, switch entries, then undo it and mess everything up.
fixed bug where locked journals would be expanded when unlocked even if you specified not to in the prefs
now not saving passwords in the keychain by default
Made some changes to the find panel so it should crash less on Replace All and dirty the document when you replace something
Fixed exporting a journal to text so it works now
text import now works with either \n or \r
Edit Link sheet now replaces all of your spaces with %20
New menu item: Add Link: command-K
you can now drag entries from the drawers into the Edit Link sheet to add their URL automatically
Firmed up the link handler (what happens when you click a macjournal://) to squash crashes
Added Serbian Localization!
Dragging journals to reposition them broke in a previous test release, but is fixed now. This also fixes weirdness (potential crash, unexpected behavior) that may result from dragging journals around.
Fixes a shortcoming of the new entry template system that would allow you to set an empty entry with just a font and/or color.
Fixed the weird drawer-is-all-white bug that has been popping up since the 1800s. Why is NSDrawer not an NSView? Can someone please explain this to me?
You can now drag files/URLs into either field in the Edit Link sheet to add their paths. This is very helpful for file URLs.
The journals drawer now switches menus based on what you are right-clicking: entries or journals.
Firmed up text import of entries (with discovery) to avoid potential crashes. let me know if there are still issues.
Fixed a bug with switch entry views in the entry drawer (combined to anything else, and vice versa)
Split up version info files on server to make for a quicker download
When printing an entry with unsaved changes, MacJournal will now use the unsaved text instead of what's saved
Now sorting entry topics case insensitively
Put some safeties in around importing other MacJournal files (of both old and new types) in case they fail
Redid some of the HTML template stuff to make more sense
Fixed a bug that would crash MacJournal sometimes if you weren't connected to a network and auto version checking was enabled
Tweaked some things to try to fix the "Delete 0 entries" bug people have been reporting
Tweaked LiveJournal network code to provide more error handling and a better success rate
MacJournal now handles macjournal:// links from outside applications, such as web browsers and...TimeCard (1.0pb3)!
Changed the date format of "Insert date and time" back to the "MacJournal" format that is used elsewhere. I hate, hate, hate date and time formats.
Switched default storage location to a newly-created MacJournal Application Support folder. Your existing paths will not be changed; but watch out if you reset your prefs....
Implemented Undo for a few more things, as well as fixed undo in a lot of other things
Over the past few releases (including this one) I've been doing all I can to reduce startup time. I just clocked it informally on my machine and it was twice as fast launching!
Implemented brand new version checking system that runs much better. It also runs automatically at startup (in the background) unless told not to in the preferences.
Corrected an issue where the font panel would not work right after changing the drawer fonts in the prefs.
Add an export of single journals in MacJournal format. This is for the folks who have gigantic collections of data so they can farm some of it out.
Fix a bug where the keychain wouldn't get the new password if it was changed.
Fixed printing journals
Added some common source code file extensions for importing text files via drag and drop or the menu item
Fixed entry view type (topic, date, etc.) not saving upon relaunching app
Fixed memory leaks in the find panel
Changed wording in find panel to read "Entire Entry" to minimize confusion over what the find panel actually does
Fixed the inelegant way the info bar hid itself at startup; you'll never see it now
You can now use Enter as well as Return to dismiss all sheets
MacJournal now remembers the size of the drawers
Fixed printing, which apparently had been broken for the past few test release, but I just kept forgetting about it because I never print anything.
Tweaked table cells a bit and switched to a Apple-provided custom cell for quality.
Removed check marks for the transfer menu. It didn't really make sense.
Worked around a bug in Interface Builder that cause the Delete Entry/Journal menu items to have a key equivalent of command-forward-delete instead of regular delete no matter how many times I set it. It's regular delete now.
Put a one-time-only nag window for donations. this is probably as far as i'll ever go with MacJournal.
Fixed a crasher introduced in d8 involving re-locking journals that were encrypted.
Fixed an issue where an empty entry would take on the font and color of the previously viewed entry when switched too.
MacJournal won't write the journals to disk during each implicit save anymore. It will still write on user-initiated saves (menu and toolbar). This is for optimization purposes.
Switched to MulleCipher (and Twofish) for my encryption purposes. This should solve some of the crashes that popped up with 10.2.4.
Fixed a stupid, stupid bug about archiving a locked journal that is not encrypted. Stupid. This will break format, but I'm not going to provide backwards compatibility to d8, just a big, fat warning in d9.
Implemented key-based coding. The tyranny of the version number is over! Hopefully performance won't be too bad. Unfortunately this forces a new file extension because I couldn't freaking get it to work any other way. But it's okay: I wanted to switch it to ".macjournal" a long time ago.
Took out the encryption radio buttons in favor of a single button. No functionality has been lost, but it is easier to use by far now.
Changed "Entry" menu back to "File" menu to be more HIG compliant
Another long-awaited feature: text zooming! It's a toolbar item. Zoom away!
Special entities in the HTML templates pref pane now tell you what their value is after you type in the illegal character
Changed LiveJournal networking yet again, this time to straight CFNetwork for their HTTP streaming stuff. I tried to do this two or three networking cores ago, but didn't know what I was doing. I still may not now; let me know if it works for those that actually have livejournal accounts.
Completely revamped the e-mail stuff! It works now for text of any length. The e-mail is actually sent from MacJournal (courtesy of the Message framework) instead of opening your e-mail client. E-mail addresses are looked up in the Address Book!
Tweaked the startup behavior to warn the user whenever the load fails
Added ability to add links using the sheet when there is no text selected.
Tweaked HTML export a bit to change two newlines into a <p></p> and a single into a <br>
Messed around with the behavior of "Next" and "Previous" to make it more logical. It wraps now, and should head in a more obvious direction
Removed "Cycle Journals" menu item in favor of just having it work quietly.
Added "View" submenu to Journals menu to mirror the Entry menu
Fixed dragging things from either table into the trash. (it used to crash)
Added "remove style" menu item
Removed buttons at the bottom of drawers. For clutter.
Delayed some stuff at app launch to speed the launch up greatly
Added support for symlinking the text backup of entries
Fixed a bug that prevented deletion of entries when the warning was turned off.
Fixed a crasher with Import Entries from Text
minor feature improvement: more stats: number of characters and average word length
modal error dialog when a save-on-quit fails (instead of a sheet that didn't stop anything)
Much more secure encryption scheme (much, much, much...). This is actually quite notable. It wasn't very good before, and this one should actually work a lot better. This also means a new file format (newer than past test releases and much newer than 2.1).
fixed an issue with setting the font of the tables (whoops)
fixed bug where MJ wouldn't switch to a new entry after creating it
actually remove the number column in the entries drawer if numbering is disabled, instead of just not displaying anything there
took out UI for using old journal format (new is now the default). still accessible via command line, see release notes
switch networking cores yet again from DSSocket to NetSocket (based on CFSocket)
Did some work on the way prefs get initialized so the app will hopefully launch quicker.
Other random bugs that I can't remember right now
Fixed a bunch of memory leaks. Exciting!
New import behaviors:
Drag all kinds of text files (rich/plain) into drawers to create entries with them
Import text command now accepts multiple files and does the same thing as above
Fixed an issue with double-clicking in the journals drawer not recognizing when you double-clicked a journal vs. an entry
Fixed a bug where changing the current journal name would fail to update the title of the window with the new name
Started inverting the insertion point color when the background color gets below a certain brightness (60% right now). Terminal-savvy users can control this number with the defaults system by using the key InsertionPointColorDivision (default is 0.6).
Redid how each outline view cell draws (using a new custom subclass) to get rid of aesthetic oddities and general programming hacky-ness
Background color pane now updates continuously as opposed to only when the "apply" button is pressed
New Feature! Control the font of both tables in the drawers using the Drawers pref pane. I like this one!
Preferences now adds a menu with all the available panes when the window is open (and removes it when it closes)
Scrapped some things in the interest of releasing this thing this millenium:
storing journals as multiple files on disk instead of one
super-customizing date format
FTP transfer
New warning when a save fails
Backup options: backup as MacJournal file, text, and/or XML file
changed default location of saved data to ~/Documents. for fun, I guess.
New networking core (replaced SmallSockets with my own kind)
Fixed issue with search menu accidentally not working in d5
Removed "MacJournal:" and little icon from window title. Blame Matt. :-)
Finally figured out how to get the search/topic text fields to work properly when dragging a string to them (i.e. auto-initiate the search, or dirty the entry automatically). Finally!
MacJournal is now aware of the info bar when putting the insertion point in the topic field (it won't if it's not visible, it will go to the text view)
Preference window now has a key equiv: the semicolon!
Fix a problem with not loading the auto save pref into the window when loading, and added an "enabled" button to make things clearer.
As a neat side-effect of some other improvements, you are returned to the entry that was previously opened before locking the journal after you unlock it again. Fun times.
Added option for including AM/PM in dates. In Advanced pane for now.
Got rid of ugly drag images when dragging stuff in the entry drawer; now it just does the text representation (like I always wanted it to)
Made several things relating to tables/outline views and drag-and-drop more efficient (and a lot easier to read the code)
Made more things a lot more efficient (I'm really working on this stuff)
Added special sheet to search for people with their toolbars set to text only
Big new feature: include checkboxes in entries (for to do lists, and the like). Use the menu item in "Entry", or command-L
Big new enhancement: bold and italic attributes are now exported into HTML! Links are also translated into HTML anchor statements. I'll work on images for later on.
Completely rewrote most of the drag and drop code (still should be careful of dragging things)
Reinstated the option to "switch" drawers upon selection in the journals drawer (I took it out when I killed the second drawer)
Neato new feature: importing a .mjj file (by dragging the file or with "Read Journals") will (if necessary) prompt to *replace* journals with names found in the dragged file (for restoring backed-up files or synchronizing two copies of MacJournal)
Undo might actually work now. I'm not sure when it stopped working, but it should now.
Completely overhauled the preferences system to be more correctly done and cut down on weird issues
Changed the "change date" sheet to a simple text field with a formatter instead now that I have a handle on formatters
And, of course, improved Taco
Re-implemented the Entries drawer to complement a modified Journals drawer. There is now a preference to turn off auto-expanding of a selected journal, so it basically can work like it did in earlier versions if specified.
New pref for turning off numbering in entry drawer (actually in window now)
Pref for quitting when window is closed is actually in the pref window too now
HTML export special tag "date" has been split into "date" and "time" (self-explanatory functions)
Each journal now saves what entry you were last looking at in it, so switching to another journal will bring you right back to it
Dragging plain text or rich text (w/ or w/o attachments) creates an entry with the text in either drawer (I may have mentioned this earlier, but the rich text part is definitely new)
Worked on efficiency of the code a lot (cutting down the number of times the same helper method is invoked for each user-initiated action), so things should be faster, especially when starting and quitting MacJournal
Implemented Import/Export for HTML templates. Back 'em up, or trade 'em with your friends with the magic of XML.
Rewrote a lot of how the special text fields (search and topic) work to make them much more efficient and standardized in appearance (I'll make a good programmer out of me yet)
Also sped up how my customized "Combined" table cell draws to make it a lot more efficient
Re-implemented LiveJournal support (the frameworks are now included) and added some prefs for it
Began work on a possible FTP feature (it doesn't work at all yet)
Implemented some basic text cleanup abilities:
Multiple Spaces -> Tab
Multiple Spaces -> Single Space
Strip Leading spaces
The find panel now recognizes some escape sequences (\n \t \r) for both finding and replacing
Topics can now officially be only one line in length (it was possible to paste a whole article in there, which is confusing)
New pref for adding the day of the week into dates. It's in the Advanced pane (for lack of a better location). Restart MacJournal for it to take effect
Moved the window-closing pref into the advanced pane too.
Testing out a software update menu item. It's in the MacJournal menu (and it actually works!)
And, of course, improved Taco
Disabled the LiveJournal stuff because it turns out that I don't know how to include frameworks yet. I'll figure it out (if I think it's important enough), but I'm too busy now. I wanted to get a test version that actually launched on any machine other than mine out there.
Added ability to drag to the search and topic text fields. This is something that should be there by default....
Dragging text into the drawer creates a new entry in the dragged-to journal with that text (as requested)
New toolbar item for LiveJournal uploading
Fixed a bug that would prevent the dock menu from updating when a journal was locked
Keyboard alternatives for center, left, and right justify. You'll just have to full justify things with the mouse for now. Sorry 'bout that.
Importing text (including RTF/RTFD) appends it instead of replacing the contents of an entry (this one started here and had to be integrated into the 2.1.1 source. Kind of annoying...)
Added a "Cycle Journals" which is essentially the same as Increment journal, but uses Command-Tilde instead. I wish I knew a better way to register keyboard equivalents....
Fixed some problems with passwords being of length 0 and still locking journals
Fixed the weird problem that caused the pref window to not load (or load blank)
There may have been some issues with the encryption between this and earlier builds. See, I removed the special encryption key to post the code, and kind of forgot to put it back in.... I put an extra check in there for this build just in case. You may find your passwords wiped out, and you should turn off encryption in d2 before replacing it with this one. Sorry!
Firmed up the Drag and Drop and reimplemented stuff that I hadn't gotten around to doing (I've had to basically rewrite all the dragon drop code because of the way outline views work, so I'm really wishing I hadn't been so enterprising for 2.1!), so it might be usable now. I said "might...."
Implemented the much-anticipated Link editing feature. Check this out:
New toolbar item for editing links
Option-click on links to edit them too
Intra-MacJournal linking of the form macjournal://Journal Name/Entry Topic
Integrated some improvements from 2.1.1
Scrapped the Entries drawer and moved the Journals drawer to a hierarchical outline view. Maybe this will work.
Put the search field into the toolbar with a custom toolbar item
Put the different viewing preferences (date, topic, text) into a contextual menu on the outline view
Added a warning dialog if MacJournal can't save to the designated location.
Added a check so that if the save location is ever messed up, revert back to the default (~/Library/Preferences) and not totally fail like before.
Totally revamped HTML export to give full control over templates and special characters
Real encryption for saved entries! Turn encryption on and off in the Advanced preferences, or choose to just encrypt locked journals
Updated localizations
Added Russian Localization!
Greatly enhanced drag-and-drop
move entries directly in a journal (option-drag to just copy it)
drag journal files from the Finder into the journal table
reposition journals in the drawer (option-drag to just copy it)
copy an entire journal by dragging it onto another one
MacJournal now remembers the location of the insertion point in journals
Command-clicking the window title now displays the path to the data files
If no data files are found at the specified location, MacJournal no longer changes the preference, it just looks someplace else temporarily
Added control over opaqueness preference (that existed in 2.0)
Added ability to set an interval to automatically save entries
MacJournal no longer quits when the window is closed. Show the window again with the menu bar or by clicking on the dock (to be more HI compliant)
Fixed a bug where toggling the sort order would loose the current entry (the row stays highlighted, the entry changes)
Changed control of the sort order from the menu to just clicking the column header in the drawer (more standard that way)
Added Portuguese Localization! Sort of!
Inverted the order of the entry numbers for it to make more sense
Remedied an issue with using the arrow keys in the entry/journal lists from early builds of 2.0
Add cool "drag images" when dragging things from tables
Fixed a problem with deleting the prefs file, then trying to use MacJournal
Greatly overhauled how MacJournal deals with preferences to make it more industry-standard (preparing for source release)
Began work on 2.1 features while waiting for localizations to get finished. Should be a quicker turnaround for this one....
I now use the localized date format from System Preferences instead of my own (why wasn't it like this in the first place?)
Added Japanese Localization!
Added Swedish Localization!
Added ability to select multiple entries in order to delete, transfer, print, export, change date, and change keywords. Quite an undertaking, believe you me.
Redesigned entries drawer GUI to make selecting different views (date, topic, etc.) easier and to re-enable text viewing
Added "gray strings" to the topic and search field that display when they're not selected/filled. Eye candy.
Fixed question mark buttons in sheets that did nothing but beep
Fixed issue with umlauts in the German localization not showing up.
Services! Highlight any text anywhere and use the services menu to make a new entry with it.
Dock Menu! A new feature in 10.1 allows you to create a new entry/journal using the dock icon. It also displays your current entry's date and topic
New Preferences window! Again! The prefs window I always wanted.
The adjustable bar in the middle of the window is gone in favor of a removable Info Bar! It's just like Mail, or the Finder, and what I always wanted it to do.
Added ability to control background color of main window.
Added keywords to each entry for added searching ability
Replaced Text tab in the Entries drawer with a combined view of both the Date and the Topic
Search field automatically searches if you type something (a la Mail)
HTML export now adds the correct DOCTYPE (standards are good)
MacJournal now adds the correct Metadata tags to saved journal files (as well as the filename extension).
New toolbar item and menu items for e-mailing entries and journals. It will open up your default e-mail app. E-Mails over 1K will be rejected because they are too long (this is not my limitation).
URLs when clicked will open up in your browser (you must save an entry for URLs to be highlighted)
Journals can be exported to plain text files
New file format for saved data. Once you open 2.0, you will be unable to open 1.5.4 or earlier to read your entries, but you also won't be able to read them in any text editor.
Drag and Drop! Drag entries and/or journals from the tables to the Finder or the entry text
The order of the numbers in the entry drawers now toggle with the sort order
Standard find window added for entry text
New Journal statistics toolbar item
Transfer entries between journals using the Entry menu or the contextual menu
Toolbar items for Import/Export entry text fixed
Journal name is now displayed in the window title instead of current entry time
Fixed annoying crash when using toolbar items to drop down sheets
Fixed bug when attempting to change journals before opening the journals drawer
And, of course, improved Taco!
Fixes bug introduced with OS X 10.1. Apple started enforcing the difference between mutable and immutable sets....
Open and save directories are now saved between uses and app launches for your convenience
You can now designate where you want the entries to be stored (to allow for automatic backup and/or greater convenience with multiple users)
Added support for translating some special characters when exporting a journal to HTML so they'll show up nicely (notably: emdashes, smart quotes, and the Euro)
Fixed the mega-obnoxious interface bug where the window contents would stay the same size after you resized the window and restarted the app.
Fixed an annoying bug that prevent the app from properly quitting when the window was closed in a certain case (i.e. a drawer was open)
Fixed a bug in the Spanish and German versions that would prevent the user from unlocking a journal in those languages (oops!)
Long lines will no longer be clipped off when printing entries
Many, many small bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements
Still waiting for my development copy of Mac OS X 10.1 ....
French Localization!
Entries are now saved when locking the journal
Better protection against corrupted files. When in doubt, however, save them out as a backup!
Added option to lock journals with passwords on quit
Searches are now ended properly when the search box is cleared
Fixed interface bug that affected windows that had been resized beyond the factory default size
Restored the Ruler toolbar item
Fixed a nasty bug in exporting journals to HTML
Added the German Localization!
The way dates and times display is now localized
Another oft-requested feature: you now have the option of exporting a printing an entry with its topic and date attached.
MacJournal will stay on the same entry when its time is updated (and moved to the top of the list)
Advanced searching has been implemented to show all entries in a journal with the given search terms. You can also switch journals to continue the search.
MacJournal now uses the Apple Help Viewer for its brand new (actual) help documentation
Journals can be exported to both RTF, HTML, and printed (and therefore exported to PDF using the printing dialog box)
A few more and arguably negligible changes from beta 1.
Multiple journals! MacJournal now supports as many individually named journals as you want.
Journal locking! The most requested feature is now here. You can lock each journal with its own password. If Keychain support ever comes natively to Cocoa, I'll add that too.
MacJournal now starts up on the same entry in the same journal as you left off in when you quit
The usual bug fixes (mostly behind the scenes; nothing visible) and performance enhancements
Removed the Ruler toolbar item because it was too redundant and not useful enough. Rulers are still available from the Format menu.
Added some new preferences (like default color and font) that required me to reset the preferences if you've used 1.0 before. Sorry.
MacJournal will no longer exit out if bad journal files are loaded at startup (it will just make a new one and chug along)
Redesigned preferences window to accomodate new options. If Apple ever releases an API for their nifty preferences window (like System Preferences), I'll do it that way.
A lot of other, possibly major stuff that I'm too lazy/forgetful to record
Improved taco :-)
You can now undo an import
Added a menu item to get to my website
Added a preference to remember the continuous spell-checking state (default is "off")
MacJournal now backs up entries every time it quits. These entries (stored in a different file) can be accessed using the Restore from backup menu option. It is undoable, and you can turn off the warning.
Added a Spelling toolbar item that does the same thing as the "Check Spelling" menu item
Contextual menus for the drawer
The main window now tells you what entry you are currently viewing as well as the total amount
Added a format checking method for the entries stored in a file.
Completely rewrote how Preferences work and the window is displayed. It looks much prettier, and it works much prettier as well.
New icons for a lot of things, including the application. I need a graphics department!
I tried to let the user control where the drawer comes out of, but there's a bug in Apple's code relating to this, so that's on hold for a future release of MacJournal
Added a "Text" tab to the drawer. It displays the first line of each entry so you can chose them that way. There's also a preference for what tab will be selected first.
Improved the user experience to more closely match that of OS X (stuff like "dirtying" the window when an entry is unsaved)
Other minor improvements and streamlines. A lot of things are now done properly that were just "working" in prior releases.
Fixed a bug where the topic listing in the drawer wouldn't update if the topic would change in the main window
attempted to put an icon on the application
Preferences! Now you can shut off any and all warnings in the application. It even has a window all to its own!
Default toolbar items have been reshuffled, and many new items have been added to the stable.
Import/Export! You can now import and export the entry text to rtf/rtfd.
MacJournal now actually stores all the different fonts/colors. Be happy.
Spanish localization! I did as much as I could; anything that's left is Apple's fault.
No user preferences (unlikely for first release)
Printing kind of bites. Only the entry text is printed, and not very attractively.
The default toolbar items are still very much in the air. They may change before the final release.
© 2001-2013 Dan Schimpf. All rights reserved.